[hunchentoot-devel] Running multiple web application

Andrei Stebakov lispercat at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 22:17:42 UTC 2007

I am sorry I gave an impression that I was complaining. I just thought it
was logical to do so if every server has its own dispatch-table. There is
probably a reason why it's done differently so I wanted to understand why.
I am sure, if I come up with something useful I'll make a patch and send it
to the list. Currently I am just a beginner trying to learn lisp and you
guys are awesome in what you do for the community and for me personally.

Thank you,

On 4/12/07, Edi Weitz <edi at agharta.de> wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 16:13:20 -0400, "Andrei Stebakov" <lispercat at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > So I need to keep track of all servers that I start and for each one
> > return it's dispatch-table something like this?:
> > (defvar *server1* (start-server :port 3001....)
> > (defvar *server2* (start-server :port 3002....)
> > (setq *meta-dispatcher* (lambda (server)
> >                             (declare (ignore server))
> >                             (if (eql server *server1*) *dispatch-table1*
> *dispatch-table2*)))
> No, you don't have to do it like this.  There are certainly more
> intelligent ways to do it.  I'd use something like
>   (lambda (server)
>     (case (server-local-port server)
>       (3001 *dispatch-table1*)
>       (3002 *dispatch-table2*)))
> > Why can't start-server take a dispatch-table as a parameter?
> Did you read my last reply?
> If there's a feature in an open source project you want to have that's
> not provided, you can hack it yourself and send a patch, or you can
> pay someone else to do it, or you can complain about it on the mailing
> list.  You can try to figure out yourself which of these alternatives
> is the most promising.
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