[tbnl-devel] Serving static files
Bob Hutchison
hutch at recursive.ca
Thu Jul 14 14:38:20 UTC 2005
I have implemented a handler for serving static files using TBNL. I
ended up doing this differently than I expected. I extended
create-prefix-dispatcher and called it create-prefix-dispatcher/2 and a
little macro, prefix-dispatcher/2, to simplify things a bit.
create-prefix-dispatcher/2 does everything that
create-prefix-dispatcher does (in the same way) and is intended to be a
drop-in replacement.
create-prefix-dispatcher/2 looks at its page-function argument and
handles symbols exactly as create-prefix-dispatcher did, but cons are
handled differently.
When create-prefix-dispatcher/2 encounters a page function that is a
cons it assumes that it is a lambda with one argument that returns a
lambda of no arguments. create-prefix-dispatcher/2 uses gensym to
generate a symbol for the function then setfs its symbol-function to
the lambda returned by (funcall (eval page-function) prefix). The
generated symbol is then handled exactly as though that symbol was
passed in as page-function. This seems a bit awkward to me, but it
The static-directory/*-handler takes 4 arguments:
prefix -- the url prefix that matched the script-name. When this is
removed from the
front of the script-name, we are left with the path relative
to the
directory-path of the file requested.
directory-path -- the root directory of the files to be served
default-type -- the default mime-type (can be nil)
file-type-map -- an assoc list of file name extensions (e.g. ".gif")
and a mime type.
If the content-type cannot be determined it is not set (maybe not the
best idea, but...)
I've not been able to test this on anything other that LWM using OS/X
10.3.9 -- so only tbnl-bivalent-streams has been tested at all.
Sorry, the documentation is a bit weak.
There is an example near the end of how to use this stuff.
Hope somebody finds this useful.
(defun static-directory/*-handler (prefix directory-path default-type
"A TBNL handler that will serve static files located relative
to a directory.
'prefix' is what TBNL matched to the script-name (this match provided
the excuse to call this handler). If we remove the prefix from the
front of the script-name we get the path, relative to 'directory-path',
that identifies the file.
'default-type' is the default mime-type for the file, nil is okay.
'file-type-map' is an assoc list of file extensions and mime types.
(labels ((determine-content-type (relative-file-path)
(or (cdr (find-if (lambda (pair) (zerop (mismatch (car
pair) relative-file-path :from-end t)))
(let* ((script-name (script-name))
(relative-file-path (subseq script-name (mismatch prefix
(path (concatenate 'string directory-path
(time (or (file-write-date path)
(content-type (determine-content-type relative-file-path)))
(when content-type (setf (content-type) content-type))
(unless (probe-file path)
(setf (return-code) +http-not-found+)
(throw 'tbnl-handler-done nil))
(handle-if-modified-since time)
(with-open-file (file path
:direction :input
:element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
:if-does-not-exist nil)
(let* ((len (file-length file))
(buf (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte
(read-sequence buf file)
(setf (header-out "Last-Modified") (rfc-1123-date time))
(let ((buf (make-array 8192
:element-type 'character)))
(handle-if-modified-since time)
(let ((str
(with-output-to-string (out)
(with-open-file (file path
:direction :input
:if-does-not-exist nil)
(loop for pos = (read-sequence buf file)
until (zerop pos)
do (write-sequence buf out :end pos))))))
(setf (header-out "Last-Modified") (rfc-1123-date time))
(defmacro prefix-dispatcher/2 (fn &rest args)
"construction a function with one argument, prefix, that
returns a function of no arguments that calls fn with prefix
as the first argument followed by the args."
`(lambda (prefix)
(lambda ()
(,fn prefix , at args))))
(defun create-prefix-dispatcher/2 (prefix page-function)
"Creates a dispatch function which will dispatch to the
function denoted by PAGE-FUNCTION if the file name of the current
request starts with the string PREFIX. This is exactly what
create-prefix-dispatcher does. However, if page-function is a cons,
then it must be of the form:
(lambda (prefix) (lambda () ...))
This lambda serves as the page function."
(when (consp page-function)
(let ((fn (gensym "handler"))
(fv (funcall (eval page-function) prefix)))
(setf (symbol-function fn) fv)
(setf page-function fn)))
(lambda (request)
(let ((mismatch (mismatch (script-name request) prefix
:test #'char=)))
(and (or (null mismatch)
(>= mismatch (length prefix)))
(setq *dispatch-table*
(mapcar (lambda (args)
(apply #'create-prefix-dispatcher/2 args))
'(("/sienna/image/" (prefix-dispatcher/2
'((".jpg" .
(".jpeg" .
(".gif" .
("/sienna/images/" (prefix-dispatcher/2
'((".jpg" .
(".jpeg" .
(".gif" .
("/sienna/css/" (prefix-dispatcher/2
'((".js" .
(".css" .
(".gif" .
("/sienna/item/" show-item)))
(list #'default-dispatcher)))
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