[hunchentoot-devel] [patch] Invoking the debugger in Hunchentoot (was: Invoke-debugger)

Leslie P. Polzer sky at viridian-project.de
Mon Nov 16 18:25:34 UTC 2009

Edi Weitz wrote:

> At the handler level it wouldn't be possible.  Right now, I don't
> think a special variable would buy you more flexibility given the
> Hunchentoot architecture.  But I've been wrong before... :)

FWIW in Weblocks we have settled down to a scheme that's similar
to the one that used to be in Hunchentoot 0. Our API lets the
developer decide whether he wants to have the debugger invoked
or rather have the error handled by an error page.

In another application (a command-line tool) we have three
choices: invoke debugger, exit with error, exit after printing


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