[snow-cvs] r10 - in trunk: lib lib/named-readtables lib/named-readtables/doc lib/named-readtables/tests src/java/snow src/java/snow/example src/lisp/snow

Alessio Stalla astalla at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 22 20:10:11 UTC 2009

Author: astalla
Date: Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
New Revision: 10

Integrated named readtables
updated to latest abcl (fixes a bug with set-syntax-from-char which broke named readtables)
implemented read macro for EL binding
fixed compilation with ant (snow is no longer an eclipse project)


Modified: trunk/lib/abcl.jar
Binary files. No diff available.

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/LICENSE
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/LICENSE	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+Copyright (c) 2007, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info> and SIFT, LLC
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution.
+    * Neither the names of Tobias C. Rittweiler, Robert P. Goldman,
+      SIFT, LLC nor the names of its contributors may be used to
+      endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+      specific prior written permission.
+THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Tobias C. Rittweiler, Robert
+DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Tobias C. Rittweiler, Robert

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/cruft.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/cruft.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+;;;; All rights reserved.
+;;;; See LICENSE for details.
+(in-package :editor-hints.named-readtables)
+(defmacro define-cruft (name lambda-list &body (docstring . alternatives))
+  (assert (typep docstring 'string) (docstring) "Docstring missing!")
+  (assert (not (null alternatives)))
+  `(progn
+     (declaim (inline ,name))
+     (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,docstring ,(first alternatives))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
+  #+sbcl (when (find-symbol "ASSERT-NOT-STANDARD-READTABLE"
+                            (find-package "SB-IMPL"))
+           (pushnew :sbcl+safe-standard-readtable *features*)))

+;;;;; Implementation-dependent cruft
+;;;; Mapping between a readtable object and its readtable-name.
+(defvar *readtable-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(define-cruft %associate-readtable-with-name (name readtable)
+  "Associate READTABLE with NAME for READTABLE-NAME to work."
+  #+ :common-lisp (setf (gethash readtable *readtable-names*) name))
+(define-cruft %unassociate-readtable-from-name (name readtable)
+  "Remove the association between READTABLE and NAME."
+  #+ :common-lisp (progn (assert (eq name (gethash readtable *readtable-names*)))
+                         (remhash readtable *readtable-names*)))
+(define-cruft %readtable-name (readtable)
+  "Return the name associated with READTABLE."
+  #+ :common-lisp (values (gethash readtable *readtable-names*)))
+(define-cruft %list-all-readtable-names ()
+  "Return a list of all available readtable names."
+  #+ :common-lisp (list* :standard :current
+                         (loop for name being each hash-value of *readtable-names*
+                               collect name)))

+;;;; Mapping between a readtable-name and the actual readtable object.
+;;; On Allegro we reuse their named-readtable support so we work
+;;; nicely on their infrastructure.
+(defvar *named-readtables* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defun readtable-name-for-allegro (symbol)
+  (multiple-value-bind (kwd status)
+        (if (keywordp symbol)
+            (values symbol nil)
+            ;; Kludge: ACL uses keywords to name readtables, we allow
+            ;; arbitrary symbols.
+            (intern (format nil "~A.~A"
+                            (package-name (symbol-package symbol))
+                            (symbol-name symbol))
+                    :keyword))
+    (prog1 kwd
+      (assert (or (not status) (get kwd 'named-readtable-designator)))
+      (setf (get kwd 'named-readtable-designator) t))))
+(define-cruft %associate-name-with-readtable (name readtable)
+  "Associate NAME with READTABLE for FIND-READTABLE to work."
+  #+ :allegro     (setf (excl:named-readtable (readtable-name-for-allegro name)) readtable)
+  #+ :common-lisp (setf (gethash name *named-readtables*) readtable))
+(define-cruft %unassociate-name-from-readtable (name readtable)
+  "Remove the association between NAME and READTABLE"
+  #+ :allegro     (let ((n (readtable-name-for-allegro name)))
+                    (assert (eq readtable (excl:named-readtable n)))
+                    (setf (excl:named-readtable n) nil))
+  #+ :common-lisp (progn (assert (eq readtable (gethash name *named-readtables*)))
+                         (remhash name *named-readtables*)))
+(define-cruft %find-readtable (name)
+  "Return the readtable named NAME."
+  #+ :allegro     (excl:named-readtable (readtable-name-for-allegro name))
+  #+ :common-lisp (values (gethash name *named-readtables* nil)))

+;;;; Reader-macro related predicates
+;;; CLISP creates new function objects for standard reader macros on
+;;; each readtable copy.
+(define-cruft function= (fn1 fn2)
+  "Are reader-macro function-designators FN1 and FN2 the same?"
+  #+ :clisp
+  (let* ((fn1 (ensure-function fn1))
+         (fn2 (ensure-function fn2))
+         (n1 (system::function-name fn1))
+         (n2 (system::function-name fn2)))
+    (if (and (eq n1 :lambda) (eq n2 :lambda))
+        (eq fn1 fn2)
+        (equal n1 n2)))
+  #+ :common-lisp
+  (eq (ensure-function fn1) (ensure-function fn2)))
+;;; CCL has a bug that prevents the portable form below from working
+;;; (Ticket 601). CLISP will incorrectly fold the call to G-D-M-C away
+;;; if not declared inline.
+(define-cruft dispatch-macro-char-p (char rt)
+  "Is CHAR a dispatch macro character in RT?"
+  #+ :ccl
+  (let ((def (cdr (nth-value 1 (ccl::%get-readtable-char char rt)))))
+    (or (consp (cdr def))
+        (eq (car def) #'ccl::read-dispatch)))
+  #+ :common-lisp
+  (handler-case (locally
+                    #+clisp (declare (notinline get-dispatch-macro-character))
+                  (get-dispatch-macro-character char #\x rt)
+                  t)
+    (error () nil)))
+;; (defun macro-char-p (char rt)
+;;   (let ((reader-fn (%get-macro-character char rt)))
+;;     (and reader-fn t)))
+;; (defun standard-macro-char-p (char rt)
+;;   (multiple-value-bind (rt-fn rt-flag) (get-macro-character char rt)
+;;     (multiple-value-bind (std-fn std-flag) (get-macro-character char *standard-readtable*)
+;;       (and (eq rt-fn std-fn)
+;; 	   (eq rt-flag std-flag)))))
+;; (defun standard-dispatch-macro-char-p (disp-char sub-char rt)
+;;   (flet ((non-terminating-p (ch rt) (nth-value 1 (get-macro-character ch rt))))
+;;     (and (eq (non-terminating-p disp-char rt)
+;; 	     (non-terminating-p disp-char *standard-readtable*))
+;; 	 (eq (get-dispatch-macro-character disp-char sub-char rt)
+;; 	     (get-dispatch-macro-character disp-char sub-char *standard-readtable*)))))

+;;;; Readtables Iterators
+(defmacro with-readtable-iterator ((name readtable) &body body)
+  (let ((it (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,it (%make-readtable-iterator ,readtable)))
+       (macrolet ((,name () `(funcall ,',it)))
+         , at body))))
+(defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable)
+  (let ((char-macro-array (sb-impl::character-macro-array readtable))
+        (char-macro-ht    (sb-impl::character-macro-hash-table readtable))
+        (dispatch-tables  (sb-impl::dispatch-tables readtable))
+        (char-code 0))
+    (with-hash-table-iterator (ht-iterator char-macro-ht)
+      (labels ((grovel-base-chars ()
+                 (declare (optimize sb-c::merge-tail-calls))
+                 (if (>= char-code sb-int:base-char-code-limit)
+                     (grovel-unicode-chars)
+                     (let ((reader-fn (svref char-macro-array char-code))
+                           (char      (code-char (shiftf char-code (1+ char-code)))))
+                       (if reader-fn
+                           (yield char reader-fn)
+                           (grovel-base-chars)))))
+               (grovel-unicode-chars ()
+                 (multiple-value-bind (more? char reader-fn) (ht-iterator)
+                   (if (not more?)
+                       (values nil nil nil nil nil)
+                       (yield char reader-fn))))
+               (yield (char reader-fn)
+                 (let ((disp-ht))
+                   (cond
+                     ((setq disp-ht (cdr (assoc char dispatch-tables)))
+                      (let* ((disp-fn (get-macro-character char readtable))
+                             (sub-char-alist))
+                        (maphash (lambda (k v)
+                                   (push (cons k v) sub-char-alist))
+                                 disp-ht)
+                        (values t char disp-fn t sub-char-alist)))
+                     (t
+                      (values t char reader-fn nil nil))))))
+        #'grovel-base-chars))))
+(defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable)
+  (let ((char-macro-alist (ccl::rdtab.alist readtable)))
+    (lambda ()
+      (if char-macro-alist
+          (destructuring-bind (char . defn) (pop char-macro-alist)
+            (if (consp defn)
+                (values t char (car defn) t (cdr defn))
+                (values t char defn nil nil)))
+          (values nil nil nil nil nil)))))
+;;; Written on ACL 8.0.
+(defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable)
+  (declare (optimize speed))            ; for TCO
+  (check-type readtable readtable)
+  (let* ((macro-table     (first (excl::readtable-macro-table readtable)))
+         (dispatch-tables (excl::readtable-dispatch-tables readtable))
+         (table-length    (length macro-table))
+         (idx 0))
+    (labels ((grovel-macro-chars ()
+               (if (>= idx table-length)
+                   (grovel-dispatch-chars)
+                   (let ((read-fn (svref macro-table idx))
+			 (oidx idx))
+                     (incf idx)
+                     (if (or (eq read-fn #'excl::read-token)
+                             (eq read-fn #'excl::read-dispatch-char)
+                             (eq read-fn #'excl::undefined-macro-char))
+                         (grovel-macro-chars)
+                         (values t (code-char oidx) read-fn nil nil)))))
+             (grovel-dispatch-chars ()
+               (if (null dispatch-tables)
+                   (values nil nil nil nil nil)
+                   (destructuring-bind (disp-char sub-char-table)
+                       (first dispatch-tables)
+                     (setf dispatch-tables (rest dispatch-tables))
+                     ;;; Kludge. We can't fully clear dispatch tables
+                     ;;; in %CLEAR-READTABLE.
+                     (when (eq (svref macro-table (char-code disp-char))
+                               #'excl::read-dispatch-char)
+                       (values t
+                               disp-char
+                               (svref macro-table (char-code disp-char))
+                               t
+                               (loop for subch-fn   across sub-char-table
+                                     for subch-code from 0
+                                     when subch-fn
+                                       collect (cons (code-char subch-code)
+                                                     subch-fn))))))))
+      #'grovel-macro-chars)))
+#-(or sbcl clozure allegro)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
+  (let ((*print-pretty* t))
+    (simple-style-warn
+     "~&~@<  ~@;~A has not been ported to ~A. ~
+       We fall back to a portable implementation of readtable iterators. ~
+       This implementation has to grovel through all available characters. ~
+       On Unicode-aware implementations this may come with some costs.~@:>" 
+     (package-name '#.*package*) (lisp-implementation-type))))
+#-(or sbcl clozure allegro)
+(defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable)
+  (check-type readtable readtable)
+  (let ((char-code 0))
+    #'(lambda ()
+        (prog ()
+           :GROVEL
+           (when (< char-code char-code-limit)
+             (let* ((char (code-char char-code))
+                    (fn   (get-macro-character char readtable)))
+               (incf char-code)
+               (when (not fn) (go :GROVEL))
+               (multiple-value-bind (disp? alist)
+                   (handler-case ; grovel dispatch macro characters.
+                       (values t
+                               ;; Only grovel upper case characters to
+                               ;; avoid duplicates.
+                               (loop for code from 0 below char-code-limit
+                                     for subchar = (let ((ch (code-char code)))
+                                                     (when (or (not (alpha-char-p ch))
+                                                               (upper-case-p ch))
+                                                       ch))
+                                     for disp-fn = (and subchar
+                                                        (get-dispatch-macro-character
+                                                            char subchar readtable))
+                                     when disp-fn
+                                       collect (cons subchar disp-fn)))
+                     (error () nil))
+                 (return (values t char fn disp? alist)))))))))
+(defmacro do-readtable ((entry-designator readtable &optional result)
+                        &body body)
+  "Iterate through a readtable's macro characters, and dispatch macro characters."
+  (destructuring-bind (char &optional reader-fn non-terminating-p disp? table)
+      (if (symbolp entry-designator)
+          (list entry-designator)
+          entry-designator)
+    (let ((iter (gensym "ITER+"))
+          (more? (gensym "MORE?+"))
+          (rt (gensym "READTABLE+")))
+      `(let ((,rt ,readtable))
+         (with-readtable-iterator (,iter ,rt)
+           (loop
+             (multiple-value-bind (,more?
+                                   ,char
+                                   ,@(when reader-fn (list reader-fn))
+                                   ,@(when disp? (list disp?))
+                                   ,@(when table (list table)))
+                 (,iter)
+               (unless ,more? (return ,result))
+               (let ,(when non-terminating-p
+                       ;; FIXME: N-T-P should be incorporated in iterators.
+                       `((,non-terminating-p
+                          (nth-value 1 (get-macro-character ,char ,rt)))))
+                 , at body))))))))

