[hunchentoot-devel] Hunchentoot crashing behind mod_lisp with SSL

Jeffrey Cunningham jeffrey at cunningham.net
Thu Dec 28 21:06:56 UTC 2006

I swear, I'm cursed. I resisted emailing the list for two hours and
thought I'd tried everything. Not two minutes after I hit the send
button I it occurs to me, "...if apache is handling SSL, maybe I need to *not*
run SSL in Hunchentoot as its already been decoded..." So, I try
running a straight Hunchentoot server and it works perfectly.

This being the case, is the converse also true? I mean, can I have
apache run without SSL and run Hunchentoot with SSL? And if so, is
there any security or other advantage to configuring one way rather
than the other?

Sorry for the dumb questions. 


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