[hunchentoot-devel] Handling Lisp errors.

Otto Diesenbacher diesenbacher at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 20:12:31 UTC 2007

"Victor Kryukov" <victor.kryukov at gmail.com> writes:

> The second question is: how do you use CLSQL thread-safely with
> Hunchentoot / SBCL? SBCL don't provide thread properties, so my first
> solution[1] was to create a hash-table and to assign each thread a
> connection, to check from every thread whether it already has a
> connection, and then to clean that hash-table periodically, closing
> connections for dead threads. That worked pretty well, but I was
> afraid of exhausting limit of database threads somehow, so I switched
> to the second solution.

i put any database-communication out of an function, called via the
*dispatch-table*, into a (with-db (bla bla)) macro:

(defmacro with-db (&body body)
  `(let ((clsql:*default-database*
          (clsql:connect (list "" "bla" "bla" "bla")
                         :pool t :database-type :postgresql)))
            , at body)
       (clsql:disconnect :database clsql:*default-database*))))

so any thread should get his own *default-database* from the clsql
connection pool?


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