+;;;; Misc
+;;; This should return an implementation's actual standard readtable
+;;; object only if the implementation makes the effort to guard against
+;;; modification of that object. Otherwise it should better return a
+;;; copy.
+(define-cruft %standard-readtable ()
+  "Return the standard readtable."
+  #+ :sbcl+safe-standard-readtable sb-impl::*standard-readtable*
+  #+ :common-lisp                  (copy-readtable nil))
+;;; On SBCL, SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR does not get rid of a
+;;; readtable's dispatch table properly.
+;;; Same goes for Allegro but that does not seem to provide a
+;;; setter for their readtable's dispatch tables. Hence this ugly
+;;; workaround.
+(define-cruft %clear-readtable (readtable)
+  "Make all macro characters in READTABLE be constituents."
+  #+ :sbcl
+  (prog1 readtable
+    (do-readtable (char readtable)
+      (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable))
+    (setf (sb-impl::dispatch-tables readtable) nil))
+  #+ :allegro
+  (prog1 readtable
+    (do-readtable (char readtable)
+      (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable))
+    (let ((dispatch-tables (excl::readtable-dispatch-tables readtable)))
+      (setf (cdr   dispatch-tables) nil)
+      (setf (caar  dispatch-tables) #\Backspace)
+      (setf (cadar dispatch-tables) (fill (cadar dispatch-tables) nil))))
+  #+ :common-lisp
+  (do-readtable (char readtable readtable)
+    (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable)))
+;;; See Clozure Trac Ticket 601. This is supposed to be removed at
+;;; some point in the future.
+(define-cruft %get-dispatch-macro-character (char subchar rt)
+  "Ensure ANSI behaviour for GET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER."
+  #+ :ccl         (ignore-errors 
+                    (get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar rt))
+  #+ :common-lisp (get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar rt))
+;;; Allegro stores READ-TOKEN as reader macro function of each
+;;; constituent character.
+(define-cruft %get-macro-character (char rt)
+  "Ensure ANSI behaviour for GET-MACRO-CHARACTER."
+  #+ :allegro     (let ((fn (get-macro-character char rt)))
+                    (cond ((not fn) nil)
+                          ((function= fn #'excl::read-token) nil)
+                          (t fn)))
+  #+ :common-lisp (get-macro-character char rt))

