Hello,<br><br>I am new to slime and Lisp in general. I did try searching google before posting this but I can not seem to find any answer to this, so here goes:<br><br>(defun sample-function (x y)<br> (if (> (+ x y) 15)<br>
(+ x y)<br> (error "The sum of x and y must be greater than 15")))<br><br>(sample-function 3 4)<br><br><br>Given the above code, I can not seem to be able to display the value of x or y for that matter once the debugger kicks in on the line with the error.<br>
Once inside the debugger, I tried pressing 'i' for inspect and entered x. Debugger replied with "unbound variable x blabla". Pressed 'e' for eval and wrote (sb-debug:var x) with<br>same result (using sbcl here).<br>
<br>Here is exactly what the debugger posts:<br><br>The sum of x and y must be greater than 15<br> [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]<br><br>Restarts:<br> 0: [ABORT] Abort compilation.<br> 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.<br>
2: [CLOSE-CONNECTION] Close SLIME connection<br> 3: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.<br><br>Backtrace:<br> 0: (SAMPLE-FUNCTION 3 4)<br> 1: (SB-FASL::LOAD-FASL-GROUP #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file C:\\Users\\Eddie\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\16.fasl" {24165B59}>)<br>
2: ((FLET SB-THREAD::WITH-RECURSIVE-LOCK-THUNK))<br> 3: (SB-FASL::LOAD-AS-FASL #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file C:\\Users\\Eddie\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\16.fasl" {24165B59}> NIL #<unavailable argument>)<br>
4: ((FLET SB-FASL::LOAD-STREAM) #<SB-SYS:FD-STREAM for "file C:\\Users\\Eddie\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\16.fasl" {24165B59}> T)<br> 5: (LOAD #P"C:\\Users\\Eddie\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\16.fasl")[:EXTERNAL]<br>
6: ((FLET SWANK-BACKEND:SWANK-COMPILE-STRING) "(sample-function 3 4)" :BUFFER "new.lisp" :POSITION 133 :FILENAME NIL :POLICY NIL)<br> 7: ((LAMBDA ()))<br> 8: ((LAMBDA ()))<br> --more--<br><br><br>Can anyone please help? I am getting really depressed here :(<br>
<br>Thanks,<br><br>Eddie<br><div style="visibility: hidden; display: inline;" id="avg_ls_inline_popup"></div><style type="text/css">#avg_ls_inline_popup { position:absolute; z-index:9999; padding: 0px 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; width: 240px; overflow: hidden; word-wrap: break-word; color: black; font-size: 10px; text-align: left; line-height: 13px;}</style>