[hunchentoot-devel] per server easy-handler-alist

Mac Chan emailmac at gmail.com
Fri May 18 22:45:21 UTC 2007

On 5/18/07, Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> wrote:
> Edit.  Hmm...  You're not the first one.  Maybe I should change my
> name... :)

I have an excuse - google didn't flag any spelling errors :-)

> > Attached is a patch that introduce a slot :name to the server class
> > and a global variable *servers* which is an a-list mapping names to
> > server instances.
> I think you forgot the patch.

> > I'd appreciate any suggestions.
> At a first glance, this seems like a useful change to me.  I have to
> think about it a bit more.

Of course it would be best if you do the refactoring (provided that
you have time), the result is probably optimal.

Anyway, you can take a look at the patch and see if it is useful.

-- Mac
-------------- next part --------------
Index: doc/index.html
--- doc/index.html	(revision 1242)
+++ doc/index.html	(working copy)
@@ -316,10 +316,11 @@
 several servers in one image, each one listening to a different port.
-<br><a class=none name="start-server"><b>start-server</b> <i><tt>&key</tt> port address dispatch-table mod-lisp-p use-apache-log-p input-chunking-p read-timeout write-timeout setuid setgid ssl-certificate-file ssl-privatekey-file ssl-privatekey-password</i> => <i>server</i></a>
+<br><a class=none name="start-server"><b>start-server</b> <i><tt>&key</tt>name port address dispatch-table mod-lisp-p use-apache-log-p input-chunking-p read-timeout write-timeout setuid setgid ssl-certificate-file ssl-privatekey-file ssl-privatekey-password</i> => <i>server</i></a>
-<blockquote><br> Starts a Hunchentoot server instance and returns it.
-<code><i>port</i></code> ist the port the server will be listening on
+<blockquote><br> Starts a Hunchentoot server instance named 
+<code><i>name</i></code> and returns it.
+<code><i>port</i></code> is the port the server will be listening on
 - the default is 80 (or 443 if SSL information is provided).
 If <code><i>address</i></code> is a string denoting an IP address,
 then the server only receives connections for that address.  This must
@@ -636,7 +637,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/03_de.htm">destructuring lambda list</a>
-  (name &key uri default-parameter-type default-request-type).
+  (name &key uri default-parameter-type default-request-type server-names).
 <code><i>lambda-list</i></code> is a list the elements of which are either a symbol
@@ -670,6 +671,9 @@
 <code><i>default-request-type</i></code> (the default of which
 is <code>:BOTH</code>) will be used.
+If <code><i>server-names</i></code> is provided, it should be a list of names 
+indicating which servers that this handler will apply. See <a href="#start-server"><code>START-SERVER</code></a>
 The value of <code><i>var</i></code> will usually be a string (unless
 it resulted from a <a href="#upload">file upload</a> in which case it won't be converted at
 all), but if <code><i>parameter-type</i></code> (which is evaluated)
Index: easy-handlers.lisp
--- easy-handlers.lisp	(revision 1242)
+++ easy-handlers.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -155,6 +155,24 @@
                                                   ,(or request-type default-request-type)))
+(defun replace-easy-handler-entry (uri name &optional server-names)
+  "Replace an entry in the easy-handler-alist, given an uri and a
+function name. If server-names is not provided, *easy-handler-alist*
+is modified. Otherwise, change the easy-handler-alist slot of the
+named server instances."
+  (macrolet ((do-it (place)
+               `(progn
+                 (setf ,place
+                  (delete-if (lambda (cons)
+                               (or (equal uri (car cons))
+                                   (eq name (cdr cons))))
+                   ,place))
+                 (push (cons uri name) ,place))))
+    (if server-names
+        (dolist (server (mapcar 'make-server server-names))
+          (do-it (server-easy-handler-alist server)))
+        (do-it *easy-handler-alist*))))
 (defmacro define-easy-handler (description lambda-list &body body)
   "Defines a handler with the body BODY and optionally registers
 it with a URI so that it will be found by DISPATCH-EASY-HANDLERS.
@@ -188,6 +206,9 @@
 DEFAULT-REQUEST-TYPE \(the default of which is :BOTH) will be
+If server-names is provided, it should be a list of names indicating
+which servers that this handler will apply. See START-SERVER
 The value of VAR will usually be a string \(unless it resulted from a
 file upload in which case it won't be converted at all), but if
 PARAMETER-TYPE \(which is evaluated) is provided, the string will be
@@ -273,23 +294,19 @@
     (setq description (list description)))
   (destructuring-bind (name &key uri
                                  (default-parameter-type ''string)
-                                 (default-request-type :both))
-      description
-    (with-unique-names (cons uri%)
+                                 (default-request-type :both)
+                                 server-names)
+      description    
+    (with-unique-names (uri%)
-         ,@(when uri
-             `((let ((,uri% ,uri))
-                 (setq *easy-handler-alist*
-                       (delete-if (lambda (,cons)
-                                    (or (equal ,uri% (car ,cons))