+;;;; Specialized PRINT-OBJECT for named readtables.
+;;; As per #19 in CLHS defining a method for PRINT-OBJECT
+;;; that specializes on READTABLE is actually forbidden. It's quite
+;;; likely to work (modulo package-locks) on most implementations,
+;;; though.
+;;; We don't need this on Allegro CL's as we hook into their
+;;; named-readtable facility, and they provide such a method already.
+(without-package-lock (:common-lisp)
+  (defmethod print-object :around ((rt readtable) stream)
+    (let ((name (readtable-name rt)))
+      (if name
+          (print-unreadable-object (rt stream :type nil :identity t)
+            (format stream "~A ~S" :named-readtable name))
+          (call-next-method)))))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/define-api.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/define-api.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(in-package :named-readtables)
+(defmacro define-api (name lambda-list type-list &body body)
+  (flet ((parse-type-list (type-list)
+           (let ((pos (position '=> type-list)))
+             (assert pos () "You forgot to specify return type (`=>' missing.)")
+             (values (subseq type-list 0 pos)
+                     `(values ,@(nthcdr (1+ pos) type-list) &optional)))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (body decls docstring)
+        (parse-body body :documentation t :whole `(define-api ,name))
+      (multiple-value-bind (arg-typespec value-typespec)
+          (parse-type-list type-list)
+        (multiple-value-bind (reqs opts rest keys)
+            (parse-ordinary-lambda-list lambda-list)
+          (declare (ignorable reqs opts rest keys))
+          `(progn
+             (declaim (ftype (function ,arg-typespec ,value-typespec) ,name))
+             (locally
+                 ;;; Muffle the annoying "&OPTIONAL and &KEY found in
+                 ;;; the same lambda list" style-warning
+                 #+sbcl (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions style-warning))
+               (defun ,name ,lambda-list
+                 ,docstring
+                 #+sbcl (declare (sb-ext:unmuffle-conditions style-warning))
+                 , at decls
+                 ;; SBCL will interpret the ftype declaration as
+                 ;; assertion and will insert type checks for us.
+                 #-sbcl
+                 (progn
+                   ;; CHECK-TYPE required parameters
+                   ,@(loop for req-arg in reqs
+                           for req-type = (pop type-list)
+                           do (assert req-type)
+                           collect `(check-type ,req-arg ,req-type))
+                   ;; CHECK-TYPE optional parameters
+                   ,@(loop initially (assert (or (null opts)
+                                                 (eq (pop type-list) '&optional)))
+                           for (opt-arg . nil) in opts
+                           for opt-type = (pop type-list)
+                           do (assert opt-type)
+                           collect `(check-type ,opt-arg ,opt-type))
+                   ;; CHECK-TYPE rest parameter
+                   ,@(when rest
+                       (assert (eq (pop type-list) '&rest))
+                       (let ((rest-type (pop type-list)))
+                         (assert rest-type)
+                         `((dolist (x ,rest)
+                             (check-type x ,rest-type)))))
+                   ;; CHECK-TYPE key parameters
+                   ,@(loop initially (assert (or (null keys)
+                                                 (eq (pop type-list) '&key)))
+                           for ((keyword key-arg)  . nil) in keys
+                           for (nil key-type) = (find keyword type-list :key #'car)
+                           collect `(check-type ,key-arg ,key-type)))
+                 , at body))))))))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/doc/named-readtables.html
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/doc/named-readtables.html	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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+<h5>     by Tobias C Rittweiler </h5>
+<font color=red>Download:</font> <br> <br>
+  <code>darcs get http://common-lisp.net/~trittweiler/darcs/editor-hints/named-readtables/</code> (to be changed)
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="contents">Contents</a></h3>
+  <li> <a href="#what_are_named-readtables?">What are Named-Readtables?</a>
+  <li> <a href="#notes_on_the_api">Notes on the API</a>
+  <li> <a href="#important_api_idiosyncrasies">Important API idiosyncrasies</a>
+  <li> <a href="#preregistered_readtables">Preregistered Readtables</a>
+  <li> <a href="#examples">Examples</a>
+  <li> <a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a>
+    <li><a href="#dictionary">Dictionary</a>
+    <ol>
+    <li><a href="#COPY-NAMED-READTABLE"><code>COPY-NAMED-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#DEFREADTABLE"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#ENSURE-READTABLE"><code>ENSURE-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#FIND-READTABLE"><code>FIND-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#IN-READTABLE"><code>IN-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#LIST-ALL-NAMED-READTABLES"><code>LIST-ALL-NAMED-READTABLES</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#MAKE-READTABLE"><code>MAKE-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#MERGE-READTABLES-INTO"><code>MERGE-READTABLES-INTO</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#READER-MACRO-CONFLICT"><code>READER-MACRO-CONFLICT</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST"><code>READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#READTABLE-NAME"><code>READTABLE-NAME</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#REGISTER-READTABLE"><code>REGISTER-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#RENAME-READTABLE"><code>RENAME-READTABLE</code></a>
+    <li><a href="#UNREGISTER-READTABLE"><code>UNREGISTER-READTABLE</code></a>
+    </ol>
+</ol> <br> <br><h3><a class=none name="what_are_named-readtables?">What are Named-Readtables?</a></h3>
+    Named-Readtables is a library that provides a namespace for readtables akin to the <br>     already-existing namespace of packages. In particular:
+            <li>you can associate readtables with names, and retrieve readtables by names;</li>
+            <li>you can associate source files with readtable names, and be sure that the <br> right readtable is active when compiling/loading the file;</li>
+            <li>similiarly, your development environment now has a chance to automatically <br> determine what readtable should be active while processing source forms on <br> interactive commands. (E.g. think of `C-c C-c' in Slime [yet to be done])</li>
+    Additionally, it also attempts to become a facility for using readtables in a <br>     <u>modular</u> way. In particular:
+            <li>it provides a macro to specify the content of a readtable at a glance;</li>
+            <li>it makes it possible to use multiple inheritance between readtables.</li>
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="notes_on_the_api">Notes on the API</a></h3>
+    The <code>API</code> heavily imitates the <code>API</code> of packages. This has the nice property that any <br>     experienced Common Lisper will take it up without effort.
+            <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/m_defpkg.htm"><code>DEFPACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#In-Readtable"><code>IN-READTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/m_in_pkg.htm"><code>IN-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Merge-Readtables-Into"><code>MERGE-READTABLES-INTO</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_use_pk.htm"><code>USE-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Make-Readtable"><code>MAKE-READTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_mk_pkg.htm"><code>MAKE-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Unregister-Readtable"><code>UNREGISTER-READTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_del_pk.htm"><code>DELETE-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Rename-Readtable"><code>RENAME-READTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_rn_pkg.htm"><code>RENAME-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Find-Readtable"><code>FIND-READTABLE</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_find_p.htm"><code>FIND-PACKAGE</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#Readtable-Name"><code>READTABLE-NAME</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_pkg_na.htm"><code>PACKAGE-NAME</code></a></code>
+            <code><a href="#List-All-Named-Readtables"><code>LIST-ALL-NAMED-READTABLES</code></a></code> - <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_list_a.htm"><code>LIST-ALL-PACKAGES</code></a></code>
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="important_api_idiosyncrasies">Important API idiosyncrasies</a></h3>
+    There are three major differences between the <code>API</code> of Named-Readtables, and the <code>API</code> <br>     of packages.
+      <code>1.</code> Readtable names are symbols not strings.
+                Time has shown that the fact that packages are named by strings causes severe <br>                 headache because of the potential of package names colliding with each other.
+                Hence, readtables are named by symbols lest to make the situation worse than it <br>                 already is. Consequently, readtables named <code>CL-ORACLE:SQL-SYNTAX</code> and <br>                 <code>CL-MYSQL:SQL-SYNTAX</code> can happily coexist next to each other. Or, taken to an extreme, <br>                 <code>SCHEME:SYNTAX</code> and <code>ELISP:SYNTAX.</code>
+                If, for example to duly signify the importance of your cool readtable hack, you <br>                 really think it deserves a global name, you can always resort to keywords.
+      <code>2.</code> The inheritance is resolved statically, not dynamically.
+                A package that uses another package will have access to all the other <br>                 package's exported symbols, even to those that will be added after its <br>                 definition. I.e. the inheritance is resolved at run-time, that is dynamically.
+                Unfortunately, we cannot do the same for readtables in a portable manner.
+                Therefore, we do not talk about "using" another readtable but about <br>                 "merging" the other readtable's definition into the readtable we are <br>                 going to define. I.e. the inheritance is resolved once at definition time, that is <br>                 statically.
+                (Such merging can more or less be implemented portably albeit at a certain cost. <br>                 Most of the time, this cost manifests itself at the time a readtable is defined, <br>                 i.e. once at compile-time, so it may not bother you. Nonetheless, we provide extra <br>                 support for Sbcl, ClozureCL, and AllegroCL at the moment. Patches for your <br>                 implementation of choice are welcome, of course.)
+      <code>3.</code> <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> does not have compile-time effects.
+                If you define a package via <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/m_defpkg.htm"><code>DEFPACKAGE</code></a>,</code> you can make that package the currently <br>                 active package for the subsequent compilation of the same file via <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/m_in_pkg.htm"><code>IN-PACKAGE</code></a>.</code> The <br>                 same is, however, not true for <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> and <code><a href="#In-Readtable"><code>IN-READTABLE</code></a></code> for the following <br>                 reason:
+                It's unlikely that the need for special reader-macros arises for a problem <br>                 which can be solved in just one file. Most often, you're going to define the <br>                 reader macro functions, and set up the corresponding readtable in an extra file.
+                If <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> had compile-time effects, you'd have to wrap each definition <br>                 of a reader-macro function in an <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/s_eval_w.htm"><code>EVAL-WHEN</code></a></code> to make its definition available at <br>                 compile-time. Because that's simply not the common case, <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> does not <br>                 have a compile-time effect.
+                If you want to use a readtable within the same file as its definition, wrap the <br>                 <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> and the reader-macro function definitions in an explicit <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/s_eval_w.htm"><code>EVAL-WHEN</code></a>.</code>
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="preregistered_readtables">Preregistered Readtables</a></h3>
+        - <code>NIL,</code> <code>:STANDARD,</code> and <code>:COMMON-LISP</code> designate the <i><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_s.htm#standard_readtable">standard readtable</a></i>.
+        - <code>:MODERN</code> designates a <u>case-preserving</u> <i><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_s.htm#standard-readtable">standard-readtable</a></i>.
+        - <code>:CURRENT</code> designates the <i><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_c.htm#current_readtable">current readtable</a></i>.
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="examples">Examples</a></h3>
+     (defreadtable elisp:syntax
+        (:merge :standard)
+        (:macro-char #\? #'elisp::read-character-literal t)
+        (:macro-char #\[ #'elisp::read-vector-literal t)
+        ...
+        (:case :preserve))
+     (defreadtable scheme:syntax
+        (:merge :standard)
+        (:macro-char #\[ #'(lambda (stream char)
+                              (read-delimited-list #\] stream)))
+        (:macro-char #\# :dispatch)
+        (:dispatch-macro-char #\# #\t #'scheme::read-#t)
+        (:dispatch-macro-char #\# #\f #'scheme::read-#f)
+        ...
+        (:case :preserve))
+     (in-readtable elisp:syntax)
+     ...
+     (in-readtable scheme:syntax)
+     ...
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></h3>
+    Thanks to Robert Goldman for making me want to write this library.
+    Thanks to Stephen Compall, Ariel Badichi, David Lichteblau, Bart Botta, David <br>     Crawford, and Pascal Costanza for being early adopters, providing comments and <br>     bugfixes.
+<br> <br>
+<br> <br><h3><a class=none name="dictionary">Dictionary</a></h3>
+<!-- Entry for COPY-NAMED-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='COPY-NAMED-READTABLE'><b>copy-named-readtable</b> <i>named-readtable</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>named-readtable</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                            READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Like <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_cp_rdt.htm"><code>COPY-READTABLE</code></a></code> but takes a <code><a href="#Named-Readtable-Designator"><code>NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATOR</code></a></code> as argument.
+<!-- End of entry for COPY-NAMED-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for DEFREADTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Macro]<br><a class=none name='DEFREADTABLE'><b>defreadtable</b> <i>name &body options</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Description:
+Define a new named readtable, whose name is given by the symbol <i>name</i>. Or, if <br> a readtable is already registered under that name, redefine that one.
+The readtable can be populated using the following <i>options</i>:
+    <code>(:MERGE</code> <i>readtable-designators</i>+)
+            Merge the readtables designated into the new readtable being defined as per <br>             <code><a href="#Merge-Readtables-Into"><code>MERGE-READTABLES-INTO</code></a>.</code>
+            If no <code>:MERGE</code> clause is given, an empty readtable is used. See <code><a href="#Make-Readtable"><code>MAKE-READTABLE</code></a>.</code>
+    <code>(:FUZE</code> <i>readtable-designators</i>+)
+            Like <code>:MERGE</code> except:
+            Error conditions of type <code><a href="#Reader-Macro-Conflict"><code>READER-MACRO-CONFLICT</code></a></code> that are signaled during the merge <br>             operation will be silently <u>continued</u>. It follows that reader macros in earlier <br>             entries will be overwritten by later ones.
+    <code>(:DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR</code> <i>macro-char</i> <i>sub-char</i> <i>function</i>)
+            Define a new sub character <i>sub-char</i> for the dispatching macro character <br>             <i>macro-char</i>, per <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_set__1.htm"><code>SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER</code></a>.</code> You probably have to define <br>             <i>macro-char</i> as a dispatching macro character by the following option first.
+    <code>(:MACRO-CHAR</code> <i>macro-char</i> <i>function</i> [<i>non-terminating-p</i>])
+            Define a new macro character in the readtable, per <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_set_ma.htm"><code>SET-MACRO-CHARACTER</code></a>.</code> If <br>             <i>function</i> is the keyword <code>:DISPATCH,</code> <i>macro-char</i> is made a dispatching <br>             macro character, per <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_mk_dis.htm"><code>MAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER</code></a>.</code>
+    <code>(:SYNTAX-FROM</code> <i>from-readtable-designator</i> <i>from-char</i> <i>to-char</i>)
+            Set the character syntax of <i>to-char</i> in the readtable being defined to the <br>             same syntax as <i>from-char</i> as per <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/f_set_sy.htm"><code>SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR</code></a>.</code>
+    <code>(:CASE</code> <i>case-mode</i>)
+            Defines the <i><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_c.htm#case_sensitivity_mode">case sensitivity mode</a></i> of the resulting readtable.
+Any number of option clauses may appear. The options are grouped by their type, but <br> in each group the order the options appeared textually is preserved. The following <br> groups exist and are executed in the following order: <code>:MERGE</code> and <code>:FUZE</code> (one group), <br> <code>:CASE,</code> <code>:MACRO-CHAR</code> and <code>:DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR</code> (one group), finally <code>:SYNTAX-FROM.</code>
+    The readtable is defined at load-time. If you want to have it available at <br>     compilation time <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/a__.htm"><code>-</code></a>-</code> say to use its reader-macros in the same file as its definition <br>     <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/a__.htm"><code>-</code></a>-</code> you have to wrap the <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> form in an explicit <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/s_eval_w.htm"><code>EVAL-WHEN</code></a>.</code>
+    On redefinition, the target readtable is made empty first before it's refilled <br>     according to the clauses.
+    <code>NIL,</code> <code>:STANDARD,</code> <code>:COMMON-LISP,</code> <code>:MODERN,</code> and <code>:CURRENT</code> are preregistered readtable <br>     names.
+<!-- End of entry for DEFREADTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for ENSURE-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='ENSURE-READTABLE'><b>ensure-readtable</b> <i>name <tt>&optional</tt> default</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>name</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                             READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>default</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Looks up the readtable specified by <i>name</i> and returns it if it's found. <br> If it is not found, it registers the readtable designated by <i>default</i> under <br> the name represented by <i>name</i>; or if no default argument is given, it signals <br> an error of type <code><a href="#Readtable-Does-Not-Exist"><code>READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST</code></a></code> instead.
+<!-- End of entry for ENSURE-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for FIND-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='FIND-READTABLE'><b>find-readtable</b> <i>name</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>name</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                          READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                          SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       NULL)</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Looks for the readtable specified by <i>name</i> and returns it if it is found. <br> Returns <code>NIL</code> otherwise.
+<!-- End of entry for FIND-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for IN-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Macro]<br><a class=none name='IN-READTABLE'><b>in-readtable</b> <i>name</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Description:
+Set <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/v_rdtabl.htm"><code>*READTABLE*</code></a></code> to the readtable referred to by the symbol <i>name</i>.
+<!-- End of entry for IN-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='LIST-ALL-NAMED-READTABLES'><b>list-all-named-readtables</b> <i></i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>LIST</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Returns a list of all registered readtables. The returned list is guaranteed to be <br> fresh, but may contain duplicates.
+<!-- End of entry for LIST-ALL-NAMED-READTABLES -->
+<!-- Entry for MAKE-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='MAKE-READTABLE'><b>make-readtable</b> <i><tt>&optional</tt> name <tt>&key</tt> merge</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>name</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>merge</i>: <code>LIST</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Creates and returns a new readtable under the specified <i>name</i>.
+<i>merge</i> takes a list of <code><a href="#Named-Readtable-Designators"><code>NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATORS</code></a></code> and specifies the <br> readtables the new readtable is created from. (See the <code>:MERGE</code> clause of <code><a href="#Defreadtable"><code>DEFREADTABLE</code></a></code> <br> for details.)
+If <i>merge</i> is <code>NIL,</code> an empty readtable is used instead.
+If <i>name</i> is not given, an anonymous empty readtable is returned.
+    An empty readtable is a readtable where each character's syntax is the same as <br>     in the <i><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/26_glo_s.htm#standard_readtable">standard readtable</a></i> except that each macro character has been made a <br>     constituent. Basically: whitespace stays whitespace, everything else is constituent.
+<!-- End of entry for MAKE-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for MERGE-READTABLES-INTO -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='MERGE-READTABLES-INTO'><b>merge-readtables-into</b> <i>result-readtable <tt>&rest</tt> named-readtables</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>result-readtable</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>named-readtables</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Copy the contents of each readtable in <i>named-readtables</i> into <br> <i>result-table</i>.
+If a macro character appears in more than one of the readtables, i.e. if a conflict <br> is discovered during the merge, an error of type <code><a href="#Reader-Macro-Conflict"><code>READER-MACRO-CONFLICT</code></a></code> is signaled.
+<!-- End of entry for MERGE-READTABLES-INTO -->
+<p><br>[Type]<br><a class=none name='NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATOR'><b>named-readtable-designator</b></a><br><br>  Description:
+Either a symbol or a readtable itself.
+<!-- End of entry for NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATOR -->
+<!-- Entry for READER-MACRO-CONFLICT -->
+<p><br>[Condition type]<br><a class=none name='READER-MACRO-CONFLICT'><b>reader-macro-conflict</b></a><br><br>  Description:
+This condition is signaled during the merge process if a) a reader macro (be it a <br> macro character or the sub character of a dispatch macro character) is both present <br> in the source as well as the target readtable, and b) if and only if the two <br> respective reader macro functions differ.
+<!-- End of entry for READER-MACRO-CONFLICT -->
+<p><br>[Condition type]<br><a class=none name='READTABLE-DOES-ALREADY-EXIST'><b>readtable-does-already-exist</b></a><br><br>  Description:
+<!-- End of entry for READTABLE-DOES-ALREADY-EXIST -->
+<!-- Entry for READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST -->
+<p><br>[Condition type]<br><a class=none name='READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST'><b>readtable-does-not-exist</b></a><br><br>
+<!-- End of entry for READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST -->
+<!-- Entry for READTABLE-NAME -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='READTABLE-NAME'><b>readtable-name</b> <i>named-readtable</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>named-readtable</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>SYMBOL</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Returns the name of the readtable designated by <i>named-readtable</i>, or <code>NIL.</code>
+<!-- End of entry for READTABLE-NAME -->
+<!-- Entry for REGISTER-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='REGISTER-READTABLE'><b>register-readtable</b> <i>name readtable</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>name</i>: <code>SYMBOL</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>readtable</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Associate <i>readtable</i> with <i>name</i>. Returns the readtable.
+<!-- End of entry for REGISTER-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for RENAME-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='RENAME-READTABLE'><b>rename-readtable</b> <i>old-name new-name</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>old-name</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                               READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                               SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>new-name</i>: <code>SYMBOL</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>READTABLE</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Replaces the associated name of the readtable designated by <i>old-name</i> with <br> <i>new-name</i>. If a readtable is already registered under <i>new-name</i>, an <br> error of type <code><a href="#Readtable-Does-Already-Exist"><code>READTABLE-DOES-ALREADY-EXIST</code></a></code> is signaled.
+<!-- End of entry for RENAME-READTABLE -->
+<!-- Entry for UNREGISTER-READTABLE -->
+<p><br>[Function]<br><a class=none name='UNREGISTER-READTABLE'><b>unregister-readtable</b> <i>named-readtable</i> => <i>result</i></a><br><br>  Argument and Values:<blockquote><i>named-readtable</i>: <code>(OR
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                            READTABLE
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SYMBOL)</code></blockquote><blockquote><i>result</i>: <code>(MEMBER T
+                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NIL)</code></blockquote>  Description:
+Remove the association of <i>named-readtable</i>. Returns <code><a href="http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/Body/a_t.htm"><code>T</code></a></code> if successfull, <code>NIL</code> <br> otherwise.
+<!-- End of entry for UNREGISTER-READTABLE -->
+This documentation was generated on 2009-9-29 from a Lisp image using some home-brewn,
+duct-taped, <br> evolutionary hacked extension of Edi Weitz' 
+<a href="http://weitz.de/documentation-template/">DOCUMENTATION-TEMPLATE</a>.
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/named-readtables.asd
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/named-readtables.asd	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+;;; -*- Mode:Lisp -*-
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defclass asdf::named-readtables-source-file (asdf:cl-source-file) ())
+(defmethod asdf:perform :around ((o asdf:compile-op)
+                                 (c asdf::named-readtables-source-file))
+  (let ((sb-ext:*derive-function-types* t))
+    (call-next-method)))
+(asdf:defsystem :named-readtables
+  :description "Library that creates a namespace for named readtable akin to the namespace of packages."
+  :author "Tobias C. Rittweiler <trittweiler at common-lisp.net>"
+  :version "1.0 (unpublished so far)"
+  :licence "BSD"
+  :default-component-class asdf::named-readtables-source-file
+  :components
+  ((:file "package")
+   (:file "utils"                 :depends-on ("package"))
+   (:file "define-api"            :depends-on ("package" "utils"))
+   (:file "cruft"                 :depends-on ("package" "utils"))
+   (:file "named-readtables"      :depends-on ("package" "utils" "cruft" "define-api"))))
+(defmethod asdf:perform ((o asdf:test-op)
+                         (c (eql (asdf:find-system :named-readtables))))
+  (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :named-readtables-test)
+  (asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :named-readtables-test))
+(asdf:defsystem :named-readtables-test
+  :description "Test suite for the Named-Readtables library."
+  :author "Tobias C. Rittweiler <trittweiler at common-lisp.net>"
+  :depends-on (:named-readtables)
+  :components
+  ((:module tests
+    :default-component-class asdf::named-readtables-source-file
+    :serial t
+    :components
+    ((:file "package")
+     (:file "rt"    :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file "tests" :depends-on ("package" "rt"))))))
+(defmethod asdf:perform ((o asdf:test-op)
+                         (c (eql (asdf:find-system
+                                  :named-readtables-test))))
+  (let ((*package* (find-package :named-readtables-test)))
+    (funcall (intern (string '#:do-tests) *package*))))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/named-readtables.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/named-readtables.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+;;;; -*- Mode:Lisp -*-
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2007, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info> and SIFT, LLC
+;;;; All rights reserved.
+;;;; See LICENSE for details.
+(in-package :editor-hints.named-readtables)
+;;;  ``This is enough of a foothold to implement a more elaborate
+;;;    facility for using readtables in a localized way.''
+;;;                               (X3J13 Cleanup Issue IN-SYNTAX)
+;;;;;; DEFREADTABLE &c.
+(defmacro defreadtable (name &body options)
+  "Define a new named readtable, whose name is given by the symbol `name'.
+Or, if a readtable is already registered under that name, redefine that
+The readtable can be populated using the following `options':
+  (:MERGE `readtable-designators'+)
+      Merge the readtables designated into the new readtable being defined
+      If no :MERGE clause is given, an empty readtable is used. See
+  (:FUZE `readtable-designators'+)
+      Like :MERGE except:
+      Error conditions of type READER-MACRO-CONFLICT that are signaled
+      during the merge operation will be silently _continued_. It follows
+      that reader macros in earlier entries will be overwritten by later
+      ones.
+  (:DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR `macro-char' `sub-char' `function')
+      Define a new sub character `sub-char' for the dispatching macro
+      character `macro-char', per SET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER. You
+      probably have to define `macro-char' as a dispatching macro character
+      by the following option first.
+  (:MACRO-CHAR `macro-char' `function' [`non-terminating-p'])
+      Define a new macro character in the readtable, per SET-MACRO-CHARACTER.
+      If `function' is the keyword :DISPATCH, `macro-char' is made a
+      dispatching macro character, per MAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER.
+  (:SYNTAX-FROM `from-readtable-designator' `from-char' `to-char')
+      Set the character syntax of `to-char' in the readtable being defined
+      to the same syntax as `from-char' as per SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR.
+  (:CASE `case-mode') 
+      Defines the /case sensitivity mode/ of the resulting readtable.
+Any number of option clauses may appear. The options are grouped by their
+type, but in each group the order the options appeared textually is
+preserved.  The following groups exist and are executed in the following
+order: :MERGE and :FUZE (one group), :CASE, :MACRO-CHAR
+and :DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR (one group), finally :SYNTAX-FROM.
+  The readtable is defined at load-time. If you want to have it available
+  at compilation time -- say to use its reader-macros in the same file as
+  its definition -- you have to wrap the DEFREADTABLE form in an explicit
+  On redefinition, the target readtable is made empty first before it's
+  refilled according to the clauses.
+  preregistered readtable names.
+  (check-type name symbol)
+  (when (reserved-readtable-name-p name)
+    (error "~A is the designator for a predefined readtable. ~
+            Not acceptable as a user-specified readtable name." name))
+  (flet ((process-option (option var)
+           (destructure-case option
+             ((:merge &rest readtable-designators)
+	      `(merge-readtables-into ,var
+                 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `',x) readtable-designators))) ; quotify
+             ((:fuze &rest readtable-designators)
+	      `(handler-bind ((reader-macro-conflict #'continue))
+                 (merge-readtables-into ,var
+                   ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `',x) readtable-designators))))
+             ((:dispatch-macro-char disp-char sub-char function)
+              `(set-dispatch-macro-character ,disp-char ,sub-char ,function ,var))
+             ((:macro-char char function &optional non-terminating-p)
+	      (if (eq function :dispatch)
+		  `(make-dispatch-macro-character ,char ,non-terminating-p ,var)
+		  `(set-macro-character ,char ,function ,non-terminating-p ,var)))
+	     ((:syntax-from from-rt-designator from-char to-char)
+	      `(set-syntax-from-char ,to-char ,from-char 
+				     ,var (find-readtable ,from-rt-designator)))
+	     ((:case mode)
+	      `(setf (readtable-case ,var) ,mode))))
+	 (remove-clauses (clauses options)
+	   (setq clauses (if (listp clauses) clauses (list clauses)))
+	   (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (member x clauses)) 
+			  options :key #'first)))
+    (let* ((merge-clauses  (remove-clauses '(:merge :fuze) options))
+	   (case-clauses   (remove-clauses :case  options))
+	   (macro-clauses  (remove-clauses '(:macro-char :dispatch-macro-char)
+					   options))
+	   (syntax-clauses (remove-clauses :syntax-from options))
+	   (other-clauses  (set-difference options 
+					   (append merge-clauses case-clauses 
+						   macro-clauses syntax-clauses))))
+      (cond 
+	((not (null other-clauses))
+	 (error "Bogus DEFREADTABLE clauses: ~/PPRINT-LINEAR/" other-clauses))
+	(t
+	 `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
+            ;; The (FIND-READTABLE ...) isqrt important for proper
+            ;; redefinition semantics, as redefining has to modify the
+            ;; already existing readtable object.
+            (let ((readtable (find-readtable ',name)))
+              (cond ((not readtable)
+                     (setq readtable (make-readtable ',name)))
+                    (t
+                     (setq readtable (%clear-readtable readtable))
+                     (simple-style-warn "Overwriting already existing readtable ~S."
+                                        readtable)))
+              ,@(loop for option in merge-clauses
+                      collect (process-option option 'readtable))
+              ,@(loop for option in case-clauses
+                      collect (process-option option 'readtable))
+              ,@(loop for option in macro-clauses
+                      collect (process-option option 'readtable))
+              ,@(loop for option in syntax-clauses
+                      collect (process-option option 'readtable))
+              readtable)))))))
+(defmacro in-readtable (name)
+  "Set *READTABLE* to the readtable referred to by the symbol `name'."
+  (check-type name symbol)
+  `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+     ;; NB. The :LOAD-TOPLEVEL is needed for cases like (DEFVAR *FOO*
+     ;; (GET-MACRO-CHARACTER #\"))
+     (setf *readtable* (ensure-readtable ',name))
+     (when (find-package :swank)
+       (%frob-swank-readtable-alist *package* *readtable*))
+     ))
+;;; KLUDGE: [interim solution]
+;;;   We need support for this in Slime itself, because we want IN-READTABLE
+;;;   to work on a per-file basis, and not on a per-package basis.
+(defun %frob-swank-readtable-alist (package readtable)
+  (let ((readtable-alist (find-symbol (string '#:*readtable-alist*) 
+				      (find-package :swank))))
+    (when (boundp readtable-alist)
+      (pushnew (cons (package-name package) readtable)
+	       (symbol-value readtable-alist)
+	       :test #'(lambda (entry1 entry2)
+			 (destructuring-bind (pkg-name1 . rt1) entry1
+			   (destructuring-bind (pkg-name2 . rt2) entry2
+			     (and (string= pkg-name1 pkg-name2)
+				  (eq rt1 rt2)))))))))

