slime on github

João Távora joaotavora at
Sat Jan 11 20:31:35 UTC 2014

Helmut Eller <eller.helmut at> writes:
> On Sat, Jan 11 2014, João Távora wrote:

>> Have a look if it's up to the existing standards (which are pretty high
>> imo).
> It seems that the new autoload instructions don't add anything to
> lisp-mode-hook.

You're right. It should be there. I misunderstood this bit.

Notice that in the future the autoload file should be autogenerated from
autoload cookies so that addition will be in *both* files at the
top-level and be executed twice: once when loading the autoloads file
and once when the autoload is triggered.

This is what all major modes do in Emacs do for "auto-mode-alist" and is
no problem if `add-to-list' or `add-hook' are used.

> The "on-the-fly loading" is traditionally done with
>   M-x load-library <contrib>
> followed by
>   M-x slime-enable-contrib <contrib>

> Also using M-x slime-disable-contrib is probably better than callint the
> misnamed slime-<contrib>-unload directly.

I'll make both these changes.


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