[snow-cvs] r23 - in trunk: lib src/lisp/snow src/lisp/snow/showcase src/lisp/snow/swing

Alessio Stalla astalla at common-lisp.net
Sun Nov 22 23:39:11 UTC 2009

Author: astalla
Date: Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
New Revision: 23

Added split pane.
Updated miglayout to latest version.
Showcase shows code in the bottom panel.
Added "child" macro to abstract add-child and fix inconsistency with layout

   trunk/lib/miglayout-3.7.1.jar   (contents, props changed)

Added: trunk/lib/miglayout-3.7.1.jar
Binary file. No diff available.

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/inspector.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/inspector.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/inspector.lisp	Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   (let ((stack (list (ensure-object-descriptor obj))))
     (with-gui ()
       (frame (:id frame :layout-manager :border)
-	(add-child (inspector-panel stack frame frame) frame)
+	(child (inspector-panel stack frame frame))
 	(pack frame)
 	(show frame)))))

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/packages.lisp	Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+    #:dialog
@@ -44,6 +45,9 @@
+    #:split
+    #:tab
+    #:tabs

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/showcase/showcase.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/showcase/showcase.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/showcase/showcase.lisp	Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
@@ -8,6 +8,28 @@
 (in-package :snow-showcase)
 (in-readtable snow:syntax)
+(defvar *examples* (list))
+(defmacro define-example (name &body body)
+  (cl-utilities:with-unique-names (original-code)
+    `(pushnew (list ,name
+		    (lambda ()
+		      (let ((,original-code ',body))
+			(split (:orientation :vertical)
+			  (panel (:layout-manager '(:mig "fill") :layout "wrap")
+			    , at body)
+			  (scroll ()
+			    (text-area :text
+				       ,(with-output-to-string (str)
+					  (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
+					    (dolist (form body)
+					      (pprint form str)
+					      (terpri str))))))))))
+	      *examples*
+	      :test #'equal
+	      :key #'car)))
 (defmodel my-model ()
   ((a :accessor aaa :initform (c-in "4"))
    (b :accessor bbb :initform (c? (concatenate 'string (aaa self) "2")))))
@@ -16,57 +38,71 @@
 (defvar *variable* (make-var "42"))
 (defvar *cells-object* (make-instance 'my-model))
+(define-example "Lists and trees"
+  (scroll (:layout "grow")
+    (list-widget :model (make-list-model '(1 2 (c (a b)) 3))
+		 :prototype-cell-value "abcdefghijklmnopq"))
+  (scroll (:layout "grow")
+    (tree :model (make-tree-model '(1 2 (c (a b)) 3)))))
+(define-example "Layout"
+  (label :text "BorderLayout" :layout "wrap")
+  (panel (:layout-manager :border :layout "wrap")
+    (button :text "borderlayout - center")
+    (button :text "borderlayout - east"
+	    :layout (jfield "java.awt.BorderLayout" "EAST"))))
+(define-example "Events"
+  (button :text "push me"
+	  :on-action (lambda (event)
+		       (declare (ignore event))
+		       (princ "Thanks for pushing me! ")
+		       (finish-output))))
+(define-example "Data Binding"
+  (scroll ()
+    (panel ()
+      (label :text "bean binding")
+      (label :binding ${*bean*.property1}
