[slime-devel] return value of `slime-eval-print-last-expression' vs `slime-eval-last-expression' conflict

Stas Boukarev stassats at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 20:13:01 UTC 2011

MON KEY <monkey at sandpframing.com> writes:

> On SBCL querying the `CL:TYPE-OF' for `CL:*STANDARD-OUTPUT*' returns with
> conflicting values for the Emacs commands `slime-eval-print-last-expression' and
> `slime-eval-last-expression'
> From an non-repl slime buffer evaluating the following form:
>   (type-of *standard-output*)
> with Emacs command `slime-eval-print-last-expression' returns:
> Whereas, evaluating the same form:
>   (type-of *standard-output*)
> with Emacs command `slime-eval-last-expression' returns:
> Evaluating any of the following from a terminal or Emacs' *inferior-lisp*:
> * (type-of *standard-input*)
> * (type-of *standard-output*)
> * (synonym-stream-symbol *standard-output*)
>   => SB-SYS:*STDOUT*
> With the assumption that this is a bug I've reported this to lauchpad
> as bug 729286:
> :SEE (URL `https://bugs.launchpad.net/slime/+bug/729286')
I don't see any conflict. Two commands are implemented differently and
use different means.
I'm actually quite surprised what could've
prompted to conclude that there is any kind of a conflict.

With Best Regards, Stas.

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