[hunchentoot-devel] Using SSL

Jeffrey Cunningham jeffrey at cunningham.net
Thu Nov 23 18:59:24 UTC 2006

Hi all;

I'm trying to understand how SSL works with hunchentoot. I set up a CA
for the domain 'achilles.olympus.net' following the openssl
documentation which produced the public key cacert.pem and the private
key private/cakey.pem. 

Then I started up a server as follows:

(hunchentoot:start-server :port 4243 
  :ssl-certificate-file "ca-cert.pem"
  :ssl-privatekey-file "private/ca-key.pem")

When I browse to the url: 


It times out with "Done" and a blank page (no html, no text). 

If I start the same server eithout the SSL certificates on port 4242 and browse the page:


It works perfectly (produces my test page as I coded it). 

My understanding of SSL is pretty limited. Is there something obvious
I'm doing wrong? The log entry is unilluminating:

[2006-11-23 10:42:17] - "GET /test HTTP/1.1" 200 680 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.13) Gecko

Thanks for any help.


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