[hunchentoot-devel] Newbie question - how to examine session object?

Yarek Kowalik yarek.kowalik at gmail.com
Mon May 5 18:58:50 UTC 2008

 I'm a lisp newbie, but I am very determined to quickly learn it.

 I'm using most recent SBCL with Weblocks.  I'm connecting to my SBCL
 using slime.  I'm intrested in examining the ession objects - what's
 the most effective way of examining the session object?

 Here is what I have tried, but obviously I am doing something wrong:

 CL-USER> (weblocks:active-sessions)
 (#<HUNCHENTOOT::SESSION {100245E011}>)
 CL-USER> (hunchentoot:session-value :remote-addr
 (#<HUNCHENTOOT::SESSION {100245E011}>) )
 ;     (#<HUNCHENTOOT::SESSION {100245E011}>)
 ; caught ERROR:
 ;   illegal function call
 ; compilation unit finished
 ;   caught 1 ERROR condition

 ... at which point I get into the debugger... What am I doing wrong?

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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