[slime-devel] CMUCL: how to start slime in cl-user

N. Raghavendra raghu at mri.ernet.in
Sat May 16 05:00:46 UTC 2009

Slime with CMUCL starts the Slime REPL in the `swank' package, and the
inferior lisp in the `cl-user' package.  Is there a way to get the Slime
REPL also to start CMUCL in the `cl-user' package?  I've tried without

(defun nr-cmucl-init-command (port-filename coding-system)
  "Return a string to initialize CMUCL.
This is a modified version of `slime-init-command' from `slime.el'."
  (let ((loader (if (file-name-absolute-p slime-backend)
                  (concat slime-path slime-backend)))
        (encoding (slime-coding-system-cl-name coding-system)))
    (format "%S\n\n"
               (load ,(expand-file-name loader) :verbose t)
               (funcall (read-from-string "swank-loader:init"))
               (funcall (read-from-string "swank:start-server")
                        :coding-system ,encoding)
               (in-package "CL-USER")))))

(setq slime-lisp-implementations
      '((cmucl ("/opt/bin/lisp") :init nr-cmucl-init-command)))


N. Raghavendra <raghu at mri.ernet.in> | http://www.retrotexts.net/
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | http://www.mri.ernet.in/
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