[hunchentoot-devel] Bug Report: AUTHORIZATION

Michael J. Forster mike at sharedlogic.ca
Sun Oct 22 16:48:47 UTC 2006

Hi Edi,

I found a bug in AUTHORIZATION.

If I click the "Authorization" link on the Hunchentoot test page and
submit an empty username and password, instead of prompting me
again, the server returns `Internal Server Error'.

In this case, the call to SPLIT returns nil, which does not match the
DESTRUCTURING-BIND lambda list.  My first reaction was simply
to rewrite the DESTRUCTURING-BIND to permit a nil username as
well as password:

	(destructuring-bind (&optional user password)
	        (split ":" (base64:base64-string-to-string
                                  (subseq authorization start)))
	      (values user password))

Then, we would get (VALUES NIL NIL), which would seem consistent
with the documentation.  However, I also realised that AUTHORIZATION
will return just nil if the auth header doesn't exist.  Should that be

Here's my environment:

* Hunchentoot 0.4.4 (no Apache, no mod_lisp)
* latest versions (as of today) of dependencies
* LispWorks 4.4.6
* OS X 10.4.8
* Safari 2.0.4
* Firefox



P.S.  Started migrating our apps from Portable AllegroServe to
Hunchentoot this past week.  Very pleased with the API and performance.

Michael J. Forster <mike at sharedlogic.ca>

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