+(deftype readtable-designator ()
+  `(or null readtable))
+(deftype named-readtable-designator ()
+  "Either a symbol or a readtable itself."
+  `(or readtable-designator symbol))

+(declaim (special *standard-readtable* *empty-readtable*))
+(define-api make-readtable
+    (&optional (name nil name-supplied-p) &key merge)
+    (&optional named-readtable-designator &key (:merge list) => readtable)
+  "Creates and returns a new readtable under the specified `name'.
+`merge' takes a list of NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATORS and specifies the
+readtables the new readtable is created from. (See the :MERGE clause of
+DEFREADTABLE for details.)
+If `merge' is NIL, an empty readtable is used instead.
+If `name' is not given, an anonymous empty readtable is returned.
+  An empty readtable is a readtable where each character's syntax is the
+  same as in the /standard readtable/ except that each macro character has
+  been made a constituent. Basically: whitespace stays whitespace,
+  everything else is constituent."
+  (cond ((not name-supplied-p)
+         (copy-readtable *empty-readtable*))
+        ((reserved-readtable-name-p name)
+         (error "~A is the designator for a predefined readtable. ~
+                   Not acceptable as a user-specified readtable name." name))
+        ((let ((rt (find-readtable name)))
+           (and rt (prog1 nil
+                     (cerror "Overwrite existing entry." 
+                             'readtable-does-already-exist :readtable-name name)
+                     ;; Explicitly unregister to make sure that we do not hold on
+                     ;; of any reference to RT.
+                     (unregister-readtable rt)))))
+        (t (let ((result (apply #'merge-readtables-into
+                                ;; The first readtable specified in the :merge list is
+                                ;; taken as the basis for all subsequent (destructive!)
+                                ;; modifications (and hence it's copied.)
+                                (copy-readtable (if merge
+                                                    (ensure-readtable (first merge))
+                                                    *empty-readtable*))
+                                (rest merge))))
+             (register-readtable name result)))))
+(define-api rename-readtable
+    (old-name new-name)
+    (named-readtable-designator symbol => readtable)
+  "Replaces the associated name of the readtable designated by `old-name'
+with `new-name'. If a readtable is already registered under `new-name', an
+error of type READTABLE-DOES-ALREADY-EXIST is signaled."
+  (when (find-readtable new-name)
+    (cerror "Overwrite existing entry." 
+            'readtable-does-already-exist :readtable-name new-name))
+  (let* ((readtable (ensure-readtable old-name))
+	 (readtable-name (readtable-name readtable)))
+    ;; We use the internal functions directly to omit repeated
+    ;; type-checking.
+    (%unassociate-name-from-readtable readtable-name readtable)
+    (%unassociate-readtable-from-name readtable-name readtable)
+    (%associate-name-with-readtable new-name readtable)
+    (%associate-readtable-with-name new-name readtable)
+    readtable))
+(define-api merge-readtables-into
+    (result-readtable &rest named-readtables)
+    (named-readtable-designator &rest named-readtable-designator => readtable)
+  "Copy the contents of each readtable in `named-readtables' into
+If a macro character appears in more than one of the readtables, i.e. if a
+conflict is discovered during the merge, an error of type
+  (flet ((merge-into (to from)
+	   (do-readtable ((char reader-fn non-terminating-p disp? table) from)
+             (check-reader-macro-conflict from to char)
+             (cond ((not disp?)
+                    (set-macro-character char reader-fn non-terminating-p to))
+                   (t
+                    (ensure-dispatch-macro-character char non-terminating-p to)
+                    (loop for (subchar . subfn) in table do
+                          (check-reader-macro-conflict from to char subchar)
+                          (set-dispatch-macro-character char subchar subfn to)))))
+	   to))
+    (let ((result-table (ensure-readtable result-readtable)))
+      (dolist (table (mapcar #'ensure-readtable named-readtables))
+        (merge-into result-table table))
+      result-table)))
+(defun ensure-dispatch-macro-character (char &optional non-terminating-p
+                                                       (readtable *readtable*))
+  (if (dispatch-macro-char-p char readtable)
+      t
+      (make-dispatch-macro-character char non-terminating-p readtable)))
+(define-api copy-named-readtable
+    (named-readtable)
+    (named-readtable-designator => readtable)
+  "Like COPY-READTABLE but takes a NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATOR as argument."
+  (copy-readtable (ensure-readtable named-readtable)))
+(define-api list-all-named-readtables () (=> list)
+  "Returns a list of all registered readtables. The returned list is
+guaranteed to be fresh, but may contain duplicates."
+  (mapcar #'ensure-readtable (%list-all-readtable-names)))

