[hunchentoot-devel] Hunchentoot performance

vseguip at gmail.com vseguip at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 22:58:44 UTC 2007

On Dec 26, 2007 5:27 PM, Ivan Boldyrev
<boldyrev+nospam at cgitftp.uiggm.nsc.ru> wrote:
> On 10060 day of my life vseguip at gmail.com wrote:
> > I did some profiling...
> My profiling shows that on SBCL most "slowness" comes from
> flexi-streams.  For example, such low-level method as
> flexi-streams::unread-char% calls flexi-streams:translate-char that uses
> with-output-to-sequence.  And last macro generates code that create new
> instance of flexi-stream, and making instances conses very much on SBCL.
> You may blame either SBCL or flexi-streams (I tend to blame
> flexi-streams).

Yes, I profiled flexi-streams and chunga and it showed as much, even
when using it only for the headers. Is it possible to create a server
that doesn't use flexi-streams at all, or can a handler-request
actually configure if it want's to use flexi-streams? I know it's
possible to bypass it in the handler, but I think it's called anyway
in  process-connection, get-request-data, etc. In other words, what
would I have to mess around in hunchentoot so I can create a
flexi-less handler/server?

  V. Seguí

(*) Note that even when serving an empty file hunchentoot only reaches
~ 287 requests/second on my system, so dynamic pages will "suffer"
from this also.

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