[stamp-cvs] CVS stamp

fwillemain fwillemain at common-lisp.net
Tue Mar 13 18:55:25 UTC 2007

Update of /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv22589

Modified Files:
	packages.lisp stamp.asd stamp.lisp 
Added Files:
	climUtilities.lisp message.lisp misc.lisp 
Log Message:

--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/packages.lisp	2007/01/03 11:27:56	1.1
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/packages.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.2
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: COMMON-LISP-USER -*-
 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006  Matthieu Villeneuve (matthieu.villeneuve at free.fr)
@@ -21,9 +22,50 @@
 (in-package :cl-user)
-(defpackage :stamp
+(defpackage :misc
+  (:use :cl )
+  (:export 
+   :format-datetime
+   :capitalize-words 
+   :read-stream-as-string
+   :next-object-in-sequence
+   :previous-object-in-sequence
+(defpackage :clim-utils
   (:use :cl)
+  (:export 
+   :redisplay-pane
+   :print-fixed-width-string
+   :print-properties-as-table
+   :hilight-line
+   ))
+(defpackage :message
+  (:use :cl :misc)
+  (:export 
+   :compose-message
+   :quote-message-text
+   :send-message
+   :*address*
+   :*mailboxes*
+   :*outbox*
+(defpackage :stamp
+  (:use :cl  :misc :clim-utils :message)
   (:export #:stamp
-           #:add-pop3-mailbox))
+           #:add-pop3-mailbox
+	   ;; Variables 
+	   #:*address*
+	   #:*outbox*
+	   #:*mailboxes*
+	 ))
--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.asd	2007/01/04 06:13:08	1.3
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.asd	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.4
@@ -22,10 +22,21 @@
 (defpackage :stamp.system
   (:use :common-lisp :asdf))
 (in-package :stamp.system)
 (defsystem :stamp
-  :depends-on (:mcclim :mel-base :climacs :split-sequence)
-  :components ((:file "packages")
-	       (:file "mel-extra")
-               (:file "stamp" :depends-on ("packages"))))
+  :depends-on (:mcclim :mel-base :climacs :split-sequence  )
+  :components  ((:file "packages")
+		(:file "misc")
+		(:file "mel-extra")
+		(:file "climUtilities")
+		(:file "message")
+		(:file "stamp" :depends-on ("packages"))))
--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.lisp	2007/01/04 13:37:53	1.10
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/stamp.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.11
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
 (in-package :stamp)
-(defparameter *address* nil)
-(defparameter *mailboxes* '())
-(defparameter *outbox* nil)
 (defparameter *show-all-headers* nil)
@@ -51,6 +52,13 @@
    :if-does-not-exist :create))
+(defparameter *config-folder*
+  (with-open-file (f (ensure-directories-exist
+   (concatenate 'string 
+		(namestring (user-homedir-pathname))
+		".clim/stamp/")))
+   :direction :output))
 ;;;(defparameter *folder-image*
 ;;;  (image:read-image-file "folder.ppm"))
@@ -390,208 +398,6 @@
     (declare (ignore filename))
-;;; Message composing
-(defparameter *climacs-frame* nil)
-(defparameter *climacs-startup-hook* nil)
-(defmethod clim:adopt-frame :after (frame-manager (frame climacs-gui:climacs))
-  (when *climacs-startup-hook*
-    (funcall *climacs-startup-hook*)))
-(defun compose-message (&key (to "") (subject "") body)
-  (let ((content-filename (make-temporary-filename)))
-    (with-open-file (out content-filename :direction :output)
-      (princ (make-message-file-contents :to to
-                                         :subject subject
-                                         :body body)
-             out))
-    (let ((filename (make-temporary-filename)))
-      (let ((*climacs-startup-hook*
-             (lambda ()
-               (clim:layout-frame *climacs-frame* 800 600)
-               (clim:execute-frame-command
-                *climacs-frame*
-                `(climacs-core::find-file ,filename))
-               (clim:execute-frame-command
-                *climacs-frame*
-                `(climacs-commands::com-insert-file ,content-filename))
-               (delete-file content-filename)))
-            (*climacs-frame*
-             (clim:make-application-frame 'climacs-gui:climacs)))
-        (clim:run-frame-top-level *climacs-frame*))
-      (let ((parsed-data (ignore-errors (parse-message-file filename))))
-        (when (probe-file filename)
-          (delete-file filename))
-        (values (first parsed-data)
-                (second parsed-data)
-                (third parsed-data))))))
-;;; this should be a defconstant, but it is not very 
-;;; practical during development, because of the number
-;;; of times the file gets reloaded.  -- RS 2007-01-04
-(defparameter +boundary+ "---- text follows this line ----")
-(defun make-temporary-filename ()
-  (let ((base (format nil "/tmp/stamp-~A" (get-universal-time))))
-    (loop for i from 0
-          as path = (format nil "~A-~A" base i)
-          while (probe-file path)
-          finally (return path))))
-(defun make-message-file-contents (&key (to "") (subject "") body)
-  (with-output-to-string (out)
-      (format out "To: ~A~%" to)
-      (format out "Subject: ~A~%" subject)
-      (format out "~A~%" +boundary+)
-      (when body
-        (princ body out))))
-(defun parse-message-file (filename)
-  (let* ((string (with-open-file (stream filename)
-                   (read-stream-as-string stream)))
-         (boundary-position (search +boundary+ string)))
-    (when boundary-position
-      (let* ((headers (parse-headers string 0 boundary-position))
-             (to (cdr (assoc :to headers)))
-             (body (string-trim '(#\space #\return #\linefeed)
-                                (subseq string (+ boundary-position
-                                                  (length +boundary+))))))
-        (when to