-                                        (eq ',name (cdr ,cons))))
-                                  *easy-handler-alist*))
-                 (push (cons ,uri% ',name) *easy-handler-alist*))))
-         (defun ,name (&key ,@(loop for part in lambda-list
-                                    collect (make-defun-parameter part
-                                                                  default-parameter-type
-                                                                  default-request-type)))
-           , at body)))))
+        (let ((,uri% ,uri))
+          (when ,uri%
+            (replace-easy-handler-entry ,uri% ',name ,server-names)))
+        (defun ,name (&key ,@(loop for part in lambda-list
+                                   collect (make-defun-parameter part
+                                                                 default-parameter-type
+                                                                 default-request-type)))
+          , at body)))))
 ;; help the LispWorks IDE to find these definitions
Index: server.lisp
--- server.lisp	(revision 1242)
+++ server.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -30,14 +30,17 @@
 (in-package :hunchentoot)
 (defclass server ()
-  ((socket :accessor server-socket
+  ((name :initarg :name :initform nil :accessor server-instance-name
+         :documentation "A name to identify a server
+instance. e.g. :https or :http")
+   (socket :accessor server-socket
            :documentation "The socket the server is listening on.")
    (port :initarg :port
-         :reader server-local-port
+         :accessor server-local-port
          :documentation "The port the server is listening on.
    (address :initarg :address
-            :reader server-address
+            :accessor server-address
             :documentation "The address the server is listening
 on.  See START-SERVER.")
    (dispatch-table :initarg :dispatch-table
@@ -45,17 +48,23 @@
                    :documentation "The dispatch-table used by this
 server.  Can be NIL to denote that *META-DISPATCHER* should be called
+   (easy-handler-alist :initarg :easy-handler-alist
+                       :initform nil
+                       :accessor server-easy-handler-alist
+                       :documentation "The easy-handler-alist used by
+this server. Can be NIL to denote that the *easy-handler-alist*
+should be used instead")
    (output-chunking-p :initarg :output-chunking-p
-                      :reader server-output-chunking-p
+                      :accessor server-output-chunking-p
                       :documentation "Whether the server may use output chunking.")
    (input-chunking-p :initarg :input-chunking-p
-                     :reader server-input-chunking-p
+                     :accessor server-input-chunking-p
                      :documentation "Whether the server may use input chunking.")
    (read-timeout :initarg :read-timeout
-                 :reader server-read-timeout
+                 :accessor server-read-timeout
                  :documentation "The read-timeout of the server.")
    (write-timeout :initarg :write-timeout
-                  :reader server-write-timeout
+                  :accessor server-write-timeout
                   :documentation "The write-timeout of the server.")
    (listener :accessor server-listener
              :documentation "The Lisp process which listens for
@@ -66,26 +75,26 @@
             :documentation "A list of currently active worker threads.")
    (mod-lisp-p :initform nil
                :initarg :mod-lisp-p
-               :reader server-mod-lisp-p
+               :accessor server-mod-lisp-p
                :documentation "Whether this is a genuine
 Hunchentoot server or \"just\" infrastructure for mod_lisp.")
    (use-apache-log-p :initarg :use-apache-log-p
-                     :reader server-use-apache-log-p
+                     :accessor server-use-apache-log-p
                      :documentation "Whether the server should use
 Apache's log file.  Only applicable if MOD-LISP-P is true.")
    (ssl-certificate-file :initarg :ssl-certificate-file
-                         :reader server-ssl-certificate-file
+                         :accessor server-ssl-certificate-file
                          :documentation "The namestring of a
 certificate file if SSL is used, NIL otherwise.")
    (ssl-privatekey-file :initarg :ssl-privatekey-file
-                        :reader server-ssl-privatekey-file
+                        :accessor server-ssl-privatekey-file
                         :documentation "The namestring of a
 private key file if SSL is used, NIL otherwise.")
    (ssl-privatekey-password :initarg :ssl-privatekey-password
-                            :reader server-ssl-privatekey-password
+                            :accessor server-ssl-privatekey-password
                             :documentation "The password for the
 private key file or NIL.")
    (lock :initform (make-lock (format nil "hunchentoot-lock-~A"
@@ -96,7 +105,19 @@
   (:documentation "An object of this class contains all relevant
 information about a running Hunchentoot server instance."))
-(defun start-server (&key (port 80 port-provided-p)
+(defun make-server (&optional name)
+  "Return a named server if one is already created. Otherwise create a
