[hunchentoot-devel] feature request

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Tue Jul 8 23:59:14 UTC 2008

Currently, if a file is setup for logging and some other program  
modifies the file, subsequent log messages fail with a message like  

[2008-07-08 16:56:00 [ERROR]] Error while processing connection: I/O  
timeout reading #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "a socket" {136DDCD1}>.

It would be nice if we trapped this error and reopened the file for  
appending at this point instead of just timing out. Not sure how  
involved this is though. Figured I'd record the intention here for  
posterity's sake in case I never get around to trying to do this.



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