-          (let ((message
-                 (mel:make-message :subject (cdr (assoc :subject headers))
-                                   :from *address*
-                                   :to (cdr (assoc :to headers))
-                                   :body body)))
-            (setf (mel:header-fields message) headers)
-            (list message headers body)))))))
-(defun parse-headers (string start end)
-  (let ((lines (mapcar (lambda (line)
-                         (string-trim '(#\space #\return) line))
-                       (split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline string
-                                                      :start start
-                                                      :end end))))
-    (loop for line in lines
-          as index = (position #\: line)
-          unless (null index)
-          collect (cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq line 0 index)) :keyword)
-                        (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq line (1+ index)))))))
-(defun print-headers (headers stream)
-  (loop for header in headers
-        as name = (symbol-name (car header))
-        do (format stream "~A: ~A~%" (capitalize-words name) (cdr header))))
-(defun quote-message-text (text author)
-  (let ((lines (mapcar (lambda (line)
-                         (string-trim '(#\space #\return) line))
-                       (split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline text))))
-    (with-output-to-string (out)
-      (when author
-        (format out "~A wrote:~%" author))
-      (loop for line in lines
-            do (format out "> ~A~%" line)))))
-(defun send-message (message headers body)
-  (let ((stream (mel:open-message-storing-stream *outbox* message)))
-    (unwind-protect
-         (progn
-           (print-headers headers stream)
-           (format stream body))
-      (close stream))))
-;;; CLIM utilities
-(defun redisplay-pane (name)
-  (let ((pane (clim:get-frame-pane clim:*application-frame* name)))
-    (clim:redisplay-frame-pane clim:*application-frame* pane :force-p t)))
-(defun print-fixed-width-string (pane string width &key (align :left))
-  (let* ((string2 (maybe-cut-string-at-width pane string width))
-         (string2-width (clim:stream-string-width pane string2)))
-    (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y)
-        (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)
-      (setf (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)
-            (values (case align
-                      (:left cursor-x)
-                      (:center (+ cursor-x (floor (- width string2-width) 2)))
-                      (:right (+ cursor-x (- width string2-width))))
-                    cursor-y))
-      (write-string string2 pane)
-      (setf (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)
-            (values (+ cursor-x width) cursor-y)))))
-(defun maybe-cut-string-at-width (pane string max-width)
-  (loop for index downfrom (length string)
-        as string2 = (if (= index (length string))
-                         string
-                         (concatenate 'string (subseq string 0 index) "..."))
-        as string2-width = (clim:stream-string-width pane string2)
-        until (<= string2-width max-width)
-        finally (return string2)))
-(defun print-properties-as-table (pane properties)
-  (clim:formatting-table (pane :x-spacing 10)
-    (loop for property in properties
-          do (clim:formatting-row (pane)
-               (clim:with-text-face (pane :bold)
-                 (clim:formatting-cell (pane :align-x :right)
-                   (write-string (car property) pane)))
-               (clim:formatting-cell (pane)
-                 (write-string (cdr property) pane))))))
-(defparameter *hilight-color* (clim:make-rgb-color 0.8 0.8 1.0))
-(defun hilight-line (pane y)
-  (multiple-value-bind (pane-x1 pane-y1 pane-x2 pane-y2)
-      (clim:bounding-rectangle* pane)
-    (declare (ignore pane-y1 pane-y2))
-    (let ((height (clim:text-style-height clim:*default-text-style* pane)))
-      (clim:draw-rectangle* pane
-                            pane-x1 y pane-x2 (+ y height 1)
-                            :filled t :ink *hilight-color*))))
-;;; Misc utilities
-(defun format-datetime (time)
-  (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
-      (decode-universal-time time)
-    (declare (ignore day daylight-p zone))
-    (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D ~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
-            year month date hour minute second)))
-(defun capitalize-words (string)
-  (with-output-to-string (stream)
-    (loop with previous-char-alphanumeric = nil
-          for c across string
-          do (write-char (if (alphanumericp c)
-                             (if previous-char-alphanumeric
-                                 (char-downcase c)
-                                 (char-upcase c))
-                             c)
-                         stream)
-             (setf previous-char-alphanumeric (alphanumericp c)))))
-(defun read-stream-as-string (stream)
-  (with-output-to-string (string-stream)
-    (loop for c = (read-char stream nil nil)
-          until (null c)
-          unless (char= c #\return)
-          do (write-char c string-stream))))
-(defun next-object-in-sequence (object sequence &key (test #'eq))
-  (let ((length (length sequence))
-        (position (position object sequence :test test)))
-    (nth (if (= position (1- length)) position (1+ position))
-         sequence)))
-(defun previous-object-in-sequence (object sequence &key (test #'eq))
-  (let ((position (position object sequence :test test)))
-    (nth (if (zerop position) position (1- position))
-         sequence)))
 ;;; Startup
 (defun stamp ()