+(define-condition readtable-error (error) ())
+(define-condition readtable-does-not-exist (readtable-error)
+  ((readtable-name :initarg :readtable-name 
+	           :initform (required-argument)
+	           :accessor missing-readtable-name
+                   :type named-readtable-designator))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (format stream "A readtable named ~S does not exist."
+                     (missing-readtable-name condition)))))
+(define-condition readtable-does-already-exist (readtable-error)
+  ((readtable-name :initarg :readtable-name
+                   :initform (required-argument)
+                   :accessor existing-readtable-name
+                   :type named-readtable-designator))
+  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
+             (format stream "A readtable named ~S already exists."
+                     (existing-readtable-name condition))))
+  (:documentation "Continuable."))
+(define-condition reader-macro-conflict (readtable-error)
+  ((macro-char
+    :initarg :macro-char
+    :initform (required-argument)
+    :accessor conflicting-macro-char
+    :type character)
+   (sub-char
+    :initarg :sub-char
+    :initform nil
+    :accessor conflicting-dispatch-sub-char
+    :type (or null character))
+   (from-readtable
+    :initarg :from-readtable
+    :initform (required-argument)
+    :accessor from-readtable
+    :type readtable)
+   (to-readtable
+    :initarg :to-readtable
+    :initform (required-argument)
+    :accessor to-readtable
+    :type readtable))
+  (:report
+   (lambda (condition stream)
+     (format stream "~@<Reader macro conflict while trying to merge the ~
+                        ~:[macro character~;dispatch macro characters~] ~
+                        ~@C~@[ ~@C~] from ~A into ~A.~@:>"
+             (conflicting-dispatch-sub-char condition)
+             (conflicting-macro-char condition)
+             (conflicting-dispatch-sub-char condition)
+             (from-readtable condition)
+             (to-readtable condition))))
+  (:documentation "Continuable.
+This condition is signaled during the merge process if a) a reader macro
+\(be it a macro character or the sub character of a dispatch macro
+character\) is both present in the source as well as the target readtable,
+and b) if and only if the two respective reader macro functions differ."))
+(defun check-reader-macro-conflict (from to char &optional subchar)
+  (flet ((conflictp (from-fn to-fn)
+           (assert from-fn) ; if this fails, there's a bug in readtable iterators.
+           (and to-fn (not (function= to-fn from-fn)))))
+    (when (if subchar
+              (conflictp (%get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar from)
+                         (%get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar to))
+              (conflictp (%get-macro-character char from)
+                         (%get-macro-character char to)))
+      (cerror (format nil "Overwrite ~@C in ~A." char to)
+              'reader-macro-conflict
+              :from-readtable from
+              :to-readtable to
+              :macro-char char
+              :sub-char subchar))))

+;;; Although there is no way to get at the standard readtable in
+;;; Common Lisp (cf. /standard readtable/, CLHS glossary), we make
+;;; up the perception of its existence by interning a copy of it.
+;;; We do this for reverse lookup (cf. READTABLE-NAME), i.e. for
+;;;   (equal (readtable-name (find-readtable :standard)) "STANDARD")
+;;; holding true.
+;;; We, however, inherit the restriction that the :STANDARD
+;;; readtable _must not be modified_ (cf. CLHS, although it'd
+;;; technically be feasible (as *STANDARD-READTABLE* will contain a
+;;; mutable copy of the implementation-internal standard readtable.)
+;;; We cannot enforce this restriction without shadowing
+;;; is out of scope of this library, though. So we just threaten
+;;; with nasal demons.
+(defvar *standard-readtable*
+  (%standard-readtable))
+(defvar *empty-readtable*
+  (%clear-readtable (copy-readtable nil)))
+(defvar *case-preserving-standard-readtable*
+  (let ((readtable (copy-readtable nil)))
+    (setf (readtable-case readtable) :preserve)
+    readtable))
+(defparameter *reserved-readtable-names*
+  '(nil :standard :common-lisp :modern :current))
+(defun reserved-readtable-name-p (name)
+  (and (member name *reserved-readtable-names*) t))
+;;; In principle, we could DEFREADTABLE some of these. But we do
+;;; reserved readtable lookup seperately, since we can't register a
+;;; readtable for :CURRENT anyway.
+(defun find-reserved-readtable (reserved-name)
+  (cond ((eq reserved-name nil)          *standard-readtable*)
+	((eq reserved-name :standard)    *standard-readtable*)
+        ((eq reserved-name :common-lisp) *standard-readtable*)
+        ((eq reserved-name :modern)      *case-preserving-standard-readtable*)
+	((eq reserved-name :current)     *readtable*)
+	(t (error "Bug: no such reserved readtable: ~S" reserved-name))))
+(define-api find-readtable
+    (name)
+    (named-readtable-designator => (or readtable null))
+  "Looks for the readtable specified by `name' and returns it if it is
+found. Returns NIL otherwise."
+  (cond ((readtablep name) name)
+        ((reserved-readtable-name-p name)
+         (find-reserved-readtable name))
+        ((%find-readtable name))))
+;;; FIXME: This doesn't take a NAMED-READTABLE-DESIGNATOR, but only a
+;;; STRING-DESIGNATOR. (When fixing, heed interplay with compiler
+;;; macros below.)
+(defsetf find-readtable register-readtable)
+(define-api ensure-readtable
+    (name &optional (default nil default-p))
+    (named-readtable-designator &optional (or named-readtable-designator null)
+      => readtable)
+  "Looks up the readtable specified by `name' and returns it if it's found.
+If it is not found, it registers the readtable designated by `default'
+under the name represented by `name'; or if no default argument is given,
+it signals an error of type READTABLE-DOES-NOT-EXIST instead."
+  (cond ((find-readtable name))
+        ((not default-p)
+         (error 'readtable-does-not-exist :readtable-name name))
+        (t (setf (find-readtable name) (ensure-readtable default)))))

+(define-api register-readtable
+    (name readtable)
+    (symbol readtable => readtable)
+  "Associate `readtable' with `name'. Returns the readtable."
+  (assert (typep name '(not (satisfies reserved-readtable-name-p))))
+  (%associate-readtable-with-name name readtable)
+  (%associate-name-with-readtable name readtable)
+  readtable)
+(define-api unregister-readtable
+    (named-readtable)
+    (named-readtable-designator => boolean)
+  "Remove the association of `named-readtable'. Returns T if successfull,
+NIL otherwise."
+  (let* ((readtable (find-readtable named-readtable))
+	 (readtable-name (and readtable (readtable-name readtable))))
+    (if (not readtable-name)
+	nil
+	(prog1 t
+	  (check-type readtable-name (not (satisfies reserved-readtable-name-p)))
+            (%unassociate-readtable-from-name readtable-name readtable)
+            (%unassociate-name-from-readtable readtable-name readtable)))))
+(define-api readtable-name
+    (named-readtable)
+    (named-readtable-designator => symbol)
+  "Returns the name of the readtable designated by `named-readtable', or
+   (let ((readtable (ensure-readtable named-readtable)))
+    (cond ((%readtable-name readtable))
+          ((eq readtable *readtable*) :current)
+	  ((eq readtable *standard-readtable*) :common-lisp)
+          ((eq readtable *case-preserving-standard-readtable*) :modern)
+	  (t nil))))

+;;;;; Compiler macros
+;;; Since the :STANDARD readtable is interned, and we can't enforce
+;;; its immutability, we signal a style-warning for suspicious uses
+;;; that may result in strange behaviour:
+;;; Modifying the standard readtable would, obviously, lead to a
+;;; propagation of this change to all places which use the :STANDARD
+;;; readtable (and thus rendering this readtable to be non-standard,
+;;; in fact.)
+(defun constant-standard-readtable-expression-p (thing)
+  (cond ((symbolp thing) (or (eq thing 'nil) (eq thing :standard)))
+	((consp thing)   (some (lambda (x) (equal thing x))
+			       '((find-readtable nil)
+				 (find-readtable :standard)
+				 (ensure-readtable nil)
+				 (ensure-readtable :standard))))
+	(t nil)))
+(defun signal-suspicious-registration-warning (name-expr readtable-expr)
+  (simple-style-warn
+   "Caution: ~<You're trying to register the :STANDARD readtable ~
+    under a new name ~S. As modification of the :STANDARD readtable ~
+    is not permitted, subsequent modification of ~S won't be ~
+    permitted either. You probably want to wrap COPY-READTABLE ~
+    around~@:>~%             ~S"
+   (list name-expr name-expr) readtable-expr))
+(let ()
+  ;; Defer to runtime because compiler-macros are made available already
+  ;; at compilation time. So without this two subsequent invocations of
+  ;; COMPILE-FILE on this file would result in an undefined function
+  ;; error because the two above functions are not yet available.
+  ;; (This does not use EVAL-WHEN because of Fig 3.7, CLHS;
+  ;; cf. last example in CLHS "EVAL-WHEN" entry.)
+  (define-compiler-macro register-readtable (&whole form name readtable)
+    (when (constant-standard-readtable-expression-p readtable)
+      (signal-suspicious-registration-warning name readtable))
+    form)
+  (define-compiler-macro ensure-readtable (&whole form name &optional (default nil default-p))
+    (when (and default-p (constant-standard-readtable-expression-p default))
+      (signal-suspicious-registration-warning name default))
+    form))

