[tbnl-devel] Hunchentoot beta no. 4
Travis Cross
travis at travislists.com
Mon Oct 9 02:37:21 UTC 2006
Edi Weitz wrote:
> http://weitz.de/files/hunchentoot-beta.tar.gz
> Use at your own risk, as usual.
> FYI, I'm currently re-factoring the code (and changing parts of the
> API while I'm at it). I do this with LispWorks on Windows 99% of the
> time, so I'm not even sure if the code still compiles on SBCL or other
> Lisps. I'm happy if you send me notes about problems you're
> encountering.
Initial indications look good on SBCL.
One note about test.lisp:
The output from the LATIN-1 / UTF-8 tests is being escaped twice,
once by ESC in INFO-TABLE and once by ESCAPE-STRING-ALL in
-- Travis
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