[hunchentoot-devel] blinking hunchentoot logo

Jeff Cunningham jeffrey at cunningham.net
Sun Nov 9 19:11:38 UTC 2008

Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
>> My daughter was looking at the Hunchentoot logo this morning and said
>> she thought someone ought to make it animated so that one the eyes
>> blinks every so often, and then another one - randomly. I don't know how
>> to do that. Does anyone know how to do that? It would be really cool. I
>> suppose it would have to be a GIF though.
> Sounds cool!
> GIF is a suitable image format, although it's technically possible
> with MNG too.
> You can achieve a non-random effect with Gimp, for example.
> If you build in enough frames you can make it look random enough.
> Or you can generate the image yourself with Skippy:
>   http://www.xach.com/lisp/skippy/
> This method also allows you to generate random transitions on
> the fly.
>   Leslie
The skippy idea is pretty neat - doing it to the spider would make a 
great little demo. Maybe one of the eyes should be bloodshot once in a 
while - like he's been up all night on a binge - and then - blink - 
they're back to normal and people aren't sure they really saw it or not.

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