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/package.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(in-package :common-lisp-user)
+(defpackage :editor-hints.named-readtables
+  (:use :common-lisp)
+  (:nicknames :named-readtables)
+  (:export
+   #:defreadtable
+   #:in-readtable
+   #:make-readtable
+   #:merge-readtables-into
+   #:find-readtable
+   #:ensure-readtable
+   #:rename-readtable
+   #:readtable-name
+   #:register-readtable
+   #:unregister-readtable
+   #:copy-named-readtable
+   #:list-all-named-readtables
+   ;; Types
+   #:named-readtable-designator
+   ;; Conditions
+   #:reader-macro-conflict
+   #:readtable-does-already-exist
+   #:readtable-does-not-exist
+   )
+  (:documentation
+   "
+* What are Named-Readtables?
+  Named-Readtables is a library that provides a namespace for
+  readtables akin to the already-existing namespace of packages. In
+  particular:
+     * you can associate readtables with names, and retrieve
+       readtables by names;
+     * you can associate source files with readtable names, and be
+       sure that the right readtable is active when compiling/loading
+       the file;
+     * similiarly, your development environment now has a chance to
+       automatically determine what readtable should be active while
+       processing source forms on interactive commands. (E.g. think of
+       `C-c C-c' in Slime [yet to be done])
+  It follows that Named-Readtables is a facility for using readtables in
+  a localized way.
+  Additionally, it also attempts to become a facility for using
+  readtables in a _modular_ way. In particular:
+     * it provides a macro to specify the content of a readtable at a
+       glance;
+     * it makes it possible to use multiple inheritance between readtables.
+* Notes on the API
+  The API heavily imitates the API of packages. This has the nice
+  property that any experienced Common Lisper will take it up without
+  effort.
+      DEFREADTABLE              -   DEFPACKAGE
+      IN-READTABLE              -   IN-PACKAGE
+      MAKE-READTABLE            -   MAKE-PACKAGE
+      FIND-READTABLE            -   FIND-PACKAGE
+      READTABLE-NAME            -   PACKAGE-NAME
+* Important API idiosyncrasies
+  There are three major differences between the API of Named-Readtables,
+  and the API of packages.
+   1. Readtable names are symbols not strings.
+        Time has shown that the fact that packages are named by
+        strings causes severe headache because of the potential of
+        package names colliding with each other.
+        Hence, readtables are named by symbols lest to make the
+        situation worse than it already is. Consequently, readtables
+        happily coexist next to each other. Or, taken to an extreme,
+        If, for example to duly signify the importance of your cool
+        readtable hack, you really think it deserves a global name,
+        you can always resort to keywords.
+   2. The inheritance is resolved statically, not dynamically.
+        A package that uses another package will have access to all
+        the other package's exported symbols, even to those that will
+        be added after its definition. I.e. the inheritance is
+        resolved at run-time, that is dynamically.
+        Unfortunately, we cannot do the same for readtables in a
+        portable manner.
+        Therefore, we do not talk about \"using\" another readtable
+        but about \"merging\" the other readtable's definition into
+        the readtable we are going to define. I.e. the inheritance is
+        resolved once at definition time, that is statically.
+        (Such merging can more or less be implemented portably albeit
+        at a certain cost. Most of the time, this cost manifests
+        itself at the time a readtable is defined, i.e. once at
+        compile-time, so it may not bother you.  Nonetheless, we
+        provide extra support for Sbcl, ClozureCL, and AllegroCL at
+        the moment. Patches for your implementation of choice are
+        welcome, of course.)
+   3. DEFREADTABLE does not have compile-time effects.
+        If you define a package via DEFPACKAGE, you can make that
+        package the currently active package for the subsequent
+        compilation of the same file via IN-PACKAGE. The same is,
+        however, not true for DEFREADTABLE and IN-READTABLE for the
+        following reason:
+        It's unlikely that the need for special reader-macros arises
+        for a problem which can be solved in just one file. Most
+        often, you're going to define the reader macro functions, and
+        set up the corresponding readtable in an extra file.
+        If DEFREADTABLE had compile-time effects, you'd have to wrap
+        each definition of a reader-macro function in an EVAL-WHEN to
+        make its definition available at compile-time. Because that's
+        simply not the common case, DEFREADTABLE does not have a
+        compile-time effect.
+        If you want to use a readtable within the same file as its
+        definition, wrap the DEFREADTABLE and the reader-macro
+        function definitions in an explicit EVAL-WHEN.
+* Preregistered Readtables
+    - NIL, :STANDARD, and :COMMON-LISP designate the /standard readtable/.
+    - :MODERN designates a _case-preserving_ /standard-readtable/.
+    - :CURRENT designates the /current readtable/.
+* Examples
+    > (defreadtable elisp:syntax
+    >    (:merge :standard)
+    >    (:macro-char #\\? #'elisp::read-character-literal t)
+    >    (:macro-char #\\[ #'elisp::read-vector-literal t)
+    >    ...
+    >    (:case :preserve))
+    >
+    > (defreadtable scheme:syntax
+    >    (:merge :standard)
+    >    (:macro-char #\\[ #'(lambda (stream char)
+    >                          (read-delimited-list #\\] stream)))
+    >    (:macro-char #\\# :dispatch)
+    >    (:dispatch-macro-char #\\# #\\t #'scheme::read-#t)
+    >    (:dispatch-macro-char #\\# #\\f #'scheme::read-#f)
+    >    ...
+    >    (:case :preserve))
+    >
+    > (in-readtable elisp:syntax)
+    >
+    > ...
+    >
+    > (in-readtable scheme:syntax)
+    >
+    > ...
+* Acknowledgements
+  Thanks to Robert Goldman for making me want to write this library.
+  Thanks to Stephen Compall, Ariel Badichi, David Lichteblau, Bart
+  Botta, David Crawford, and Pascal Costanza for being early adopters,
+  providing comments and bugfixes.
+(pushnew :named-readtables *features*)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/package.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/package.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+;;; -*- Mode:Lisp -*-
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :named-readtables-test
+  (:use :cl :named-readtables)
+  (:import-from :named-readtables
+     #:dispatch-macro-char-p
+     #:do-readtable
+     #:ensure-function
+     #:ensure-dispatch-macro-character
+     #:function=))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/rt.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/rt.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ | Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA. |
+ |                                                                            |
+ | Permission  to  use,  copy, modify, and distribute this software  and  its |
+ | documentation for any purpose  and without fee is hereby granted, provided |
+ | that this copyright  and  permission  notice  appear  in  all  copies  and |
+ | supporting  documentation,  and  that  the  name  of M.I.T. not be used in |
+ | advertising or  publicity  pertaining  to  distribution  of  the  software |
+ | without   specific,   written   prior   permission.      M.I.T.  makes  no |
+ | representations  about  the  suitability of this software for any purpose. |
+ | It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                |
+ |                                                                            |
+ |  SOFTWARE.                                                                 |
+ |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|#
+;; (defpackage :rt
+;;   (:use #:cl)
+;;   (:export #:*do-tests-when-defined* #:*test* #:continue-testing
+;;            #:deftest #:do-test #:do-tests #:get-test #:pending-tests
+;;            #:rem-all-tests #:rem-test)
+;;   (:documentation "The MIT regression tester"))
+;; (in-package :rt)
+(in-package :named-readtables-test)
+(defvar *test* nil "Current test name")
+(defvar *do-tests-when-defined* nil)
+(defvar *entries* '(nil) "Test database")
+(defvar *in-test* nil "Used by TEST")
+(defvar *debug* nil "For debugging")
+(defvar *catch-errors* t
+  "When true, causes errors in a test to be caught.")
+(defvar *print-circle-on-failure* nil
+  "Failure reports are printed with *PRINT-CIRCLE* bound to this value.")
+(defvar *compile-tests* nil
+  "When true, compile the tests before running them.")
+(defvar *optimization-settings* '((safety 3)))
+(defvar *expected-failures* nil
+  "A list of test names that are expected to fail.")
+(defstruct (entry (:conc-name nil)
+                  (:type list))
+  pend name form)
+(defmacro vals (entry) `(cdddr ,entry))
+(defmacro defn (entry) `(cdr ,entry))
+(defun pending-tests ()
+  (do ((l (cdr *entries*) (cdr l))
+       (r nil))
+      ((null l) (nreverse r))
+    (when (pend (car l))
+      (push (name (car l)) r))))
+(defun rem-all-tests ()
+  (setq *entries* (list nil))
+  nil)
+(defun rem-test (&optional (name *test*))
+  (do ((l *entries* (cdr l)))
+      ((null (cdr l)) nil)
+    (when (equal (name (cadr l)) name)
+      (setf (cdr l) (cddr l))
+      (return name))))
+(defun get-test (&optional (name *test*))
+  (defn (get-entry name)))
+(defun get-entry (name)
+  (let ((entry (find name (cdr *entries*)
+                     :key #'name
+                     :test #'equal)))
+    (when (null entry)
+      (report-error t
+        "~%No test with name ~:@(~S~)."
+        name))
+    entry))
+(defmacro deftest (name form &rest values)
+  `(add-entry '(t ,name ,form .,values)))
+(defun add-entry (entry)
+  (setq entry (copy-list entry))
+  (do ((l *entries* (cdr l))) (nil)
+    (when (null (cdr l))
+      (setf (cdr l) (list entry))
+      (return nil))
+    (when (equal (name (cadr l))
+                 (name entry))
+      (setf (cadr l) entry)
+      (report-error nil
+        "Redefining test ~:@(~S~)"
+        (name entry))
+      (return nil)))
+  (when *do-tests-when-defined*
+    (do-entry entry))
+  (setq *test* (name entry)))
+(defun report-error (error? &rest args)
+  (cond (*debug*
+         (apply #'format t args)
+         (if error? (throw '*debug* nil)))
+        (error? (apply #'error args))
+        (t (apply #'warn args))))
+(defun do-test (&optional (name *test*))
+  (do-entry (get-entry name)))
+(defun equalp-with-case (x y)
+  "Like EQUALP, but doesn't do case conversion of characters."
+  (cond
+   ((eq x y) t)
+   ((consp x)
+    (and (consp y)
+         (equalp-with-case (car x) (car y))
+         (equalp-with-case (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+   ((and (typep x 'array)
+         (= (array-rank x) 0))
+    (equalp-with-case (aref x) (aref y)))
+   ((typep x 'vector)
+    (and (typep y 'vector)
+         (let ((x-len (length x))
+               (y-len (length y)))
+           (and (eql x-len y-len)
+                (loop
+                 for e1 across x
+                 for e2 across y
+                 always (equalp-with-case e1 e2))))))
+   ((and (typep x 'array)
+         (typep y 'array)
+         (not (equal (array-dimensions x)
+                     (array-dimensions y))))
+    nil)
+   ((typep x 'array)
+    (and (typep y 'array)
+         (let ((size (array-total-size x)))
+           (loop for i from 0 below size
+                 always (equalp-with-case (row-major-aref x i)
+                                          (row-major-aref y i))))))
+   (t (eql x y))))
+(defun do-entry (entry &optional
+                       (s *standard-output*))
+  (catch '*in-test*
+    (setq *test* (name entry))
+    (setf (pend entry) t)
+    (let* ((*in-test* t)
+           ;; (*break-on-warnings* t)
+           (aborted nil)
+           r)
+      ;; (declare (special *break-on-warnings*))
+      (block aborted
+        (setf r
+              (flet ((%do
+                      ()
+                      (if *compile-tests*
+                          (multiple-value-list
+                           (funcall (compile
+                                     nil
+                                     `(lambda ()
+                                        (declare
+                                         (optimize ,@*optimization-settings*))
+                                        ,(form entry)))))
+                        (multiple-value-list
+                         (eval (form entry))))))
+                (if *catch-errors*
+                    (handler-bind
+                        ((style-warning #'muffle-warning)
+                         (error #'(lambda (c)
+                                    (setf aborted t)
+                                    (setf r (list c))
+                                    (return-from aborted nil))))
+                      (%do))
+                  (%do)))))
+      (setf (pend entry)
+            (or aborted
+                (not (equalp-with-case r (vals entry)))))
+      (when (pend entry)
+        (let ((*print-circle* *print-circle-on-failure*))
+          (format s "~&Test ~:@(~S~) failed~
+                   ~%Form: ~S~
+                   ~%Expected value~P: ~
+                      ~{~S~^~%~17t~}~%"
+                  *test* (form entry)
+                  (length (vals entry))
+                  (vals entry))
+          (format s "Actual value~P: ~
+                      ~{~S~^~%~15t~}.~%"
+                  (length r) r)))))
+  (when (not (pend entry)) *test*))
+(defun continue-testing ()
+  (if *in-test*
+      (throw '*in-test* nil)
+      (do-entries *standard-output*)))
+(defun do-tests (&optional
+                 (out *standard-output*))
+  (dolist (entry (cdr *entries*))
+    (setf (pend entry) t))
+  (if (streamp out)
+      (do-entries out)
+      (with-open-file
+          (stream out :direction :output)
+        (do-entries stream))))
+(defun do-entries (s)
+  (format s "~&Doing ~A pending test~:P ~
+             of ~A tests total.~%"
+          (count t (cdr *entries*)
+                 :key #'pend)
+          (length (cdr *entries*)))
+  (dolist (entry (cdr *entries*))
+    (when (pend entry)
+      (format s "~@[~<~%~:; ~:@(~S~)~>~]"
+              (do-entry entry s))))
+  (let ((pending (pending-tests))
+        (expected-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+    (dolist (ex *expected-failures*)
+      (setf (gethash ex expected-table) t))
+    (let ((new-failures
+           (loop for pend in pending
+                 unless (gethash pend expected-table)
+                 collect pend)))
+      (if (null pending)
+          (format s "~&No tests failed.")
+        (progn
+          (format s "~&~A out of ~A ~
+                   total tests failed: ~
+                   ~:@(~{~<~%   ~1:;~S~>~
+                         ~^, ~}~)."
+                  (length pending)
+                  (length (cdr *entries*))
+                  pending)
+          (if (null new-failures)
+              (format s "~&No unexpected failures.")
+            (when *expected-failures*
+              (format s "~&~A unexpected failures: ~
+                   ~:@(~{~<~%   ~1:;~S~>~
+                         ~^, ~}~)."
+                    (length new-failures)
+                    new-failures)))
+          ))
+      (finish-output s)
+      (null pending))))

