[hunchentoot-devel] Specializing process-request
Frode V. Fjeld
frode at netfonds.no
Wed Nov 25 12:14:40 UTC 2009
Hans Hübner <hans.huebner at gmail.com> writes:
> the patch looks good. Can you please provide a patch with a docstring
> and a documentation update?
Sure, I'm attaching a patch. I tweaked the docstring for process-request
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This patch is simple in the sense that it provides an extra
configuration point without otherwise interfering with the API.
BTW, having now looked into using process-request as a "configuration
point", I would suggest that there should be some refactoring: Move the
pieces of it that are intrinsic to hunchentoot, such as bindings
etc. for *tmp-files*, *headers-sent*, *request*, handler-done, and
*within-request-p* [why not just (not (null *request*))?] into
process-connection (or some internal defun), and keep just the stuff
that implements the default condition handling.
The point would be to have two well-defined configuration points:
process-request that does condition handinling, and dispatch-request
that is within the scope of said condition handling.
Frode V. Fjeld
Netfonds Bank ASA
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