[slime] swank-loader could use ASDF (#65)

Helmut Eller eller.helmut at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 18:50:24 UTC 2014

On Wed, Jan 08 2014, João Távora wrote:

>>  1. (asdf:load-system foo),
>>  2. then had some load-time problem,
>>  3. cleaned out the cache,
>>  4. and magically (asdf:load-system foo) worked.
> FWIW, though they are rare, I've recently found similar cache clearing
> problems in vanilla slime as well: M-. would bring me to a correctly
> named but empty file in some /tmp/slime-$PID dir. Clearing the slime
> fasl cache did the trick. I don't know how to reproduce though.

That's because the test.sh script copies the source to /tmp/ and removes
it later.  The last changelog date of the fasl and the source match and
the source is older than the fasl; so the cache is, arguably, not out of
date.  Whether fasl files should contain absolute file names is another


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