--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/climUtilities.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	NONE
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/climUtilities.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.1
;;; CLIM utilities
(in-package :clim-utils)

(defparameter *hilight-color* (clim:make-rgb-color 0.8 0.8 1.0))

(defun redisplay-pane (name)
  (let ((pane (clim:get-frame-pane clim:*application-frame* name)))
    (clim:redisplay-frame-pane clim:*application-frame* pane :force-p t)))

(defun print-fixed-width-string (pane string width &key (align :left))
  (let* ((string2 (maybe-cut-string-at-width pane string width))
         (string2-width (clim:stream-string-width pane string2)))
    (multiple-value-bind (cursor-x cursor-y)
        (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)
      (setf (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)

            (values (case align
                      (:left cursor-x)
                      (:center (+ cursor-x (floor (- width string2-width) 2)))
                      (:right (+ cursor-x (- width string2-width))))
      (write-string string2 pane)
      (setf (clim:stream-cursor-position pane)
            (values (+ cursor-x width) cursor-y)))))

(defun maybe-cut-string-at-width (pane string max-width)
  (loop for index downfrom (length string)
        as string2 = (if (= index (length string))
                         (concatenate 'string (subseq string 0 index) "..."))
        as string2-width = (clim:stream-string-width pane string2)
        until (<= string2-width max-width)
        finally (return string2)))

