[hunchentoot-devel] Different speed loading images from static apache and hunchentoot handler

Bob Hutchison hutch at recursive.ca
Tue Apr 3 14:56:27 UTC 2007

On 3-Apr-07, at 9:31 AM, Andrei Stebakov wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> Could you advise how would I "go straight at the hunchentoot server"?

You'll have something like:

     ProxyPass /cphandler/ http://localhost:4321/cphandler/
     ProxyPassReverse /cphandler/ http://localhost:4321/cphandler/

in your httpd config file.

Just point your browser at whatever corresponds to http://localhost: 

If you are running on a different machine than the server you'll have  
to temporarily open whatever port you are using (and based on the  
description of your server below, I'm guessing you *are* running on a  
different machine (if you aren't then it is definitely time for an  
upgrade :-))

> Also I have a feeling that the more I call the images from the  
> server the
> slower it gets.

I pretty sure I've not seen this before.

> I even removed (no-chache) option from the page generation
> so I thought that having images in caches would speed it up. In  
> this context
> I think what Edi says about Hunchentoot switching contexts with  
> Apache while
> page generation makes sense. My server is PIII 600 MHz, maybe it's  
> time to
> upgrade it.

it should still be sufficient for a website.


> Thank you,
> Andrew
> On 4/3/07, Bob Hutchison <hutch at recursive.ca> wrote:
>> On 30-Mar-07, at 4:24 PM, Andrei Stebakov wrote:
>> > I got a folder on my linux box that contains about 240 images of  
>> font
>> > preview generated from cl-gd (Thanks, Edi!).
>> > When I show them from static apache handler it takes  
>> approximately 30
>> > seconds. Same thing from hunchentoot static handler
>> > (create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler) takes about 50 seconds. I
>> > understand
>> > it's not a big deal, but still I'd like to know what might get in
>> > the way. I
>> > use hunchentoot behind mod-proxy.
>> Have you tried going straight at the hunchentoot server? This as made
>> some difference to my stuff in the past. Might give you a better idea
>> where the problem is.
>> Cheers,
>> Bob
>> > Here are links (first is static apache, second is hunchentoot):
>> > http://www.greenpixeldesign.com/fonts.html
>> > http://www.greenpixeldesign.com/cphandler/fonts.html
>> >
>> > Thank you,
>> > Andrew
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>> Bob Hutchison                  -- tumblelog at <http://
>> www.recursive.ca/so/>
>> Recursive Design Inc.          -- <http://www.recursive.ca/>
>> xampl for Ruby                 -- <http://rubyforge.org/projects/ 
>> xampl/>
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Bob Hutchison                  -- tumblelog at <http:// 
Recursive Design Inc.          -- <http://www.recursive.ca/>
xampl for Ruby                 -- <http://rubyforge.org/projects/xampl/>

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