+new instance and insert it into the named-server alist if name is
+  (let ((server (cdr (assoc name *servers* :test #'equalp))))
+    (unless server
+      (setq server (make-instance 'server :name name))
+      (when name
+        (setq *servers* (acons name server *servers*))))
+    (values server)))
+(defun initialize-server (&key name
+                          (port 80 port-provided-p)
                           (mod-lisp-p nil)
@@ -104,11 +125,55 @@
                           (input-chunking-p t)
                           (read-timeout *default-read-timeout*)
                           (write-timeout *default-write-timeout*)
-                          #+(and :unix (not :win32)) setuid
-                          #+(and :unix (not :win32)) setgid
                           #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-certificate-file
                           #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (ssl-privatekey-file ssl-certificate-file)
-                          #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-privatekey-password)
+                          #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-privatekey-password
+                          &allow-other-keys)
+  "Return a server instance with the various slots initialized properly."
+  (let ((server (make-server name))
+        (output-chunking-p t))
+    #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+    (when ssl-certificate-file
+      ;; disable output chunking for SSL connections
+      (setq output-chunking-p nil)
+      (unless port-provided-p (setq port 443)))
+    ;; no timeouts if behind mod_lisp
+    (when mod-lisp-p
+      (setq read-timeout nil
+            write-timeout nil))
+    (setf (server-local-port server) port
+          (server-address server) address
+          (server-dispatch-table server) dispatch-table
+          (server-mod-lisp-p server) mod-lisp-p
+          (server-use-apache-log-p server) (and mod-lisp-p use-apache-log-p)
+          (server-input-chunking-p server) input-chunking-p
+          (server-output-chunking-p server) (and output-chunking-p (not mod-lisp-p))          
+          (server-read-timeout server) read-timeout
+          (server-write-timeout server) write-timeout)
+    #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
+    (setf (server-ssl-certificate-file server)
+          (and ssl-certificate-file (namestring ssl-certificate-file))
+          (server-ssl-privatekey-file server)
+          (and ssl-privatekey-file (namestring ssl-privatekey-file))
+          (server-ssl-privatekey-password server)
+          ssl-privatekey-password)
+    (values server)))
+(defun start-server (&rest args
+                     &key name
+                     (port 80 port-provided-p)
+                     address
+                     dispatch-table
+                     (mod-lisp-p nil)
+                     (use-apache-log-p mod-lisp-p)
+                     (input-chunking-p t)
+                     (read-timeout *default-read-timeout*)
+                     (write-timeout *default-write-timeout*)
+                     #+(and :unix (not :win32)) setuid
+                     #+(and :unix (not :win32)) setgid
+                     #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-certificate-file
+                     #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl (ssl-privatekey-file ssl-certificate-file)
+                     #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl ssl-privatekey-password)
   "Starts a Hunchentoot server and returns the SERVER object \(which
 can be stopped with STOP-SERVER).  PORT is the port the server will be
 listening on - the default is 80 \(or 443 if SSL information is
@@ -160,104 +225,80 @@
 associated with a password."
   ;; initialize the session secret if needed
   (unless (boundp '*session-secret*)
-    (reset-session-secret))
-  (let ((output-chunking-p t))
-    #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
-    (when ssl-certificate-file
-      ;; disable output chunking for SSL connections
-      (setq output-chunking-p nil)
-      (unless port-provided-p (setq port 443)))
-    ;; no timeouts if behind mod_lisp
-    (when mod-lisp-p
-      (setq read-timeout nil
-            write-timeout nil))
-    ;; use a new process/lock name for each server
-    (atomic-incf *server-counter*)
-    ;; create the SERVER object
-    (let ((server (make-instance 'server
-                                 :port port
-                                 :address address
-                                 :dispatch-table dispatch-table
-                                 :output-chunking-p (and output-chunking-p (not mod-lisp-p))
-                                 :input-chunking-p input-chunking-p
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
-                                 :ssl-certificate-file (and ssl-certificate-file
-                                                            (namestring ssl-certificate-file))
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
-                                 :ssl-privatekey-file (and ssl-privatekey-file
-                                                           (namestring ssl-privatekey-file))
-                                 #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl #-:hunchentoot-no-ssl
-                                 :ssl-privatekey-password ssl-privatekey-password
