Moving to GitHub and cl-lib

Helmut Eller eller.helmut at
Wed Jan 8 21:16:30 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jan 08 2014, Raymond Toy wrote:

>     Helmut> Ray, you are the CMUCL maintainer and I certainly would
>     Helmut> like to provide
>     Helmut> you a working SLIME for that.  But apparently you are the
>     Helmut> last XEmacs
>     Helmut> user.  That's a very small minority.
> Perhaps the last XEmacs + slime user, but definitely not the last (of
> the few?) XEmacs users.

Yes, that's what I meant.

>     Helmut> Overall, I think it's wiser and fairer to spend our time
>     Helmut> on things other
>     Helmut> than XEmacs.
> I certainly don't want to hold up slime work.  I doubt I use slime to
> it's fullest either.
> Perhaps this is the final straw....

It's not the first time that we discuss this.  You knew that this day
would come eventually.


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