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/tests.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/tests/tests.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+;;; -*- Mode:Lisp -*-
+(in-package :named-readtables-test)
+(defun map-alist (car-fn cdr-fn alist)
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (entry)
+              (cons (funcall car-fn (car entry))
+                    (funcall cdr-fn (cdr entry))))
+          alist))
+(defun length=1 (list)
+  (and list (null (cdr list))))
+(defmacro signals-condition-p (name &body body)
+  `(handler-case (prog1 nil , at body)
+     (,(second name) () t)))
+(defmacro continue-condition (name &body body)
+  `(handler-bind ((,(second name) #'continue))
+     , at body))
+(defun read-with-readtable (name string)
+  (let ((*package* '#.*package*)
+        (*readtable* (find-readtable name)))
+    (values (read-from-string string))))
+(defun random-named-readtable ()
+  (let ((readtables (list-all-named-readtables)))
+    (nth (random (length readtables)) readtables)))
+(defun readtable-content (named-readtable-designator)
+  (let ((readtable (ensure-readtable named-readtable-designator))
+        (result '()))
+    ;; Make sure to canonicalize the order and function designators so
+    ;; we can compare easily.
+    (do-readtable ((char reader-fn ntp disp? table) readtable)
+      (setq table (sort (copy-list table) #'char< :key #'car))
+      (push (list* char
+                   (ensure-function reader-fn)
+                   ntp
+                   (and disp? (list (map-alist #'identity
+                                               #'ensure-function
+                                               table))))
+            result))
+    (sort result #'char< :key #'car)))
+(defun readtable= (rt1 rt2)
+  (tree-equal (readtable-content rt1) (readtable-content rt2)
+              :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                        (if (and (functionp x) (functionp y))
+                            (function= x y)
+                            (eql x y)))))
+(defun read-A (stream c)
+  (declare (ignore stream c))
+  :a)
+(defun read-A-as-X (stream c)
+  (declare (ignore stream c))
+  :x)
+(defun read-B (stream c)
+  (declare (ignore stream c))
+  :b)
+(defun read-sharp-paren (stream c n)
+  (declare (ignore stream c n))
+  'sharp-paren)
+(defun read-C (stream c)
+  (declare (ignore stream c))
+  :c)
+(defreadtable A
+  (:macro-char #\A #'read-A))
+(defreadtable A-as-X
+  (:macro-char #\A #'read-A-as-X))
+(defreadtable B
+  (:macro-char #\B #'read-B))
+(defreadtable C
+  (:macro-char #\C #'read-C))
+(defreadtable A+B+C
+  (:merge A B C))
+(defreadtable standard+A+B+C
+  (:merge :standard A+B+C))
+(defreadtable sharp-paren
+  (:macro-char #\# :dispatch)
+  (:dispatch-macro-char #\# #\( #'read-sharp-paren))
+(deftest cruft.1
+    (function= (get-macro-character #\" (copy-readtable nil))
+               (get-macro-character #\" (copy-readtable nil)))
+  t)
+(deftest cruft.2
+    (dispatch-macro-char-p #\# (find-readtable :standard))
+  t)
+(deftest cruft.3
+    (dispatch-macro-char-p #\# (make-readtable))
+  nil)
+(deftest cruft.4
+    (let ((rt (copy-named-readtable :standard)))
+      (ensure-dispatch-macro-character #\# t rt)
+      (dispatch-macro-char-p #\# rt))
+  t)
+(deftest cruft.5
+    (let ((rt (make-readtable)))
+      (values
+        (dispatch-macro-char-p #\$ rt)
+        (ensure-dispatch-macro-character #\$ t rt)
+        (dispatch-macro-char-p #\$ rt)))
+  nil t t)
+(deftest cruft.6
+    (let ((rt (make-readtable))
+          (fn (constantly nil)))
+      (ensure-dispatch-macro-character #\$ t rt)
+      (set-dispatch-macro-character #\$ #\# fn rt)
+      (values 
+        (eq fn (get-dispatch-macro-character #\$ #\# rt))
+        (length=1 (readtable-content rt))))
+  t t)
+(deftest cruft.7
+    (let ((rt (make-readtable))
+          (fn (constantly nil)))
+      (set-macro-character #\$ fn t rt)
+      (values
+        (eq fn (get-macro-character #\$ rt))
+        (length=1 (readtable-content rt))))
+  t t)
+(deftest standard.1
+    (read-with-readtable :standard "ABC")
+  ABC)
+(deftest standard.2
+    (read-with-readtable :standard "(A B C)")
+  (A B C))
+(deftest standard.3
+    (let ((x (find-readtable nil))
+          (y (find-readtable :standard))
+          (z (find-readtable :common-lisp)))
+      (and (eq x y) (eq y z)))
+  t)
+(deftest modern.1
+    (read-with-readtable :modern "FooF")
+  |FooF|)
+(deftest empty.1
+    (null (readtable-content (make-readtable)))
+  t)
+(deftest empty.2
+    (readtable= (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) :standard)
+                (find-readtable :standard))
+  t)
+(deftest empty.3
+    (let ((rt (copy-named-readtable :standard)))
+      (readtable= (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) rt)
+                  (merge-readtables-into rt (make-readtable))))
+  t)
+(deftest basics.1
+    (read-with-readtable 'A "A")
+  :a)
+(deftest basics.2
+    (read-with-readtable 'A-as-X "A")
+  :x)
+(deftest basics.3
+    (read-with-readtable 'A "B")
+  B)
+(deftest basics.4
+    (read-with-readtable 'A "(A B C)")
+  |(|)
+(deftest unregister.1
+    (let ((rt (find-readtable 'A)))
+      (register-readtable 'does-not-exist rt)
+      (values
+        (and (find-readtable 'does-not-exist) t)
+        (unregister-readtable 'does-not-exist)
+        (and (find-readtable 'does-not-exist) t)))
+  t t nil)
+(deftest name.1
+    (let ((rt (random-named-readtable)))
+      (eq rt (find-readtable (readtable-name rt))))
+  t)
+(deftest ensure.1
+    (unwind-protect
+         (let* ((x (ensure-readtable 'does-not-exist (find-readtable 'A)))
+                (y (find-readtable 'A))
+                (z (find-readtable 'does-not-exist)))
+           (and (eq x y) (eq y z)))
+      (unregister-readtable 'does-not-exist))
+  t)
+(deftest merge.1
+    (values
+      (read-with-readtable 'A+B+C "A")
+      (read-with-readtable 'A+B+C "B")
+      (read-with-readtable 'A+B+C "C"))
+  :a :b :c)
+(deftest merge.2
+    (read-with-readtable 'standard+A+B+C "(A B C)")
+  (:a :b :c))
+(deftest merge.3
+    (read-with-readtable 'standard+A+B+C "#(A B C)")
+  #(:a :b :c))
+(deftest merge.4
+    (let ((A+B+C+standard (merge-readtables-into (copy-named-readtable 'A+B+C)
+                                                 :standard)))
+      (readtable= 'standard+A+B+C A+B+C+standard))
+  t)
+(deftest rename.1
+    (unwind-protect
+         (progn (make-readtable 'A* :merge '(A))
+                (rename-readtable 'A* 'A**)
+                (values (and (find-readtable 'A*) t)
+                        (and (find-readtable 'A**) t)))
+      (unregister-readtable 'A*)
+      (unregister-readtable 'A**))
+  nil
+  t)
+(deftest reader-macro-conflict.1
+    (signals-condition-p 'reader-macro-conflict
+      (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) 'A 'A-as-X))
+  t)
+(deftest reader-macro-conflict.2
+    (signals-condition-p 'reader-macro-conflict
+      (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) :standard :standard))
+  nil)
+(deftest reader-macro-conflict.3
+    (signals-condition-p 'reader-macro-conflict
+      (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) 'A+B+C 'A))
+  nil)
+(deftest reader-macro-conflict.4
+    (signals-condition-p 'reader-macro-conflict
+      (merge-readtables-into (make-readtable) :standard 'sharp-paren))
+  t)
+(deftest readtable-does-not-exist.1
+    (signals-condition-p 'readtable-does-not-exist
+      (ensure-readtable 'does-not-exist))
+  t)
+(deftest readtable-does-already-exist.1
+    (signals-condition-p 'readtable-does-already-exist
+      (make-readtable 'A))
+  t)
+(deftest readtable-does-already-exist.2
+    (signals-condition-p 'readtable-does-already-exist
+      (make-readtable 'A))
+  t)
+(deftest readtable-does-already-exist.3
+    (let ((rt (make-readtable 'does-not-exist :merge '(:standard A B))))
+      (declare (ignore rt))
+      (unwind-protect
+           (read-with-readtable (continue-condition 'readtable-does-already-exist
+                                  (make-readtable 'does-not-exist
+                                                  :merge '(:standard A C)))
+                                "(A B C)")
+        (unregister-readtable 'does-not-exist)))
+    (:a B :c))
+(deftest defreadtable.1
+    (unwind-protect
+         (signals-condition-p 'reader-macro-conflict
+           (eval `(defreadtable does-not-exist (:merge A A-as-X))))
+      (unregister-readtable 'does-not-exist))
+  t)
+(deftest defreadtable.2
+    (unwind-protect
+         (signals-condition-p 't
+           (eval `(defreadtable does-not-exist (:fuze A A-as-X))))
+      (unregister-readtable 'does-not-exist))
+  nil)

