GitHub workflow for the SLIME repo

Chaitanya Gupta mail at
Tue Jan 7 06:24:01 UTC 2014


I am not a contributor to SLIME (just a user), but I do use git quite
heavily. I agree with João that merge commits don't pollute, but
rather, help understand the commit history better. Besides what João
mentions, there's atleast one other advantage to retaining merge

If you use pull requests/branches for everything (features, bugs --
even tiny ones), the one advantage that merge commits give you is that
it makes very easy to get a list of things that changed since the last
release (to update the changelog, for example):

    git log --merges <last-release-tag>..HEAD

Writing HEAD above is optional, you could just use:

    git log --merges <last-release-tag>..

You can refine this further. For example, if you just want to see
merges which were done via the "Merge" button on github, you could do

    git log --grep="Merge pull request" --merges <last-release-tag>..

Also, there's one issue with rebase which you'll not encounter very
often, but when you do, it can be a pain. Suppose a few commits in
your branch affect one particular region of your file. And in master,
an unrelated change affects the same region (e.g. someone fixed
whitespace or formatting, or changed names). Now both git-merge and
git-rebase will result in conflicts. The difference is, with
git-merge, you only need to manually resolve the conflicts once. With
git-rebase, you will need to resolve the conflicts once for nearly
every commit in your branch affecting that region.

For this reason, I have a neutral opinion of git-rebase. Its ability
to cleanup commit histories is great and I use it in my feature/bugfix
branches when syncing them with master, but if there are conflicts (or
if my changes are already pushed to remote[1]), I just use `git merge

FWIW, I have never felt that merges pollute commit history, because
when I don't want to see merge commits, I can easily make them

    git log --no-merges
    gitk --no-merges

Just my 2 cents.


1. Its worth reading Linus's advice on when you should and shouldn't
use git-rebase:

On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 12:15 AM, João Távora <joaot at> wrote:
> Luís Oliveira <luismbo at> writes:
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 11:07 AM, João Távora <joaotavora at> wrote:
>>> I don't think of merge commit objects as pollution.
>> Here's an example of the noise I was refering to:
> Actually looks kinda cool :-) and gitk could do a better job of
> rendering that graph if it wanted. The network graph I linked displays
> the very same information (even more!) in a manner which you will
> probably find less noisy.
> I think we can agree looks and readability are subjective. Let's not
> turn this into another rebase/merge thread, decide on one, and move
> on. I'm +1 to clicking the "Merge" button.

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