slime tests

Paul Bowyer pbowyer at
Fri Feb 7 15:01:55 UTC 2014

Hello João,

I tried to run the slime test suite this morning to see what results it 
produced. I'm uncertain what the proper procedure is for running the 
test suite, but this is what I did. I made the test suite available by 
including "slime-tests" in my ".emacs" file in the (slime-setup '( < 
other contribs > slime-tests)), which seemed to work.

I started emacs, did M-x slime, then did M-x slime-batch-test, which ran 
the test suite after asking me if I wanted to start a second inferior 
lisp (I tried it with and without). The results came out with 17 
unexpected failures and I have attached a file 
"slime-batch-test-results.txt" which contains the contents of the *ert* 
buffer from emacs.

For reference, I'm running Linux Mint 14 with KDE-4.9.5 and sbcl-1.1.14 
and emacs-23.4.1.

Am I using the proper procedure to run the slime test suite?
In the past when I ran the test suite, it generally finished with only 
one/(1) expected failure and no/(0) unexpected failures. Should I expect 
more failures in the slime test suite with the github version of slime?


Paul Bowyer

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;;slime-batch-test results.

Selector: t
Passed: 286
Failed: 19 (17 unexpected)
Total:  305/305

Started at:   2014-02-07 06:35:50-0800
Finished at:  2014-02-07 06:36:18-0800


F autodoc-tests-23
    Check autodoc works ok for (error 'simple-condition*HERE*
	   (equal "(error 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)"
	  (equal "(error 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)" "(error 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key (format-arguments 'nil) (format-control 'nil))")
	  :value nil :explanation
	  (arrays-of-different-length 78 92 "(error 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)" "(error 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key (format-arguments 'nil) (format-control 'nil))" first-mismatch-at 46)))

F autodoc-tests-24
    Check autodoc works ok for (cerror "Foo" 'simple-condition*HERE*
	   (equal "(cerror \"Foo\" 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)"
	  (equal "(cerror \"Foo\" 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)" "(cerror \"Foo\" 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key (format-arguments 'nil) (format-control 'nil))")
	  :value nil :explanation
	  (arrays-of-different-length 85 99 "(cerror \"Foo\" 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key format-arguments format-control)" "(cerror \"Foo\" 'simple-condition &rest arguments &key (format-arguments 'nil) (format-control 'nil))" first-mismatch-at 53)))

F enclosing-context\.1-1
    For input ((flet ((,ni..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F enclosing-context\.1-2
    For input ((flet ((foo..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition-1
    For input (start-serve..., find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition-2
    For input (swank::star..., find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition-3
    For input (swank:start..., find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition-4
    For input (swank::conn..., find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition-5
    For input (swank::*ema..., find the definition of a function or macro in swank.lisp.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-definition\.2-1
    For input (#.(prog1 ni..., check that we're able to find definitions even when
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-local-definitions\.1-1
    For input ((defun foo ..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-local-definitions\.1-2
    For input ((defun bar ..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-local-definitions\.1-3
    For input ((defun quux..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F find-local-definitions\.1-4
    For input ((defun zurp..., check that finding local definitions work.
    (void-function slime-enclosing-form-specs)

F readme-recipe
    Test the's recipe.
	   (= 0 retval))
	  (= 0 255)
	  :value nil))

F readme-recipe-autoload-on-lisp-visit
    Test more autoload bits in's installation recipe.
    (ert-test-failed "SLIME didn't load after visiting a lisp file!")

F traditional-recipe
    Test the's recipe.
	   (= 0 retval))
	  (= 0 255)
	  :value nil))

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