[tbnl-devel] Flexi-streams needs a change for openmcl

Tiarnán Ó Corráin ocorrain at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 16:43:18 UTC 2006


OpenMCL runs into some problems with having +latin-1+ defined as a
constant, since external-format doesn't have a load-form defined.
I've added  make-load-form to external-format.lisp in flexi-streams,

--- external-format.lisp~       2006-06-13 00:26:12.000000000 +0100
+++ external-format.lisp        2006-10-03 17:27:15.000000000 +0100
@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@
   (:documentation "EXTERNAL-FORMAT objects are used to denote
 encodings for flexi streams."))
+(defmethod make-load-form ((self external-format) &optional env)
+  (declare (ignore env))
+  `(make-instance 'external-format
+                 :name ,(external-format-name self)
+                 :id ,(external-format-id self)
+                 :little-endian ,(external-format-little-endian self)
+                 :eol-style ,(external-format-eol-style self)))
 (defun make-external-format% (name &key (little-endian *default-little-endian*)
                                         id eol-style)
   "Used internally by MAKE-EXTERNAL-FORMAT."


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