I was never able to use this feature, but I think now it's time to figure it out :)<br>I have SBCL 1.0.37 on Ubuntu on the server side + latest Slime.<br>On the client side GNU Emacs WinXP + latest Slime.<br>
Connection is established via ssh (putty).<br>When I have a function like this:<br>(defun test ()<br> (declare (optimize (debug 3)))<br> (break)<br> (let ((a 1)<br> (b 2)<br> (c))<br> <br> (setq c (+ a b))<br>
(setq c (* a b))))<br><br>When I evaluate it and the debugger stops at the (break), can I step through the code using the "s" command watching c assuming different values?<br>Currently when I press "s" the function just executes non-stop and returns the value.<br>
What should I expect from a single-step debugging in Slime and how can I enable it?<br><br>Thank you,<br>Andrei<br>