[hunchentoot-devel] Finding out if we're multithreaded

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Sat Feb 16 11:03:57 UTC 2008

On Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:30:54 +0100, "Hans Hübner" <hans at huebner.org> wrote:

> CMUCL does not have threads.  It does have multiprocessing based on
> SERVE-EVENT which is implemented in the Lisp runtime, as opposed to
> Lisp with threads that uses platform (often POSIX, but sometimes
> also Win32) threads to implement Lisp multiprocessing.

Yes, the same (in a similar way) is true for LispWorks pre-5.

> For many applications, cooperative multiprocessing is easier to work
> with as there are fewer hazards.

Not to mention that "native" MP on Linux often has a recent kernel as
a requirement whereas for example CMUCL or LW 4.x will also run on old

> I would like to see Hunchentoot support CMUCL in the future

What about now?  There's port-cmu.lisp and friends...


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