-                                 :mod-lisp-p mod-lisp-p
-                                 :use-apache-log-p (and mod-lisp-p use-apache-log-p)
-                                 :read-timeout read-timeout
-                                 :write-timeout write-timeout)))
-      (multiple-value-bind (process condition)
-          ;; start up the actual server
-          (start-up-server :service port
-                           :address address
-                           :process-name (format nil "hunchentoot-listener-~A" *server-counter*)
-                           ;; this function is called once on
-                           ;; startup - we use it to record the
-                           ;; socket
-                           :announce (lambda (socket &optional condition)
-                                       (cond (socket
-                                              (setf (server-socket server) socket))
-                                             (condition
-                                              (error condition))))
-                           ;; this function is called whenever a
-                           ;; connection is made
-                           :function (lambda (handle)
-                                       (with-lock ((server-lock server))
-                                         (incf *worker-counter*)
-                                         ;; check if we need to
-                                         ;; perform a global GC
-                                         (when (and *cleanup-interval*
-                                                    (zerop (mod *worker-counter* *cleanup-interval*)))
-                                           (when *cleanup-function*
-                                             (funcall *cleanup-function*)))
-                                         ;; start a worker thread
-                                         ;; for this connection
-                                         ;; and remember it
-                                         (push (process-run-function (format nil "hunchentoot-worker-~A"
-                                                                             *worker-counter*)
-                                                                     #'process-connection
-                                                                     server handle)
-                                               (server-workers server))))
-                           ;; wait until the server was
-                           ;; successfully started or an error
-                           ;; condition is returned
-                           :wait t)
-        (cond (process
-               ;; remember the listener so we can kill it later
-               (setf (server-listener server) process))
-              (condition
-               (error condition))))
-      #+(and :unix (not :win32))
-      (when setgid
-        ;; we must make sure to call setgid before we call setuid or
-        ;; suddenly we aren't root anymore...
-        (etypecase setgid
-          (integer (setgid setgid))
-          (string (setgid (get-gid-from-name setgid)))))
-      #+(and :unix (not :win32))
-      (when setuid
-        (etypecase setuid
-          (integer (setuid setuid))
-          (string (setuid (get-uid-from-name setuid)))))
-      server)))
+    (reset-session-secret)) 
+  ;; use a new process/lock name for each server
+  (atomic-incf *server-counter*)
+  ;; create the SERVER object
+  (let ((server (apply #'initialize-server args)))
+    (multiple-value-bind (process condition)
+        ;; start up the actual server
+        (start-up-server :service (server-local-port server)
+                         :address (server-address server)
+                         :process-name (format nil "hunchentoot-listener-~A" *server-counter*)
+                         ;; this function is called once on
+                         ;; startup - we use it to record the
+                         ;; socket
+                         :announce (lambda (socket &optional condition)
+                                     (cond (socket
+                                            (setf (server-socket server) socket))
+                                           (condition
+                                            (error condition))))
+                         ;; this function is called whenever a
+                         ;; connection is made
+                         :function (lambda (handle)
+                                     (with-lock ((server-lock server))
+                                       (incf *worker-counter*)
+                                       ;; check if we need to
+                                       ;; perform a global GC
+                                       (when (and *cleanup-interval*
+                                                  (zerop (mod *worker-counter* *cleanup-interval*)))
+                                         (when *cleanup-function*
+                                           (funcall *cleanup-function*)))
+                                       ;; start a worker thread
+                                       ;; for this connection
+                                       ;; and remember it
+                                       (push (process-run-function (format nil "hunchentoot-worker-~A"
