[slime-devel] swank-loader: ASDF could not load sb-bsd-sockets because

Tony Liptak tonytliptak at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 17:04:16 UTC 2012


I am completly new to CL and Slime, so please bear with me.
When I try a M-x slime RET in emacs 24, I get a new window/buffer (*inferior-lisp*). But that's it. I think Slime tries to initalize itself, but that process fails.

This is the output:

(progn (load "/usr/local/src/slime/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init")) (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server") "/tmp/slime.12226"))

This is SBCL 1.0.55, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information about SBCL is available at <http://www.sbcl.org/>.

SBCL is free software, provided as is, with absolutely no warranty.
It is mostly in the public domain; some portions are provided under
BSD-style licenses.  See the CREDITS and COPYING files in the
distribution for more information.
; loading #P"/usr/local/src/slime/swank-loader.lisp"
; loading #P"/home/tony/.slime/fasl/2012-02-12/sbcl-1.0.55-linux-x86-64/swank-backend.fasl"
; loading #P"/home/tony/.slime/fasl/2012-02-12/sbcl-1.0.55-linux-x86-64/swank-source-path-parser.fasl"
; loading #P"/home/tony/.slime/fasl/2012-02-12/sbcl-1.0.55-linux-x86-64/swank-source-file-cache.fasl"

; compiling file "/usr/local/src/slime/swank-sbcl.lisp" (written 13 FEB 2012 05:32:46 PM):
ASDF could not load sb-bsd-sockets because
failed to find the TRUENAME of /home/tony/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-1.0.55-linux-x64/usr/local/pkg/sbcl-1.0.55/lib/sbcl/sb-bsd-sockets/constants.lisp-temp:
  No such file or directory.
; compilation unit aborted
;   caught 2 fatal ERROR conditions
; compilation aborted after 0:00:01.535
;; Error while compiling /usr/local/src/slime/swank-sbcl.lisp:
;;   failed to find the TRUENAME of /home/tony/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-1.0.55-linux-x64/usr/local/pkg/sbcl-1.0.55/lib/sbcl/sb-bsd-sockets/constants.lisp-temp:
;;     No such file or directory
;; Aborting.
;; * 

What am I doing wrong?

Best regards from Paris


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