[tbnl-devel] Merged patches to Araneida (with one change)

Edi Weitz edi at agharta.de
Fri Nov 18 15:46:17 UTC 2005

Hi Alan!

I'm back home in Hamburg.

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 12:26:30 -0600, Alan Shields <Alan-Shields at omrf.ouhsc.edu> wrote:

> I've merged in the patches to Araneida to enable TBNL to work. I
> made a few modifications, however. I'd like someone to test out the
> changes to make sure they work.
> To test out the changes, do:
> darcs get http://code.microarray.omrf.org/darcs/alan-araneida-testing/
> On the TBNL-side, instead of setting araneida::*standard-araneida*
> to nil, you need to set araneida:*araneida-mode* to :tbnl .

I tested this briefly but without real success - or let's just say
that I'm confused.  When I tried the TBNL/Araneida combo as described
in the TBNL docs it complained about REQUEST-UNPARSED-BODY not being
external in the ARANEIDA package.  Does that mean I'm not supposed to
use the code in araneida.lisp in TBNL anymore?

Also, I couldn't find any mention of ARANEIDA::*STANDARD-ARANEIDA* in
TBNL anywhere.

As you might have guessed by now I've never used Araneida myself, I
basically just copied what Bob Hutchinson submitted.  I hope he'll
jump in and tell me how to change TBNL's code and docs to match the
new Araneida.  Also, do I need to publish a new download URI for


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