+                                                                           *worker-counter*)
+                                                                   #'process-connection
+                                                                   server handle)
+                                             (server-workers server))))
+                         ;; wait until the server was
+                         ;; successfully started or an error
+                         ;; condition is returned
+                         :wait t)
+      (cond (process
+             ;; remember the listener so we can kill it later
+             (setf (server-listener server) process))
+            (condition
+             (error condition))))
+    #+(and :unix (not :win32))
+    (when setgid
+      ;; we must make sure to call setgid before we call setuid or
+      ;; suddenly we aren't root anymore...
+      (etypecase setgid
+        (integer (setgid setgid))
+        (string (setgid (get-gid-from-name setgid)))))
+    #+(and :unix (not :win32))
+    (when setuid
+      (etypecase setuid
+        (integer (setuid setuid))
+        (string (setuid (get-uid-from-name setuid)))))
+    server))
 (defun stop-server (server)
   "Stops the Hunchentoot server SERVER."
-  ;; use lock so that the listener can't start new workers
-  (with-lock ((server-lock server))
-    ;; kill all worker threads
-    (dolist (worker (server-workers server))
-      (ignore-errors (process-kill worker))
-      (process-allow-scheduling))
-    ;; finally, kill main listener
-    (when-let (listener (server-listener server))
-      (process-kill listener)))
+  (let ((server (if (typep server 'server)
+                    server
+                    (cdr (assoc server *servers* :test #'equalp)))))
+    ;; use lock so that the listener can't start new workers
+    (with-lock ((server-lock server))
+      ;; kill all worker threads
+      (dolist (worker (server-workers server))
+        (ignore-errors (process-kill worker))
+        (process-allow-scheduling))
+      ;; finally, kill main listener
+      (when-let (listener (server-listener server))
+        (process-kill listener))))
 (defun process-connection (server handle)
@@ -372,6 +413,8 @@
                                            :server-protocol server-protocol))
                  (*dispatch-table* (or (server-dispatch-table *server*)
                                        (funcall *meta-dispatcher* *server*)))
+                 (*easy-handler-alist* (or (server-easy-handler-alist *server*)
+                                           *easy-handler-alist*))
             (multiple-value-bind (body error)
                 (catch 'handler-done
Index: specials.lisp
--- specials.lisp	(revision 1242)
+++ specials.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -319,6 +319,9 @@
   "During the execution of dispatchers and handlers this variable
 is bound to the SERVER object which processes the request.")
+(defvar *servers* nil
+  "Alist mapping server-name to \(named) server instance.")
 (defvar *meta-dispatcher* (lambda (server)
                             (declare (ignore server))
Index: test/test.lisp
--- test/test.lisp	(revision 1242)
+++ test/test.lisp	(working copy)
@@ -471,6 +471,22 @@
                   (loop :for choice :being :the :hash-keys :of meal :collect choice)
                   (gethash "Yellow snow" meal)
+(define-easy-handler (home-page :uri "/hunchentoot/test/easy-home.html"
+                                :server-names '(:http))
+    ()
+  (with-html (:html (:body "Home page"))))
+(define-easy-handler (login-page :uri "/hunchentoot/test/easy-login.html"
+                                 :server-names '(:https))
+    ()
+  (with-html (:html (:body "Secure login"))))
+(define-easy-handler (common-page :uri "/hunchentoot/test/easy-common.html"
+                                  :server-names '(:https :http))
+    ()
+  (with-html (:html (:body "Common page"))))
 (defun menu ()
@@ -512,6 +528,12 @@
              " \(same picture)"))
        (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/easy-demo.html"
                   "\"Easy\" handler example")))
+       (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/easy-home.html"
+                     "\"Easy\" handler example - mockup home page (`http' server instance only)")))
+       (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/easy-login.html"
+                     "\"Easy\" handler example - mockup login page (`https' server instance only)")))
+       (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/easy-common.html"
+                     "\"Easy\" handler example - mockup common page (http & https)")))
        (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/utf8-binary.txt"
                   "UTF-8 demo")
              " \(writing octets directly to the stream)"))
@@ -580,3 +602,12 @@
                  ("/hunchentoot/test/files/" send-file)
                  ("/hunchentoot/test" menu)))
        (list #'default-dispatcher)))
+;; (defparameter *server-instance* (start-server :port 8080))
+;; (stop-server *server-instance*)
+;; (start-server :name :http :port 8000)
+;; (stop-server :http)
+;; (start-server :name :https :port 4443)
+;; (stop-server :https)

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