[stefil-devel] 'q' (call restart 'abort-tests) doesn't work in sldb buffer

Jianshi Huang jianshi.huang at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 10:45:43 UTC 2009

I'm using the latest stefil with SLIME (CVS 2009-6-14). The key stroke
'q' doesn't work in the sldb frame which according to the stefil.lisp,
should call the abort-tests restart.

The reason seems to be that swank::*sldb-quit-restart* doesn't like to
be a symbol.

So here's the simple change that make 'q' work in my slime.

diff -rN -u old-stefil/stefil.lisp new-stefil/stefil.lisp
--- old-stefil/stefil.lisp	2009-07-15 19:33:55.000000000 +0900
+++ new-stefil/stefil.lisp	2009-07-15 19:33:55.000000000 +0900
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
              (return-from restart-wrapper))
             :report-function (lambda (stream)
                                (format stream "~@<Abort the entire
test session~@:>"))))
-       (bind ((swank::*sldb-quit-restart* 'abort-testing))
+       (bind ((swank::*sldb-quit-restart* (find-restart 'abort-testing)))
          , at body))))

 (defun test-was-run-p (test)


黄 澗石 (Jianshi Huang)

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