Hello!<br><br>I'm writting you because I can't get Emacs, SLIME and
CLISP working together.<br><br>Here are my versions number :<br>Emacs
23.1<br>SLIME cvs from 20091005<br>CLISP 2.48<br><br>My .emacs file
(add-to-list ’load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/<div id=":10h" class="ii gt">slime/")<br>(setq
inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/clisp")<br>(require ’slime)<br>(slime-setup)<br><br>When
I type M-x slime on Emacs I get [No Match]…<br>
The paths are good because I've checked them 2 times but I can't find
why it's not working over the internet.<br><br>Thank you for helping me</div>