[slime-devel] meta-. off by several lines on SLIME/ACL/Emacs/Windows, anyone seen this?

Helmut Eller heller at common-lisp.net
Thu Oct 27 17:20:14 UTC 2011

* mhd at yv.org [2011-10-27 14:05] writes:

> When I do meta-., it takes me there, but it's off by several lines,
> and at a random place in the middle of the line.
> I think it's consistently above the def.  But not by the same amount
> of lines each time.
> And I'm in a random part of the line.  Should be at the beginning, right?
> It's stable in a session: two repeated meta-.'s take me to the same
> place each time.
> Admittedly, I've not any home work on versions of SLIME/Emacs/ACL/Windows.
> Not asking for anyone to do any more than say if they recall anything
> like this.
> I use SBCL and CCL with the otherwise-same stack with no similar problems

The problem may be that ACL counts end-of-line (crlf) as 2 characters
while Emacs counts it as 1 (or vice-versa).  A simple test case would be


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