+	     :layout "wrap")
+      (label :text "EL binding")
+      (label :binding ${*bean*.nested.property1}
+	     :layout "wrap")
+      (label :text "cells bindings: aaa and bbb")
+      (label :binding $(c? (aaa *cells-object*)))
+      (label :binding $(cell (c? (bbb *cells-object*)))
+	     :layout "wrap")
+      (label :text "simple binding to a variable")
+      (label :binding $*variable*
+	     :layout "wrap")
+      (button :text "another one" :layout "wrap")
+      (label :text "set property1")
+      (text-field :binding ${*bean*.property1}
+		  :layout "growx, wrap")
+      (label :text "set nested.property1")
+      (text-field :binding ${*bean*.nested.property1}
+		  :layout "growx, wrap")
+      (button :text "Test!"
+	      :layout "wrap"
+	      :on-action (lambda (event)
+			   (declare (ignore event))
+			   (setf (jproperty-value *bean* "property1")
+				 "Test property")
+			   (setf (jproperty-value
+				  (jproperty-value *bean* "nested")
+				  "property1")
+				 "Nested property")
+			   (setf (var *variable*) "Test var")
+			   (setf (aaa *cells-object*) "Test cell"))))))
 (defun showcase ()
   (with-gui (:swing)
-    (frame (:id frame :title "Sample JFrame" :visible-p t)
-      (scroll (:layout "grow")
-        (list-widget :model (make-list-model '(1 2 (c (a b)) 3))
-		     :prototype-cell-value "abcdefghijklmnopq"))
-      (panel (:layout-manager :border :layout "wrap")
-	(button :text "borderlayout - center")
-	(button :text "borderlayout - east"
-		:layout (jfield "java.awt.BorderLayout" "EAST")))
-      (scroll ()
-	(panel ()
-	  (label :text "bean binding")
-	  (label :binding ${*bean*.property1}
-		 :layout "wrap")
-	  (label :text "EL binding")
-	  (label :binding ${*bean*.nested.property1}
-		 :layout "wrap")
-	  (label :text "cells bindings: aaa and bbb")
-	  (label :binding $(c? (aaa *cells-object*)))
-	  (label :binding $(cell (c? (bbb *cells-object*)))
-		 :layout "wrap")
-	  (label :text "simple binding to a variable")
-	  (label :binding $*variable*
-		 :layout "wrap")
-	  (button :text "another one" :layout "wrap")
-	  (label :text "set property1")
-	  (text-field :binding ${*bean*.property1}
-		      :layout "growx, wrap")
-	  (label :text "set nested.property1")
-	  (text-field :binding ${*bean*.nested.property1}
-		      :layout "growx, wrap")
-	  (button :text "Test!"
-		  :layout "wrap"
-		  :on-action (lambda (event)
-			       (setf (jproperty-value *bean* "property1")
-				     "Test property")
-			       (setf (jproperty-value
-				      (jproperty-value *bean* "nested")
-				      "property1")
-				     "Nested property")
-			       (setf (var *variable*) "Test var")
-			       (setf (aaa *cells-object*) "Test cell")))))
-      (panel ()
-        (tree :model (make-tree-model '(1 2 (c (a b)) 3)))
-	(button :text "push me"
-		:on-action (lambda (event)
-			     (princ "Thanks for pushing me! ")
-			     (format t "My parent is ~A~%" frame)
-			     (finish-output))))
-      (pack frame))))
+    (frame (:id frame :title "Sample JFrame" :visible-p t :size #C(800 600)
+	    :layout-manager '(:mig "fill"))
+      (tabs (:layout "grow")
+       (dolist (x *examples*)
+	 (tab (car x) (funcall (cadr x))))))))
 #||    (let ((fr (frame (:title "pippo" :visible-p t)
 	      (panel (:layout "wrap")
 	        (button :text "ciao" :enabled nil)

