[hunchentoot-devel] gzip-encoding

Mac Chan emailmac at gmail.com
Mon May 28 03:21:19 UTC 2007

On 5/26/07, Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> wrote:
> I suppose gzip itself will also take some time, won't it?  Why do you
> think flexi-streams is the culprit in this case?

Because it was convenient to blame flexi-steams ;-) (re: the upload
performance thread)

> I think static files aren't something we should be
> particularly concerned with.  If you have lots of static files and
> Hunchentoot can't serve them fast enough for your purposes, let Apache
> serve them, or put them behind mod_lisp and use mod_gzip.  Besides,
> clients will cache Javascript files, so they'll have to read your big
> Ajax library only once.

I wasn't too concerned about scalability. Like you said, if it is a
public facing high-traffic website, putting hunchentoot behind
mod-lisp would be a safer bet.

However, even in intranet application, downloading 790k verse 220k is
a huge difference in user experience.

And not to mention that you don't have to deal with apache setup and

Imagine hacking httpd.conf and installing mods verse writing your own
mod-alias mod-rewrite in lisp, changing the rules in runtime without
restarting the web server. Which one is more fun? ;)

> >         (accept-gzip-p (search "gzip" (header-in :accept-encoding)))
> I think that's a bit too simplistic.  The header could be one of
>   Accept-Encoding: x-frogzipper
>   Accept-Encoding: gzip; q=0
>   Accept-Encoding: *

Yeah, you're right. I was just trying to do some experiments and fish
for ideas from the mailing list.

> Something like this maybe (untested):

See? I threw in a brick and got some quality code back. Not bad at all :-)

> I'm not against it per se, but I wouldn't want to add it just for
> static files.

Agreed. I don't think we should put half baked solution into
hunchentoot. For now I'll adopt it into

-- Mac

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