[hunchentoot-devel] Widget Guidlines

First name Last name zaries at global.co.za
Mon Jan 19 18:41:19 UTC 2009


I have been using hunchentoot for the last two months and I
 have created a DB-Grid widget for myself. I pass relevant info in
 through parameters like table name and columns to display and the
 widget generates a html grid with paging, edit/delete and search

My lisp experience however is limited and my
 widget is feeling more and more clunky as the functionality grows. I
 would like to ask the experts how they would structure/design such a
 widget using hunchentoot (cl-who + postmodern).

I was thinking
 that such a widget might benefit others as well and others might have
 widgets that I might find useful. If we all use our own designs thow
 the resulting code might end up being to diverse to support. I would
 also not like to have to use a whole other framework on top of
 hunchentoot unless it came from the hunchentoot community and/or was
 supported by them. I would like the widgets to be as close as possible
 to hunchentoot to make them small, light and independant.

 it be feasible to set up  a guideline/specification for hunchentoot
 widgets in general and widgets dealing with data-binding specifically?
 This way we could share widget among each other based on some standard
 that is documented and "trusted".


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