[hunchentoot-devel] blinking hunchentoot logo

Patrick May pjm at spe.com
Sun Nov 9 23:41:41 UTC 2008

On 9 Nov 2008, at 17:43, Andrea Chiumenti wrote:
> argh!
> you need only two imeages
> one with eyes open and the other with eyes closed,
> then you have a div with background-image (eyes-open.png);
> and you can put inside one dive with eyes-closed.png
> then  shape and position the close eyes div accordingly.

	If it causes you such consternation, please feel free to modify the  
code I provided.  Your textual description fails to compile.  ;-)



pjm at spe.com
S P Engineering, Inc.
Large scale, mission-critical, distributed OO systems design and  
(C++, Java, Common Lisp, Jini, middleware, SOA)

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