[patch] Fix for Arg detection inside an "Apply" for functions where the lisp can't discover args

Matthew Lamari matt.lamari at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 21:59:58 UTC 2013

When in the IDE you type:

(apply #'foo ... ... ...)

When it autodocs the apply, swank attempts to show the "apply" with
foo's params.  Pretty impressive; but it didn't have a case for where
#'foo's args can't be queried from the underlying lisp.  Discovered this
in lispworks, which can't give back the args for functions compiled
under tightest settings.

The underlying abstraction can return :NOT-AVAILABLE - most of the other
cases look for this, the patch below filters out this case so as to not
give it special handling. . .

--- original/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp    Sun Aug 11 16:49:36 2013
+++ replacement/contrib/swank-arglists.lisp    Sat Aug 10 23:27:27 2013
@@ -916,26 +916,27 @@
           (let ((function-arglist
                  (compute-enriched-decoded-arglist function-name
                                                    (cdr argument-forms))))
-            (return-from compute-enriched-decoded-arglist
-              (values
-               (make-arglist :required-args
-                             (list 'function)
-                             :optional-args
-                             (append
-                              (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
-                                          (make-optional-arg arg nil))
-                                      (arglist.required-args
-                              (arglist.optional-args function-arglist))
-                             :key-p
-                             (arglist.key-p function-arglist)
-                             :keyword-args
-                             (arglist.keyword-args function-arglist)
-                             :rest
-                             'args
-                             :allow-other-keys-p
-                             (arglist.allow-other-keys-p function-arglist))
-               (list function-name-form)
-               t)))))))
+            (unless (eq function-arglist :NOT-AVAILABLE)
+             (return-from compute-enriched-decoded-arglist
+               (values
+                (make-arglist :required-args
+                              (list 'function)
+                              :optional-args
+                              (append
+                               (mapcar #'(lambda (arg)
+                                           (make-optional-arg arg nil))
+                                       (arglist.required-args
+                               (arglist.optional-args function-arglist))
+                              :key-p
+                              (arglist.key-p function-arglist)
+                              :keyword-args
+                              (arglist.keyword-args function-arglist)
+                              :rest
+                              'args
+                              :allow-other-keys-p
+                              (arglist.allow-other-keys-p
+                (list function-name-form)
+                t))))))))
 (defmethod compute-enriched-decoded-arglist

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