[suave-devel] Re: js-to-paren for loop bug

Lui Fungsin fungsin.lui at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 23:48:25 UTC 2008

Sorry for spamming the list. I'm just fixing stuff as I test it with
different sample javascript codes.

I've added support for try catch block and also factor out the code
that eliminates extra progn construct when it is not necessary.

(js-on-cl::js-to-paren "try { win.loc = url; win.foc(); } catch (e)
{msg();recover();} finally {alert()}")

(js-on-cl::js-to-paren "try { win.loc = url; } catch (e)
{msg();recover();} finally {alert()}")




==== js-on-cl/src/js-to-parenscript.lisp ===
@@ -1,5 +1,28 @@
 (in-package :js-on-cl)

+(defparameter *symbols-to-paren-tokens*
+  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+    (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                (setf (gethash k ht) v))
+             *symbols-to-tokens*)
+    (loop for (k v) in '(;; where do these appears?
+                         ;;(:COLON ":")
+                         ;;(:HOOK "?")
+                         (:LOGICAL-OR "or")
+                         (:ASSIGN "setf")
+                         (:BAR2 "or")
+                         (:BANG "not")
+                         (:POST-INCR "incf")
+                         (:MINUS2 "decf")
+                         (:POST-DECR "decf")
+                         (:PLUS2 "incf")
+                         (:PRE-INCR "incf")
+                         (:PRE-DECR "decf")
+                         (:LOGICAL-NOT "not"))
+          do (setf (gethash k ht) v))
+    ht)
+  "Map from token symbol to parenscript token.")
 (defun js-intern (js-literal-string)
   "interns a camel-cased js string to an appropriate lispy symbol"
@@ -16,6 +39,20 @@
        (format nil "-~A" (string-downcase match)))
    :simple-calls t))

+(defmacro once-only ((&rest names) &body body)
+  (let ((gensyms (loop repeat (length names) collect (gensym))))
+    `(let (,@(loop for g in gensyms collect `(,g (gensym))))
+      `(let (,,@(loop for g in gensyms for n in names collect ``(,,g ,,n)))
+        ,(let (,@(loop for n in names for g in gensyms collect `(,n ,g)))
+           , at body)))))
+(defmacro expand-progn-subexp (subexp)
+  (once-only (subexp)
+    `(if (eql 1 (length ,subexp))
+      (as-paren (first ,subexp))
+      `(progn
+        ,@(mapcar #'as-paren ,subexp)))))
 (defgeneric as-paren (js-elem)
   (:documentation "converts a javascript element to a parenscript element.
 Input is an abstract javascript form and output is a parenscript form."))
@@ -27,11 +64,7 @@
 (defmethod as-paren ((lengthy-decl var-decl-statement))
   "Converts a var declaration statement like var x = 3, y = 34; to a
 series of (defvar x 3) (defvar y 34) forms."
-  (let ((statements (var-decl-statement-var-decls  lengthy-decl)))
-    (if (eql 1 (length statements))
-	(as-paren (first statements))
-	`(progn
-	  ,@(mapcar #'as-paren statements)))))
+  (expand-progn-subexp (var-decl-statement-var-decls lengthy-decl)))

 (defmethod as-paren ((decl var-decl))
   (let ((name (js-intern
@@ -56,7 +89,7 @@
 (defun token-to-paren (tok)
-    (gethash tok *symbols-to-tokens*)
+    (gethash tok *symbols-to-paren-tokens*)
     (string-downcase (string tok)))))

 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form unary-operator))
@@ -122,7 +155,7 @@
 	(then-arg (if-statement-then-statement js-form))
 	(else-arg (if-statement-else-statement js-form)))
     (if (not else-arg)
-	`(if ,(as-paren condition) ,(as-paren then-arg))
+	`(when ,(as-paren condition) ,(as-paren then-arg))
 	`(if ,(as-paren condition) ,(as-paren then-arg) ,(as-paren else-arg)))))

 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form do-statement))
@@ -143,20 +176,17 @@
 	(condition (for-condition js-form))
 	(step (for-step js-form))
 	(body (for-body js-form)) )
-    `(while t
+    `(progn
       ,(as-paren initializer)
-      (if (not ,(as-paren condition))
-	  (break))
-      ,(as-paren step) ,(as-paren body))))
+      (while ,(as-paren condition)
+        ,(as-paren body) ,(as-paren step)))))

 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form comma-expr))
-  (let ((expressions (comma-expr-exprs js-form)))
-    `(progn ,@(mapcar #'as-paren expressions))))
+  (expand-progn-subexp (comma-expr-exprs js-form)))

 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form statement-block))
-  (let ((statements (statement-block-statements js-form)))
-    `(progn ,@(mapcar #'as-paren statements))))
+  (expand-progn-subexp (statement-block-statements js-form)))

 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form function-expression))
   (let ((name (function-expression-name js-form))
@@ -177,6 +207,21 @@
 (defmethod as-paren ((js-form return-statement))
   `(return ,(as-paren (return-statement-arg js-form))))

+(defmethod as-paren ((js-form try))
+  (let* ((body (try-body js-form))
+         (catch-clause (try-catch-clause js-form))
+         (binding (catch-clause-binding catch-clause))
+         (catch-body (catch-clause-body catch-clause))
+         (finally (try-finally-clause js-form)))
+    `(try
+      ,(expand-progn-subexp body)
+      (:catch (,(js-intern binding))
+        ,(expand-progn-subexp catch-body))
+      ,@(when finally
+              `((:finally
+                 ,(expand-progn-subexp
+                   (finally-clause-body finally))))))))
 (defun js-to-paren (js-text)
   (apply #'list 'progn (mapcar #'as-paren (parse js-text))))

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