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/snow.lisp	Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
 (defun setup-container-widget (self &key (layout-manager :default) &allow-other-keys)
   (setf (layout-manager self)
-	(apply #'make-layout-manager self (ensure-list layout-manager))))
+	(apply #'make-layout-manager self
+	       (ensure-list (or layout-manager :default)))))
 (defun generate-default-children-processing-code (id children)
   (let ((code
@@ -168,6 +169,11 @@
      ,@(generate-default-children-processing-code id body)
      (common-widget-setup self ,layout ,binding ,enabled-p ,location ,size)))
+(define-widget-macro child
+    (widget &rest args &key layout binding (enabled-p t) location size)
+    widget
+  `(setup-widget , at args))
 (defmacro define-widget (name keys constructor &body body)
   (with-unique-names (args)
     `(define-widget-macro ,name
@@ -207,7 +213,7 @@
 (definterface call-in-gui-thread *gui-backend* (fn)
   "Arranges <fn> to be called from a thread in which it is safe to create GUI components (for example, the Event Dispatching Thread in Swing).")
-(defvar *dynamic-environment*)
+(defvar *dynamic-environment* nil)
 (defmacro with-gui ((&optional (gui-backend '*gui-backend*)) &body body)
   (with-unique-names (gui-backend-var package-var debugger-hook-var
@@ -221,13 +227,11 @@
 	      (*package* ,package-var)
 	      (*debugger-hook* ,debugger-hook-var))	
-	   (format t "OUTSIDE ~A~%" *package*)
 	   (let ((,dynamic-environment (capture-dynamic-environment)))
 	      (lambda ()
 		(with-dynamic-environment (,dynamic-environment)
 		  (let ((*dynamic-environment* ,dynamic-environment))
-		    (format t "INSIDE ~A~%" *package*)
 		    , at body)))))))))))
 ;;Common Interfaces
@@ -317,6 +321,16 @@
     `(make-scroll-panel (dont-add ,body))
   `(common-widget-setup self ,layout ,binding ,enabled-p ,location ,size))
+(definterface make-split-panel *gui-backend*
+  (child1 child2 &key (orientation :horizontal) smoothp))
+(define-widget-macro split
+    ((&rest args &key layout binding (enabled-p t) location size orientation smoothp)
+     child1 child2)
+    `(make-split-panel (dont-add ,child1) (dont-add ,child2)
+		       :orientation ,orientation :smoothp ,smoothp)
+  `(common-widget-setup self ,layout ,binding ,enabled-p ,location ,size))
 ;;Buttons and similar
 (definterface make-button *gui-backend* (&key text on-action &allow-other-keys))

Modified: trunk/src/lisp/snow/swing/swing.lisp
--- trunk/src/lisp/snow/swing/swing.lisp	(original)
+++ trunk/src/lisp/snow/swing/swing.lisp	Sun Nov 22 18:39:10 2009
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
 (defun make-action-listener (obj)
   (if (or (functionp obj) (symbolp obj))
       (jmake-proxy "java.awt.event.ActionListener"
-		   (let ((env snow::*dynamic-environment*))
+		   (let ((env (or snow::*dynamic-environment*
+				  (snow::capture-dynamic-environment))))
 		     (lambda (this method-name event)
 		       (declare (ignore this method-name))
 		       (snow::with-dynamic-environment (env)
@@ -178,14 +179,14 @@
   (let ((tabs (new "javax.swing.JTabbedPane")))
     (invoke "setTabLayoutPolicy" tabs
 	    (if wrap
-		(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT")
-		(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT")))
+		#.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT")
+		#.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT")))
     (invoke "setTabPlacement" tabs
-	    (case tab-placement
-	      (:top (jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "TOP"))
-	      (:bottom (jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "BOTTOM"))
-	      (:left (jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "LEFT"))
-	      (:right (jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "RIGHT"))))
+	    (ecase tab-placement
+	      (:top #.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "TOP"))
+	      (:bottom #.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "BOTTOM"))
+	      (:left #.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "LEFT"))
+	      (:right #.(jfield "javax.swing.JTabbedPane" "RIGHT"))))
 (defimplementation snow::make-scroll-panel (*gui-backend* :swing) (view)
@@ -199,6 +200,18 @@
 (defimpl (setf snow::scroll-panel-view) (view self)
   (setf (jproperty-value self "viewportView") view))
+(defimpl snow::make-split-panel (child1 child2
+				 &key (orientation :horizontal) smoothp)
+  (new "javax.swing.JSplitPane"
+       (ecase orientation
+	 ((or :horizontal :h nil)
+	  #.(jfield "javax.swing.JSplitPane" "HORIZONTAL_SPLIT"))
+	 ((or :vertical :v)
+	  #.(jfield "javax.swing.JSplitPane" "VERTICAL_SPLIT")))
+       (jbool smoothp)
+       child1
+       child2))
 (defimplementation snow::make-button (*gui-backend* :swing)
     (&key text on-action &allow-other-keys)

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