[hunchentoot-devel] folder-dispatcher directory listing

Mac Chan emailmac at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 02:35:10 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Lately I've been doing some plain html and javascript hacking on
*.html and *.js file, and I found the apache directory listing to be
quite handy (IE won't let you run scripts from file:/// so you must
host it in a server and access with http://localhost/).

I'm using mod_lisp w/ apache so this is not a problem for me but I
intend to use hunchentoot alone when it stabilized.

I've seen people asking for this before so here's a simple patch to
enable directory listing for create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler.

Originally I want to change the signature from

create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler (uri-prefix base-path &optional


create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler (uri-prefix base-path &optional
create-index-page-p content-type)

but it makes it inconsistent with the other api. (and that I don't
need to update the documentation :-)

Anyway attached are the diffs so feel free to change it if you really
don't want the index page enabled by default.

-- Mac

(PS The code should look less horrible if cl-who is available but it's
really a pain since I don't want to introduce dependencies to
hunchentoot. There is one function copied directly from cl-fad for the
same reason)
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==== hunchentoot/misc.lisp#1 - hunchentoot/misc.lisp ====
*** 137,144 ****
  denoted by PATH.  Send a content type header corresponding to
  CONTENT-TYPE or \(if that is NIL) tries to determine the content
  type via the file's suffix."
!   (unless (or (pathname-name path)
!               (pathname-type path))
      ;; not a file
      (setf (return-code) +http-bad-request+)
      (throw 'handler-done nil))
--- 137,145 ----
  denoted by PATH.  Send a content type header corresponding to
  CONTENT-TYPE or \(if that is NIL) tries to determine the content
  type via the file's suffix."
!   (unless (and path
!                (or (pathname-name path)
!                    (pathname-type path)))
      ;; not a file
      (setf (return-code) +http-bad-request+)
      (throw 'handler-done nil))
*** 177,182 ****
--- 178,315 ----
        (lambda ()
          (handle-static-file path content-type)))))
+ ;; should pull in cl-fad for one function?
+ (defun directory-pathname-p (pathspec)
+   "Returns NIL if PATHSPEC \(a pathname designator) does not designate
+ a directory, PATHSPEC otherwise.  It is irrelevant whether file or
+ directory designated by PATHSPEC does actually exist."
+   (flet ((component-present-p (value)
+            (and value (not (eql value :unspecific)))))
+     (and 
+      (not (component-present-p (pathname-name pathspec)))
+      (not (component-present-p (pathname-type pathspec)))
+      pathspec)))
+ (defun file-size (file)
+   "Returns filesize in bytes, or NIL if it is a directory."
+   (cl:ignore-errors
+     (with-open-file (in file :direction :input)
+       (file-length in))))
+ (defstruct file-details name date size (desc "" :type string))
+ (defun file-date-string (file-details)
+   "Returns a descriptive string like \"15-Feb-2007\"."
+   (multiple-value-bind
+         (second minute hour date month year)
+       (decode-universal-time (file-details-date file-details))
+     (declare (ignore second minute hour))
+     (let ((month-names
+            '("Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
+              "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec")))  
+       (format nil "~2,'0d-~A-~D"
+               date (nth (1- month) month-names) year))))
+ (defun file-size-string (file-details)
+   "Returns a descriptive string like \"1.3K\" or \"8M\"."
+   (let ((size (file-details-size file-details)))
+     (cond ((not (numberp size)) "- ")
+           ((< size 1024) (format nil "~D " size))
+           ((< size (* 1024 1024)) (format nil "~,1FK" (/ size 1024)))
+           (t (format nil "~,1FM" (/ size (* 1024 1024)))))))
+ (defun maybe-integer-lessp (a b)
+   "If both a & b are numbers, then it's just like #'<
+ Otherwise, non number goes first."
+   (cond ((and (numberp a) (numberp b))
+          (< a b))
+         ((numberp b) t)
+         (t nil)))
+ (defun sort-file-details (list &optional (sort-column "N") (sort-order "A"))
+   "Sort file-details based on sort column and order."
+   (let* ((sort-column (intern sort-column :keyword))
+          (compare-func
+           (ecase sort-column
+             ((:M :S) #'maybe-integer-lessp)
+             ((:N :D) #'string-lessp)))
+          (selector
+           (ecase sort-column
+             (:N #'file-details-name)
+             (:M #'file-details-date)
+             (:S #'file-details-size)
+             (:D #'file-details-desc)))
+          (results (sort list compare-func :key selector)))
