[slime] swank-loader could use ASDF (#65)

Faré fahree at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 18:12:53 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 8:04 PM, Helmut Eller <eller.helmut at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How would that affect (or not) your .emacs?
>> How is emacs supposed to find the correct slime?
>> One still has to add it to the load-path, I presume.
> make could ask if it should write or update ~/.slime/config.  It could
> ask if it should update .emacs and add the directory to load-path or
> perhaps install some ELPA style package with autoloads.
Yes. I'm not up-to-date as to latest Emacs package best practices;
we should ask someone who knows for sure.

>> Or is Emacs supposed to point CL to the files
>> that correspond to the current SLIME's installation?
> Shouldn't matter if Lisp and Emacs read the same ~/.slime/config.
Makes sense. Can the path be overridden? How?
For production code, you usually don't want to rely on stuff in ~/

> Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.9-dev-r15611M-trunk (LinuxX8664)!
> ? (time (require :asdf))
> took 3,118,425 microseconds (3.118425 seconds) to run.
Yes, I filed a bug for that and that was fixed in 15963.
You may want to update your CCL.

>> That said if you've had issues, I'm curious to know what they were,
>> and to make sure they have been addressed in the current (or else next)
>> release of ASDF.
> I don't track ASDF versions.  All I know is that a couple of times, I
> did essentially:
> 1. (asdf:load-system foo),
> 2. then had some load-time problem,
> 3. cleaned out the cache,
> 4. and magically (asdf:load-system foo) worked.
That sounds totally probable for ASDF 1 and very early ASDF 2 —
actually, this kind of unstability was one of the reasons that made me
start hacking ASDF. But that sounds quite surprising in ASDF 2.003 or
later (Jun 2010) — unless the problem was failure to recompile things
that depend on modified systems, in which case the problem was only
completely fixed in ASDF 3 (February 2013). If this memory is more
recent than that, this is definitely a bug worth reporting.

PS: To João, Allegro ships with ASDF 2.23.7, but if you run update.sh,
it will upgrade you to a quite recent


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