[slime-devel] Suggested minor ecl-swank diff

Matthew Mondor mm_lists at pulsar-zone.net
Sat Jan 30 09:55:46 UTC 2010


I noticed that ecl-swank depends on ECL
sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream creating unbuffered streams by
default (SBCL creates them fully buffered by default).

Although this was not yet accepted upstream, in my local ECL tree,
socket streams are created buffered by default like for SBCL (since ECL
socket code was designed to be SBCL compatible, this was an annoyance
for me).

So I suggest the following change in case upstream ECL default behavior
also eventually changes to be more SBCL-compatible.  This would also
prevent me from having to merge my minor local change when I update

In buffered mode, with the current state of ECL swank code, emacs hangs
when loading slime.  This simple patch fixes this.  It'd ideally be
best to fix the ECL swank code to use a buffered mode for performance
(and for cleaner syscall trace reports, which are now encumbered by
single-character I/O), but that would be a more complex change.

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