problem with slime-edit-definition

Peter Münster pmlists at
Wed Aug 19 19:07:32 UTC 2015

On Wed, Aug 19 2015, Helmut Eller wrote:

>> Is it possible, that slime-load-file wasn't needed about one year ago?
> That's almost impossible.  The Lisp process wouldn't have known about
> your code; perhaps you had something in the core file.

Ok, that means that I've never used M-. before with Common Lisp (strange
but possible).

> Instead of #! you could try the ":"; trick:
> ":"; exec sbcl --load "$0" --eval '(main)' "$@"

Great, many thanks!

There is just one tiny issue: I get a lot of warnings from the
flexi-stream package.

       #!/usr/bin/sbcl --script
       (load "~/.sbclrc")

there is no warning.

I've tried
":"; exec sbcl --noinform --disable-ldb --lose-on-corruption
--end-runtime-options --no-userinit --disable-debugger --load "$0"
--eval '(main)' --end-toplevel-options "$@"
(load "~/.sbclrc")

but the warnings remain...

I'm going to read "4.1.1 Controlling Verbosity" of the SBCL manual now,
there is certainly a solution.


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