how to specify the readtable to be used when swank is handling request from slime

Max Mikhanosha max at
Tue Jun 25 17:40:14 UTC 2013

At Tue, 25 Jun 2013 12:19:19 +0400,
Anton Vodonosov wrote:
> Aha, swank:*readtable-alist*, ok, thanks for the reference.
> But is it broken in the official slime?

In case you referring to "it works here" response by me, my CommonQt code is
using "named-readtables" package, which adjusts swank:*readtable-alist*
accordingly. I was under mistaken notion that Slime was doing it, until Ben
pointed out otherwise in his response.

So Slime by itself does not do it, and never did (other then providing *readtable-alist*),
you'll need to use "named-readtables" or patch your Slime with Atilla's patch above.


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