[slime-devel] broken buffer <-> repl interaction

Stas Boukarev stassats at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 13:00:12 UTC 2012

"Simon Koch" <simkoc at postfach.it> writes:

> I used to install slime by using the Ubuntu package system, but currently
> those packages are either out of date or broken. Therefore I installed and
> configured slime and emacs myself using the provided manuals.
> But after that the buffer<->repl interaction is still broken.
> I am used to an interaction where typing
>     (FORMAT t "foobar~%")
> into a buffer e.g. *scratch* and then using C-M-x on it, would result in
> the repl printing "foobar". Instead I am getting an error:
>     Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function FORMAT)
>       (FORMAT t "foobar~%")
>       eval-region(291 312 t (lambda (ignore) (goto-char 312) (quote
> (FORMAT t "foobar~%"))))  ; Reading at buffer position 310
>       apply(eval-region (291 312 t (lambda (ignore) (goto-char 312) (quote
> (FORMAT t "foobar~%")))))
>       eval-defun-2()
>       eval-defun(nil)
>       call-interactively(eval-defun nil nil)
>       recursive-edit()
> which confuses me in two ways:
>  1. there is no output in the REPL as expected
>  2. given the (doubtful) assumption that the line contained an error: this
> is not the error/debug-screen I am used by slime which is supposed to
> look like the right top window in the picture shown on the homepage of
> slime.
> Another symptom I got is, that c-x c-m which is supposed to expand a given
> macro-expression works in the *slime-repl sbcl* buffer, but in any other
> buffer the message "C-c RET is not defined" appears.
> This is my current .emacs file:
> ;;slime-setup
> (load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))
> (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/simkoc/emacs/slime/")
> (require 'slime-autoloads)
> (slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-asdf))
> I'd appreciate any help.
> Thank you.
*scratch* is an emacs lisp buffer.
You want *slime-scratch* (get it first by M-x slime-scratch).

With best regards, Stas.

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