[hunchentoot-devel] create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler and pathname-name & pathname-type

Frode V. Fjeld frode at netfonds.no
Tue Nov 10 10:06:45 UTC 2009

"Leslie P. Polzer" <sky at viridian-project.de> writes:

> I've missed that the OP was using Weblocks. We've had pathname issues
> with Lispworks in the past, and they might still be in the stable
> branch.

I didn't suspect it was a weblocks issue at first.

> I suggest to try weblocks-dev to see if this has been resolved and
> write to the Weblocks list if it hasn't.

I tried weblocks-dev, and the problem appears to remain. I also made a
post to the Weblocks list about this.

However, I think I finally found the relevant section of the CLHS:

> :UNSPECIFIC as a Component Value

> If :unspecific is the value of a pathname component, the component is
> considered to be ``absent'' or to ``have no meaning'' in the filename
> being represented by the pathname.

> [...]

> When reading[1] the value of any pathname component, conforming
> programs should be prepared for the value to be :unspecific.

The last paragraph indicates to me that the correct resolution would be
for hunchentoot to be prepared to see either NIL or :UNSPECIFIC ..?

Frode V. Fjeld

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