[hunchentoot-devel] Question about error handler.

Nicolas Lamirault lam at tuxfamily.org
Mon Feb 26 19:11:27 UTC 2007

hi all

i make my website with hunchentoot. it works very fine.
My  database backend  could throw  some  conditions (db-connect-error,
db-...-error, ...), and i would like to print the error message.

i have modify the default error handler like this :

(defun handle-error (arg)
  "Modify the Hunchentoot error dispatcher."
  ;;(declare (ignore arg))
  (make-web-page #p"error.html"
                 (list :message (format nil "~A" arg))))

and the HTML template :

<div id="title"> Error </div> 
<div id="error"> 
   <b> Internal error : </b> <br> 
   <!-- TMPL_VAR message --> 

in the final web page i see :

<div id="title"> Error </div>
Internal error :

i would like to print a customized error message. it is possible ?
i try to modify my code like this :

    (progn ...)
  (db-connect-error (cond)
     (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'error-msg) cond) 
     (hunchentoot:redirect "/test-lam/index"))

he index-handler which print the error message
but it doesn't works. The  customize error handler catch the exception

someone knows how could i make this ?
thanks for any help.

Nicolas Lamirault

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