(defun print-properties-as-table (pane properties)
  (clim:formatting-table (pane :x-spacing 10)
    (loop for property in properties
          do (clim:formatting-row (pane)
               (clim:with-text-face (pane :bold)
                 (clim:formatting-cell (pane :align-x :right)
                   (write-string (car property) pane)))
               (clim:formatting-cell (pane)
                 (write-string (cdr property) pane))))))

(defun hilight-line (pane y)
  (multiple-value-bind (pane-x1 pane-y1 pane-x2 pane-y2)
      (clim:bounding-rectangle* pane)
    (declare (ignore pane-y1 pane-y2))
    (let ((height (clim:text-style-height clim:*default-text-style* pane)))
      (clim:draw-rectangle* pane
                            pane-x1 y pane-x2 (+ y height 1)
                            :filled t :ink *hilight-color*))))

--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/message.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	NONE
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/message.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.1
(in-package :message)

;;; Message composing

(defparameter *address* nil)
(defparameter *mailboxes* '())
(defparameter *outbox* nil)

(defparameter *climacs-frame* nil)
(defparameter *climacs-startup-hook* nil)

(defmethod clim:adopt-frame :after (frame-manager (frame climacs-gui:climacs))
  (when *climacs-startup-hook*
    (funcall *climacs-startup-hook*)))

(defun compose-message (&key (to "") (subject "") body)
  (let ((content-filename (make-temporary-filename)))
    (with-open-file (out content-filename :direction :output)
      (princ (make-message-file-contents :to to
                                         :subject subject
                                         :body body)
    (let ((filename (make-temporary-filename)))
      (let ((*climacs-startup-hook*
             (lambda ()
               (clim:layout-frame *climacs-frame* 800 600)
                `(climacs-core::find-file ,filename))
                `(climacs-commands::com-insert-file ,content-filename))
               (delete-file content-filename)))
             (clim:make-application-frame 'climacs-gui:climacs)))
        (clim:run-frame-top-level *climacs-frame*))
      (let ((parsed-data (ignore-errors (parse-message-file filename))))
        (when (probe-file filename)
          (delete-file filename))
        (values (first parsed-data)
                (second parsed-data)
                (third parsed-data))))))

;;; this should be a defconstant, but it is not very 
;;; practical during development, because of the number
;;; of times the file gets reloaded.  -- RS 2007-01-04
(defparameter +boundary+ "---- text follows this line ----")

(defun make-temporary-filename ()
  (let ((base (format nil "/tmp/stamp-~A" (get-universal-time))))
    (loop for i from 0
          as path = (format nil "~A-~A" base i)
          while (probe-file path)
          finally (return path))))

(defun make-message-file-contents (&key (to "") (subject "") body)
  (with-output-to-string (out)
      (format out "To: ~A~%" to)
      (format out "Subject: ~A~%" subject)
      (format out "~A~%" +boundary+)
      (when body
        (princ body out))))

(defun parse-message-file (filename)
  (let* ((string (with-open-file (stream filename)
                   (misc:read-stream-as-string stream)))
         (boundary-position (search +boundary+ string)))
    (when boundary-position
      (let* ((headers (parse-headers string 0 boundary-position))
             (to (cdr (assoc :to headers)))
             (body (string-trim '(#\space #\return #\linefeed)
                                (subseq string (+ boundary-position
                                                  (length +boundary+))))))
        (when to
          (let ((message
                 (mel:make-message :subject (cdr (assoc :subject headers))
                                   :from *address*
                                   :to (cdr (assoc :to headers))
                                   :body body)))
            (setf (mel:header-fields message) headers)
            (list message headers body)))))))

(defun parse-headers (string start end)
  (let ((lines (mapcar (lambda (line)
                         (string-trim '(#\space #\return) line))
                       (split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline string
                                                      :start start
                                                      :end end))))
    (loop for line in lines
          as index = (position #\: line)
          unless (null index)
          collect (cons (intern (string-upcase (subseq line 0 index)) :keyword)
                        (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq line (1+ index)))))))

[24 lines skipped]
--- /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/misc.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	NONE
+++ /project/stamp/cvsroot/stamp/misc.lisp	2007/03/13 18:55:25	1.1

[67 lines skipped]

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