Added: trunk/lib/named-readtables/utils.lisp
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/lib/named-readtables/utils.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+;;;; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Tobias C. Rittweiler <tcr at freebits.de>
+;;;; All rights reserved.
+;;;; See LICENSE for details.
+(in-package :editor-hints.named-readtables)
+(defmacro without-package-lock ((&rest package-names) &body body)
+  (declare (ignorable package-names))
+  #+clisp
+  (return-from without-package-lock
+    `(ext:without-package-lock (, at package-names) , at body))
+  #+lispworks
+  (return-from without-package-lock
+    `(let ((hcl:*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition*
+            (set-difference hcl:*packages-for-warn-on-redefinition*
+                            '(, at package-names)
+                            :key (lambda (package-designator)
+                                   (if (packagep package-designator)
+                                       (package-name package-designator)
+                                       package-designator))
+                            :test #'string=)))
+       , at body))
+  `(progn , at body))
+;;; Taken from SWANK (which is Public Domain.)
+(defmacro destructure-case (value &rest patterns)
+  "Dispatch VALUE to one of PATTERNS.
+A cross between `case' and `destructuring-bind'.
+The pattern syntax is:
+  ((HEAD . ARGS) . BODY)
+The list of patterns is searched for a HEAD `eq' to the car of
+VALUE. If one is found, the BODY is executed with ARGS bound to the
+corresponding values in the CDR of VALUE."
+  (let ((operator (gensym "op-"))
+        (operands (gensym "rand-"))
+        (tmp (gensym "tmp-")))
+    `(let* ((,tmp ,value)
+            (,operator (car ,tmp))
+            (,operands (cdr ,tmp)))
+       (case ,operator
+         ,@(loop for (pattern . body) in patterns collect
+                   (if (eq pattern t)
+                       `(t , at body)
+                       (destructuring-bind (op &rest rands) pattern
+                         `(,op (destructuring-bind ,rands ,operands
+                                 , at body)))))
+         ,@(if (eq (caar (last patterns)) t)
+               '()
+               `((t (error "destructure-case failed: ~S" ,tmp))))))))
+;;; Taken from Alexandria (which is Public Domain, or BSD.)
+(define-condition simple-style-warning (simple-warning style-warning)
+  ())
+(defun simple-style-warn (format-control &rest format-args)
+  (warn 'simple-style-warning
+	 :format-control format-control
+	 :format-arguments format-args))
+(define-condition simple-program-error (simple-error program-error)
+  ())
+(defun simple-program-error (message &rest args)
+  (error 'simple-program-error
+         :format-control message
+         :format-arguments args))
+(defun required-argument (&optional name)
+  "Signals an error for a missing argument of NAME. Intended for
+use as an initialization form for structure and class-slots, and
+a default value for required keyword arguments."
+  (error "Required argument ~@[~S ~]missing." name))
+(defun ensure-list (list)
+  "If LIST is a list, it is returned. Otherwise returns the list
+designated by LIST."
+  (if (listp list)
+      list
+      (list list)))
+(declaim (inline ensure-function))	; to propagate return type.
+(declaim (ftype (function (t) (values function &optional))
+                ensure-function))
+(defun ensure-function (function-designator)
+  "Returns the function designated by FUNCTION-DESIGNATOR:
+if FUNCTION-DESIGNATOR is a function, it is returned, otherwise
+it must be a function name and its FDEFINITION is returned."
+  (if (functionp function-designator)
+      function-designator
+      (fdefinition function-designator)))
+(defun parse-body (body &key documentation whole)
+  "Parses BODY into (values remaining-forms declarations doc-string).
+Documentation strings are recognized only if DOCUMENTATION is true.
+Syntax errors in body are signalled and WHOLE is used in the signal
+arguments when given."
+  (let ((doc nil)
+        (decls nil)
+        (current nil))
+    (tagbody
+     :declarations
+       (setf current (car body))
+       (when (and documentation (stringp current) (cdr body))
+         (if doc
+             (error "Too many documentation strings in ~S." (or whole body))
+             (setf doc (pop body)))
+         (go :declarations))
+       (when (and (listp current) (eql (first current) 'declare))
+         (push (pop body) decls)
+         (go :declarations)))
+    (values body (nreverse decls) doc)))
+(defun parse-ordinary-lambda-list (lambda-list)
+  "Parses an ordinary lambda-list, returning as multiple values:
+ 1. Required parameters.
+ 2. Optional parameter specifications, normalized into form (NAME INIT SUPPLIEDP)
+    where SUPPLIEDP is NIL if not present.
+ 3. Name of the rest parameter, or NIL.
+ 4. Keyword parameter specifications, normalized into form ((KEYWORD-NAME NAME) INIT SUPPLIEDP)
+    where SUPPLIEDP is NIL if not present.
+ 5. Boolean indicating &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS presence.
+ 6. &AUX parameter specifications, normalized into form (NAME INIT).
+Signals a PROGRAM-ERROR is the lambda-list is malformed."
+  (let ((state :required)
+        (allow-other-keys nil)
+        (auxp nil)
+        (required nil)
+        (optional nil)
+        (rest nil)
+        (keys nil)
+        (aux nil))
+    (labels ((simple-program-error (format-string &rest format-args)
+               (error 'simple-program-error
+                      :format-control format-string
+                      :format-arguments format-args))
+             (fail (elt)
+               (simple-program-error "Misplaced ~S in ordinary lambda-list:~%  ~S"
+                                     elt lambda-list))
+             (check-variable (elt what)
+               (unless (and (symbolp elt) (not (constantp elt)))
+                 (simple-program-error "Invalid ~A ~S in ordinary lambda-list:~%  ~S"
+                                       what elt lambda-list)))
+             (check-spec (spec what)
+               (destructuring-bind (init suppliedp) spec
+                 (declare (ignore init))
+                 (check-variable suppliedp what)))
+             (make-keyword (name)
+               "Interns the string designated by NAME in the KEYWORD package."
+               (intern (string name) :keyword)))
+      (dolist (elt lambda-list)
+        (case elt
+          (&optional
+           (if (eq state :required)
+               (setf state elt)
+               (fail elt)))
+          (&rest
+           (if (member state '(:required &optional))
+               (setf state elt)
+               (progn
+                 (break "state=~S" state)
+                 (fail elt))))
+          (&key
+           (if (member state '(:required &optional :after-rest))
+               (setf state elt)
+               (fail elt)))
+          (&allow-other-keys
+           (if (eq state '&key)
+               (setf allow-other-keys t
+                     state elt)
+               (fail elt)))
+          (&aux
+           (cond ((eq state '&rest)
+                  (fail elt))
+                 (auxp
+                  (simple-program-error "Multiple ~S in ordinary lambda-list:~%  ~S"
+                                        elt lambda-list))
+                 (t
+                  (setf auxp t
+                        state elt))
+                 ))
+          (otherwise
+           (when (member elt '#.(set-difference lambda-list-keywords
+                                                '(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys &aux)))
+             (simple-program-error
+              "Bad lambda-list keyword ~S in ordinary lambda-list:~%  ~S"
+              elt lambda-list))
+           (case state
+             (:required
+              (check-variable elt "required parameter")
+              (push elt required))
+             (&optional
+              (cond ((consp elt)
+                     (destructuring-bind (name &rest tail) elt
+                       (check-variable name "optional parameter")
+                       (if (cdr tail)
+                           (check-spec tail "optional-supplied-p parameter")
+                           (setf elt (append elt '(nil))))))
+                    (t
+                     (check-variable elt "optional parameter")
+                     (setf elt (cons elt '(nil nil)))))
+              (push elt optional))
+             (&rest
+              (check-variable elt "rest parameter")
+              (setf rest elt
+                    state :after-rest))
+             (&key
+              (cond ((consp elt)
+                     (destructuring-bind (var-or-kv &rest tail) elt
+                       (cond ((consp var-or-kv)
+                              (destructuring-bind (keyword var) var-or-kv
+                                (unless (symbolp keyword)
+                                  (simple-program-error "Invalid keyword name ~S in ordinary ~
+                                                         lambda-list:~%  ~S"
+                                                        keyword lambda-list))
+                                (check-variable var "keyword parameter")))
+                             (t
+                              (check-variable var-or-kv "keyword parameter")
+                              (setf var-or-kv (list (make-keyword var-or-kv) var-or-kv))))
+                       (if (cdr tail)
+                           (check-spec tail "keyword-supplied-p parameter")
+                           (setf tail (append tail '(nil))))
+                       (setf elt (cons var-or-kv tail))))
+                    (t
+                     (check-variable elt "keyword parameter")
+                     (setf elt (list (list (make-keyword elt) elt) nil nil))))
+              (push elt keys))
+             (&aux
+              (if (consp elt)
+                  (destructuring-bind (var &optional init) elt
+                    (declare (ignore init))
+                    (check-variable var "&aux parameter"))
+                  (check-variable elt "&aux parameter"))
+              (push elt aux))
+             (t
+              (simple-program-error "Invalid ordinary lambda-list:~%  ~S" lambda-list)))))))
+    (values (nreverse required) (nreverse optional) rest (nreverse keys)
+            allow-other-keys (nreverse aux))))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/java/snow/Snow.java
--- trunk/src/java/snow/Snow.java	(original)
+++ trunk/src/java/snow/Snow.java	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -152,11 +152,12 @@
 		File f = new File(uri);
 		baseDir = fixDirPath(f.getParentFile().getParent());
-		libDir = fixDirPath(new File(baseDir).getParent()) + "lib" + fileSeparator; 
+		libDir = baseDir; 
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + baseDir + "snow/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + baseDir + "snow/swing/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + libDir + "cl-utilities-1.2.4/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
+	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + libDir + "named-readtables/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + libDir + "cells/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew #P\"" + libDir + "cells/utils-kt/\" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)");
@@ -168,7 +169,6 @@
 	    lispEngine.eval("(pushnew :snow-cells *features*)");
 	    lispEngine.eval("(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :snow)");
 	    //lispEngine.eval("(snow:install-graphical-debugger) (ohmygod)");
 	    //lispEngine.eval("(snow::inspect-object (snow::new \"javax.swing.JButton\"))");
 	    init = true;

Modified: trunk/src/java/snow/example/example.lisp
--- trunk/src/java/snow/example/example.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/java/snow/example/example.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 (in-package :snow)
+(in-readtable snow:syntax)
 (defmodel my-model ()
   ((a :accessor aaa :initform (c-in "4"))
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
 	       (label :binding (make-bean-data-binding *object* "property1")
 		      :layout "wrap")
 	       (label :text "EL binding")
-	       (label :binding (make-el-data-binding "bean.nested.property1")
+	       (label :binding ${bean.nested.property1}
 		      :layout "wrap")
 	       (label :text "cells bindings: aaa and bbb")
 	       (label :binding (make-cells-data-binding (c? (aaa *cells-object*))))
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
 	       (text-field :binding (make-bean-data-binding *object* "property1")
 			   :layout "growx, wrap")
 	       (label :text "set nested.property1")
-	       (text-field :binding (make-el-data-binding "bean.nested.property1")
+	       (text-field :binding ${bean.nested.property1}
 			   :layout "growx, wrap")
 	       (button :text "Test!"
  		       :layout "wrap"

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/compile-system.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/compile-system.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/compile-system.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -3,16 +3,13 @@
-      #|(pushnew #P"snow/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
-      (pushnew #P"snow/swing/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
-      (pushnew #P"cl-utilities-1.2.4/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
-      (pushnew #P"cells/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
-      (pushnew #P"cells/utils-kt/" asdf:*central-registry* :test #'equal)
-      (pushnew :snow-cells *features*)|#
       (jstatic "initAux" "snow.Snow")
-      (format t "asdf:*central-registry*: ~A" asdf:*central-registry*)
+      (format t "asdf:*central-registry*: ~S" asdf:*central-registry*)
+      (pushnew :snow-cells *features*)
+      (format t "compiling snow...")
       (asdf:oos 'asdf:compile-op :snow)
+      (format t "success~%")
-    (format t "failed"))
+    (format t "failed~%"))
+  (terpri)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/data-binding.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/data-binding.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/data-binding.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -128,16 +128,31 @@
 ;;For EL data bindings we reuse simple-data-binding, since its 'variable' can
 ;;really be any JGoodies ValueModel
-(defun make-el-data-binding (el-expr)
+(defun make-el-data-binding (obj path)
+  (make-instance 'simple-data-binding
+		 :variable (new "snow.binding.BeanPropertyPathBinding"
+				obj (apply #'jvector "java.lang.String" path))))
+(defun make-el-data-binding-from-expression (el-expr)
+  (print el-expr)
   (let* ((splitted-expr (split-sequence #\. el-expr))
 	 (obj (funcall *bean-factory* (car splitted-expr)))
 	 (path (cdr splitted-expr)))
-    (make-instance 'simple-data-binding
-		   :variable (new "snow.binding.BeanPropertyPathBinding"
-				  obj (apply #'jvector "java.lang.String" path)))))
+    (make-el-data-binding obj path)))
-;(defun make-bean-property-path-data-binding (object path)
+(defreadtable snow:syntax
+  (:merge :standard)
+  (:macro-char #\$ :dispatch)
+  (:dispatch-macro-char
+   #\$ #\{
+   #'(lambda (stream char number)
+       (declare (ignore char number))
+       `(make-el-data-binding-from-expression
+	 ,(with-output-to-string (str)
+	    (loop
+	       :for ch := (read-char stream) :then (read-char stream)
+	       :until (char= ch #\})
+	       :do (write-char ch str)))))))
 ;;Default binding types
 #|(defun default-data-binding-types ()

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (defpackage :snow
-  (:use :common-lisp :java :cl-utilities #+snow-cells :cells)
+  (:use :common-lisp :java :cl-utilities :named-readtables #+snow-cells :cells)
   (:shadow #+snow-cells #:dbg)
@@ -38,19 +38,24 @@
+    #:text-area
     ;;Common operations on widgets
+    ;;Data binding
+    #:make-var
+    #:var
+    #:syntax
 (defpackage :snow-user
-  (:use :common-lisp :snow :java :ext #+snow-cells :cells))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (:use :common-lisp :snow :java :ext :named-readtables #+snow-cells :cells))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.asd
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.asd	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.asd	Thu Oct 22 16:10:10 2009
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 (asdf:defsystem :snow
   :serial t
   :version "0.2"
-  :depends-on (:cl-utilities #+snow-cells :cells)
+  :depends-on (:cl-utilities :named-readtables #+snow-cells :cells)
   :components ((:file "packages")
 	       (:file "sexy-java")
 	       (:file "utils")

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