+     (if (string-equal sort-order "D")
+         (nreverse results)
+         results)))
+ (defun redirect-if-malformed-pathspec ()
+   "Directory listing request should end in a forward slash like
+ \"http://localhost/hunchentoot/code/\". Fix it if it is not the
+ case."
+   (let* ((script-name (script-name))
+          (length (length script-name)))
+     (unless (and (> length 0)
+                  (char= (aref script-name (1- length)) #\/))
+       ;; stripping the query string is OK
+       (redirect (concatenate 'string script-name "/")))))
+ (defun folder-index-page (pathname)
+   "Returns a html page with a directory listing like those generated
+ by Apache."
+   (redirect-if-malformed-pathspec)
+   (let* ((contents (directory (namestring pathname)))
+          (title (format nil "Index of ~A" (script-name)))
+          (sort-column (get-parameter "C"))
+          (sort-order (get-parameter "O")))
+     (flet ((file-details (file)
+              (make-file-details :name (enough-namestring file pathname)
+                                 :date (file-write-date file)
+                                 :size (file-size file))))
+       ;; taint get-parameters
+       (unless (member sort-column '("N" "M" "S" "D") :test #'string-equal)
+         (setq sort-column "N"))
+       (unless (member sort-order '("A" "D") :test #'string-equal)
+         (setq sort-order "A"))
+       ;; page-out
+       (with-output-to-string (out)
+         (format out "<html><head><title>~A</title>
+ 	<style type=\"text/css\">
+ 	<!--
+         .size { text-align: right; }
+ 	th { padding: 0.2em; text-align: left; }
+ 	td { padding: 0.2em; }
+ 	table { font-family: monospace;	}
+ 	-->
+ 	</style></head><body><h1>~A</h1><table><tr>" title title)
+         ;; column headers
+         (loop for (query-char desc) in
+               '(("N" "Name")
+                 ("M" "Last modified")
+                 ("S" "Size")
+                 ("D" "Description")) do
+                 (format out "<th><a href=\"?C=~A&O=~A\">~A</a></th>"
+                         query-char
+                         (or (when (string-equal query-char sort-column)
+                               (if (string-equal sort-order "D") "A" "D"))
+                             "A")
+                         desc))
+         (format out "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr><tr>
+                      <td><a href=\"../\">Parent Directory</a></td>
+                      <td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>")
+         (dolist (d (sort-file-details
+                     (mapcar #'file-details contents)
+                     sort-column sort-order))
+           (format out "<tr><td><a href=\"~A\">~A</a></td>"
+                   (file-details-name d) (file-details-name d))
+           (format out "<td>~A</td><td class=\"size\">~A</td><td>~A</td></tr>"
+                   (file-date-string d)
+                   (file-size-string d) 
+                   (file-details-desc d)))
+         (format out "<tr><td colspan=\"4\"><hr/></td></tr></table>
+                      <p>~A</p></body></html>" (address-string))))))
  (defun create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler (uri-prefix base-path &optional content-type)
    "Creates and returns a dispatch function which will dispatch to a
  handler function which emits the file relative to BASE-PATH that is
*** 203,209 ****
                                      always (stringp component))))
                 (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+)
                 (throw 'handler-done nil))
!              (handle-static-file (merge-pathnames script-path base-path) content-type))))
      (create-prefix-dispatcher uri-prefix #'handler)))
  (defun no-cache ()
--- 336,345 ----
                                      always (stringp component))))
                 (setf (return-code) +http-forbidden+)
                 (throw 'handler-done nil))
!              (let ((pathname (probe-file (merge-pathnames script-path base-path))))
!                (if (and pathname (directory-pathname-p pathname))
!                    (folder-index-page pathname)
!                    (handle-static-file pathname content-type))))))
      (create-prefix-dispatcher uri-prefix #'handler)))
  (defun no-cache ()
==== hunchentoot/test/test.lisp#1 - hunchentoot/test/test.lisp ====
*** 501,506 ****
--- 501,508 ----
               " (user 'nanook', password 'igloo')"))
         (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/code/test.lisp"
                    "The source code of this test")))
+        (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/code/"
+                   "Listing of the code directory")))
         (:tr (:td (:a :href "/hunchentoot/test/image.jpg"
                    "Binary data, delivered from file")
               " \(a picture)"))
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