[hunchentoot-devel] Starting a server hangs

Robert J. Macomber tbnl at rojoma.com
Mon Dec 18 22:24:09 UTC 2006

>From sbcl-devel:
> Loading a FASL file takes the big compiler lock.  The first call to
> MAKE-INSTANCE in compiled code with constant class-name and initargs
> compiles an optimized constructor (a "ctor").  The end.

So I guess the answer is "don't do that then", at least for now.
Putting your startup call in a :after method on asdf:perform doesn't
seem to work either, but deferring the startup into a thread of its
own (i.e., instead of a toplevel (startup) do (make-thread 'startup))
lets the locks all get released.
Robert Macomber
tbnl at rojoma.com

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