[hunchentoot-devel] how much virtual memory do your servers use?

Yoni Rabkin yoni at rabkins.net
Sat Jan 5 20:14:07 UTC 2008

Jeff Cunningham <jeffrey at cunningham.net> writes:

> What kind of virtual memory usage do you folks see in your servers?

Anywhere between 90MB and 250MB of *resident* memory. The higher values
are when they load a large data-set into memory.

These numbers are for SBCL+Hunchentoot, in images which work for a few
months at a time. The numbers have also been the consistent across
different SBCL versions.

I've never had a memory leak under SBCL+Hunchentoot which wasn't
directly my fault.

My friend is usually:

CL-USER> (room)

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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