[hunchentoot-devel] hunchentoot broken?

Cyrus Harmon ch-tbnl at bobobeach.com
Mon Sep 10 23:46:10 UTC 2007

Well, I'm having one of those bad days when I try to change too many  
moving parts at once, so I'm not exactly sure what is broken, but the  
combination of hunchentoot 0.12.0 and chunga 0.3.1 and the latest  
SBCL sources running on MacOS yields blank pages (in Camino) and:

"Safari can’t open the page “http://localhost:4242/” because the  
server unexpectedly dropped the connection, which sometimes occurs  
when the server is busy. You might be able to open the page later."

in Safari.

Time to back off to the previous revs and see if things start working  


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